Ye Xiao asked Qianyu to do it!

Qianyu moved her hands without hesitation, she hated the two of them to the core.

If Ye Xiao hadn't stopped him, he would have already made a move just now and directly killed the two of them.

The two were pushed into the pit, and Qianyu buried the two of them with soil, leaving only their heads outside!

"There's no one here!" Ye Xiao threw a dagger to Qianyu, "You can choose to bury them immediately, let them both die in suffocation, or you can choose to bleed them and watch them bleed. Die by light, as for how you want them to die, it's entirely up to you...!"


The dagger fell in front of Qianyu.

Qianyu picked up the dagger, and without hesitation, slashed blood on the necks of the two!

"I have patience and will slowly watch them bleed!" Qian Yu said, "Thank you, leave the rest to me, I won't drag you into the water!"

"Drag me into the water?" Ye Xiao laughed when he heard Qianyu's words, "I didn't feel that you dragged me into the water, I think I just did what I was supposed to do... oh, when you're done. After them, come to me, and I will arrange for you to meet someone who can take care of you."

"I don't need to take care of me." Qian Yu said, "I've become like this, a monster. Now, I don't have any wishes!"

"Maybe it can help you become a human!" Ye Xiao said.

"Can I be human?"

"I just said that there is a possibility, that old man will stop being powerful!" Ye Xiao said, "It is the old man who killed Qi'er!"

Qianyu did not speak.

She had seen how powerful the old man was, powerful and terrifying.

Maybe, he really can!

The person Ye Xiao said was Uncle An.

"Uncle An, this little girl has a very pitiful background. For her pitiful sake, keep her on Xiaolu Island!" Ye Xiao said, "You always need a helper by your side, right? There is also a person who reported to me!"


Uncle An was amused by Ye Xiao's words!

"Even if you can't do it first, I won't do it!" Uncle An said, "Old man, my body is tough."

"Uncle An, am I kidding you? Who doesn't know that you are in good health and live longer!" Ye Xiao praised Uncle An, "I just said that this little girl needs you to treat her illness. !"


"Half-vampire!" Ye Xiao said here, and whispered again, "Wuming prefers this kind of girl, what if Wuming falls in love with her? You can help them match up at that time!"

"Hmph, don't give me so many reasons, don't you just want me to treat her?" Uncle An immediately saw what Ye Xiao meant, but Ye Xiao didn't deny it, and said with a smile, "An Uncle, I knew you were smart, and you could see through my mind at once, I really just want you to help her treat her, how about it? Can it be cured?"

"Try it." Uncle An said, "She is a human, so it's not that she has no chance, you can keep her."

"Okay!" Ye Xiao agreed.

Uncle An asked Qianyu to stay, just to show that Uncle An could treat Qianyu.

Ye Xiao's heart was relieved.

Du Hanshuang was seriously injured and was treated in the hospital. Ye Xiao and Zhang Xueyao specially went to the hospital to visit Du Hanshuang. Du Hanshuang had undergone surgery and was recuperating in the hospital.

Ye Xiao prepared several prescriptions for Du Hanshuang, these prescriptions can make Du Hanshuang's injury recover faster.

"Du Hanshuang, you need to be healed in the hospital. After you recover, come back to be a bodyguard for Xueyao." Ye Xiao said!

"I failed to protect Zhang Xueyao."

Du Hanshuang felt guilty.

She thought that she could not protect Zhang Xueyao well and almost hurt Zhang Xueyao, all of which were her responsibility.

"Du Hanshuang, you don't have to blame yourself." Ye Xiao said, "Don't say it's you, even if there are ten men who are stronger than you, I am afraid they are not the opponents of those people. They are monsters created by Xu Kai, but, Those monsters have been eliminated, and there will be no more in the future."

"But I think I need to make myself stronger." Du Hanshuang said, "When my injury is healed, I will train hard to make myself stronger."

"Alright then." Ye Xiao didn't force Du Hanshuang.

He could understand Du Hanshuang's mood.

Du Hanshuang just wanted to make her stronger and better protect Zhang Xueyao.

"I have long thought that you want to make yourself stronger." Ye Xiao said, "When you are healed, I will send you to a specialized school for training!"

Ye Xiao and Zhang Xueyao came out of the hospital and got into the car.

Until now, Zhang Xueyao asked, "You just said you were going to send Du Hanshuang to a specialized school for training. Did you say it casually, or was it true?"

"Of course it's true." Ye Xiao said!

"But Du Hanshuang is already very strong, what other school can make Du Hanshuang stronger?" Zhang Xueyao asked.

"Elite school." Ye Xiao said, "This is a school I'm planning. The school is located in Ningzhou. Xue Yao, I'm going back to Ningzhou tomorrow, and I'll stay for a while!"

Ningzhou is Ye Xiao's hometown!

"Do you need me to accompany you back?" Zhang Xueyao asked.

"Do you want to?" Ye Xiao suddenly asked.

Zhang Xueyao paused for a while and said, "I want to see Grandpa."

The grandfather she mentioned was Ye Jiangshan.

"Then arrange the work in your hand, we will go back to Ningzhou tomorrow." Ye Xiao said.


Two cars parked in front of the prison!

Tian Shaoyang walked into the prison with two men!

He's here to visit.

Tian Haowen and Tian Peng are both detained in this prison, and Tian Shaoyang is the only one left in the Tian family! Tian Shaoyang has always been regarded as a playboy, and no one will look at Tian Shaoyang.

When the Tian family was in power, many people touted him around Tian Shaoyang, opening one's mouth as "Tian Shaoyang" and shutting up as "Brother Shaoyang", but now that the Tian family has lost power, those people are eager to stay away from Tian Shaoyang.

Tian Shaoyang can really understand what the world is like!

This period was the worst day for him.

Tian Shaoyang came to see his father Tian Peng.

From the time Tian Peng was taken in to his sentence, the Tian family never saw Tian Peng. Today is the first time that Tian Shaoyang has really met his father alone.

Tian Peng is obviously old.

He suddenly aged more than ten years!

However, the moment Tian Peng saw Tian Shaoyang, a sharp light appeared in his eyes again, and it seemed that he had returned to Tian Peng, the feared boss at the time.

"Dad, the situation of the Tian family is very bad now!" Tian Shaoyang said, "A lot of people come to collect debts, and those who expected our family to live at the time wanted to step on us hard..."

Tian Peng's eyes looked at Tian Shaoyang, "Shaoyang, you go to Wu Tianfa and let him come to see me!"

"Dad, the Wu family refuses to see me at all!" Tian Shaoyang said, "Yueru is even scolding me directly now!"

"Hmph, just tell him, if he refuses to see me, don't blame me for being rude!" Tian Peng said, "If the fish die and the net is broken, their Wu family will also die!"