2023 Chapter 21: Money jar vs little aunt (finale)

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CC, the fastest update farm woman, don't be too sweet!

I heard the sound, Qianzhuang's heart stood down, sitting on the window sill, just talking with a window, talking to the people inside.

"Little aunt, are you angry with me?"

"Why do I have your heart?"

"I didn't go to Xinghua Village this year."

Qin Yi is actually slept, but it is not possible to fall asleep.

I heard the movie and static and stunned and loudized the bed.

The man is sitting outside, sitting on the window sill, did not see the silhouette of the window.

He thought that it was good to look at the sex of a little aunt.

"Why not come?"

she says.

She said this sentence, big out of his accident.

Qianzhuang stunned, I didn't know how to explain.

Interpretation is shameful.

- The sound opened by the window, directly scared the Qianzhuang, turned to see the past, and the woman is quiet.

There are months tonight, the moonlight is gentle.

She stands on the window back, the head of the head is falling down, just illuminates her backlight expression, the eyes of the eyebrows are gentle, laugh, and like intoxicating the moonlight.

"Small, little aunt ..."

If you are confused, the Qianzhuang is close to the windowsill, close to the windowsill, nearly touched her breath.

It's hot, like a fire burning.

"Why not come?"

She asked again.

"... I said that I am .

Rao is that Qin Yi is not surprised, hesishes such an answer, and the smile is also stagnant.

For a long time, Qin Yi is only opened, "How?"

"I can't eat the swan meat.

The opposite man is sincere to almost stupid, in front of her, the cis is not decorated.

"Small can,"

Qinyi hangs down the scorpion, covering the whispering, "My mother is an ordinary farmer in Apricot, and the family is small, in addition to other.

In the future, I married, I was looking for the door, and I was also an ordinary farmer.

Qianjia Gao Gate House, in the future, your wife, is it a Qianjin Miss with a high right weight? "

"I have to plant apricot in the village!"

In that, let Qianzhuang's heart like something, but also stab, "I go back to farm!"

If she thinks so, if she is an ordinary farmer, he will farm farm!

Qin Yi food refers to Yau white fiber, click on the window sill, and the fingertips is not ruled. "But my brother is Nanling Wang and Wang Hao, counting this layer of relationship, I have to be a nobles, if you want to marry, threshold Can be broken by a giant aristocracy ... "

Thinking of the future of the giants who will give her the giants of her threshold, Qianzhuang bite the teeth.

I won't be bad than any giants!

"You can throw away the rich and wealthy doing farmers, can also sail armor to be a general ... I can get out, how can I fight?"


The woman lifted his eyes, and the light was clear and calm. It was calm and calm, and the money was hoped, and I wanted to die.

"come here.

After the magic, Qianzhuang walked over, closer to the woman, can't hate the intermediate windows and windows.

The woman looked up, slap his head, and again.

Then I turned the window.

"Small jar, I didn't receive spending a hundred and twenty-six days.

"I, I will send it tomorrow morning!"

Little aunt, you wait for me, no, you sleep first, wait for me tomorrow!

The next day, the window sill opened in the morning, the woman looked at the fresh flowers in front of him, and the gentle smile overflowed his face, and the other side of the flowers smirked.

On the windowsill, the flowers are stained with morning dew, one hundred and twenty-seven.

Bading Nanling Wangfu back garden.