1789 The first seven hundred eighty-eight chapter Fan Wai: Who's young (19)

www.novelhall.com, the fastest updated peasant girl concubine, don't be too sweet the latest chapter!"Little Seven Brother, is this your other hospital in Hengzhou?"

The carriage was parked in front of an elegant courtyard on the outskirts of Hengzhou, surrounded by mountains and water, and surrounded by paddy fields, which made people feel very fresh and comfortable.

The girl in white who jumped out of the car turned around and looked around, her eyes were bright, "It feels like our Xinghua Village, we are also surrounded by mountains and green water, surrounded by rice fields, and walk out of the compound every day. Just look at the distance. Go to the rice fields in the sky and ask the cooking smoke floating in the houses of the neighbors, and you will feel very good."

Yan Rongjin got out of the car after the girl and stood next to her, staring at the bright light in her eyes, and smiled lightly, "It's better if you like it."

Uncle Peng stood behind them dutifully and sighed.

In order for the Red Bean girl to like it, the emperor smashed tens of thousands of silver to buy this other courtyard, and moved out the original host overnight.

After spending as much money as possible to smile for Bo, this kind of thing that the faint monarch would only do, he did not expect that one day would happen to the emperor.

If the people in Chaotang knew, they wouldn't know what would happen.

If he put it aside, he would exhort the emperor sharply, but now it won't work. He's too old to help him.

Moreover, he couldn't bear it.

Accompanying the emperor all the way, he knows how lonely he is.It’s only recently that I really like a woman. How can he talk to persuade him?

The emperor is decent. After all, he is no longer a teenager, and he has passed his bloody age.

Uncle Peng can only comfort himself like this.

"Go in and see?" Taking advantage of the girl's interest, Yan Rongjin proposed.

"it is good."

The Beppelin is located opposite a small village, across the river from the village, a paddy field.

Independent of this, it is both quiet and undisturbed, and enjoys the idyllic taste.

Entering the gate, seeing the layout of the courtyard, Hongdou stared at her eyes.

The arrangement of the houses in this courtyard is almost the same as that of the Liu Family Courtyard.

The cooking room, the hall house, the single-row hospitality ear room, and the small warehouse of the other party's firewood and hay, as well as the small consultation room where the mother and wife usually visit...There are all here, all in the same position.

Suddenly, it made her feel at home.

"How come that is so coincident?"

"It's no coincidence that the owner of this house went to the Liu family compound for medical treatment many years ago. After returning, he built the other compound according to the layout of the compound." Yan Rongjin answered with a smile.

It was also because this other courtyard was the original owner’s good heart, so he only spent a lot of money, and finally he asked the local officials to buy the house.

"The owner of the house? Did you buy this other courtyard?" Hongdou was surprised.

Seeing the man nodding, Hongdou's mouth twitched, "That must be expensive?"

She is not a fool who does not understand the market. She has been influenced by Uncle Gold since childhood, and she can assess the value of many things at a glance.

The man’s slender palms touched her head, "She is happy."

The heart of the red bean trembles slightly.

Again this sentence.

Like this, she has heard from him several times.

"Little Seven, you are so kind to me!" Such words slipped out smoothly.

Yan Rongjin laughed a little stunnedly, "You were like this when you were a kid.

You are so good, you are great, so good!——It's the most common mantra of the little doll in his memory, which caused people around him to love her more.

After being dismantled, Hongdou laughed with his tongue out, turned and walked away.

"Brother Seven is coming, let's go to the backyard!"