A middle-aged man with a quaint appearance is processing the case file.

He is stern, unsmiling, and there is only a sense of righteousness between his eyebrows and eyes.

It is now the censorship of Qinzhou, the former Qinglong Yizheng Tai, Zhou Bolong!

Since Zhou Bolong returned from the barren state, he came to Qinzhou to do this censorship inspection.

It has been several months.

He was born slightly cold, and he was able to get to this point.

It can be said that the appreciation of the first emperor Zhou Huang is inseparable.

Therefore, Zhou Bolong has always been conscientious, and wants to repay his knowledge.

After the fall of Emperor Zhou, the cold clan was purged by the family.

The four major academies were destroyed in one event. As a member of the Han nationality, he was naturally obliged to make a statement.

Even if he clearly knew that the letter had no effect.

Even if he knows that the letter will bring him bad luck.

But he still wrote, and he didn't hesitate to hesitate.

Some things are obviously wrong, but the world regards this matter as right. 12

Whoever comes out is a fool.

But Zhou Bolong still worked hard to become this fool...

After being exiled to the barren state, he originally thought he would be in the barren state for the rest of his life.

But who could have imagined that Shen Chao's order to resuscitate him.

It also made him the inspector of Qinzhou!

To be honest, Zhou Bolong was very resistant to this appointment in his heart.

He doesn't like the Chu family.

In his opinion, after the imperial clan became weak, the Chu clan tried their best to assist the imperial clan, establish a world-less great cause, and continue the kingdom of Zuo from the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Instead of completely devouring the authority of the imperial clan, trying to usurp the throne!

Of course, Zhou Bolong also knew that all this was his wishful thinking.

For these top-tier gatekeepers, interest is the most important...

Although he didn't like the Chu clan, but after receiving the order from Shenchao.

Zhou Bolong still went to Qinzhou as the inspector.

Because this is still the order of the Great Zhou Dynasty, he, as a citizen of the Great Zhou Dynasty, should obey it.

After serving as the inspector, Zhou Bolong also worked hard to rectify the official style.

have to say. Zhou Bolong is also a competent official.

In Qinzhou, he has also made outstanding achievements...


Zhou Bolong looked at the Di Bao he was holding.

Although he is far away from the imperial capital now, he still cares about the situation of the imperial capital.

He had already made up his mind if the Chu clan really usurped the throne.

Even people in the world dare not say anything.

He also stepped forward and scolded the Chu family angrily!

Even if this decision will make him fall into hell...

But the scholar died for the confidant, this is also the last thing he can do for the first emperor Zhou Huang!

Looking at the Di Bao in his hand, Zhou Bolong's expression became more and more gloomy.

The great purge of the Imperial Capital is still going on...

It seems that someone is determined and uprooted the final power of the emperor clan in the dynasty!

And Zhou Bolong's heart also gave birth to despair. WeChat Mini Program

When the power of the emperor clan vanishes, it means that the day of usurping the throne by the Chu clan is really not far away!

Suddenly, Zhou Bolong's eyes condensed, and his body trembled slightly.

In the Di Bao, he also saw the news of his best friend Fu Qi.

"Taifu Temple Zuo Ling Fu Qi secretly funded demon repairs, conspired to destroy the nine tribes!"

Zhou Bolong's eyes suddenly showed extreme sadness.

Old friend...

Didn't you even escape from the poisonous hand...

Fu Qi is his best confidant, as early as his youth, they were close friends.

Now that he sees his old friends being slaughtered, how can Zhou Bolong feel pain in his heart!

But the next moment, Zhou Bolong's pupils suddenly shrank, full of incredible expressions.

Because there is another sentence under the Di Bao.

"Inspector, Fu Zhou Taiyue in Tiqi Mansion Town!"

Zhou Taiyue...

his son?

how can that be! ?

Zhou Bolong's first reaction was that he might have the same name.

After all, there are countless lives in the imperial capital, and many people with the same name. WeChat Mini Program