From now on, he will no longer be that Zhou Taiyue of the past.

But an avenger who can do whatever it takes to get revenge!

"Only if you can get revenge, it doesn't matter no matter how much you sacrifice.

Otherwise, wouldn't those who sacrificed before have been sacrificed in vain? "

Zhou Taiyue whispered and walked out of the hall quickly.

Outside the hall, many Tiqi rides prayed: "Master Zhenfu!".

Chapter 340 Mad Dog

Song Yuan Road smiled and said, "My lord, there are 427 people in Fu's house, and none of them escaped.

Now they are all imprisoned.

Hehe, I am afraid that the promotion won't be too long for the adults to make such a great achievement.

Congratulations to your subordinates! "

Zhou Taiyue was expressionless, and said lightly: "Which other family has committed a conspiracy, kill them all."

Upon hearing this, Song Yuanlu's eyes suddenly showed a look of surprise.

Can't help but look at Zhou Taiyue again-a few glances.

He knew the relationship between Zhou Taiyue and Fu Mansion.

To be honest, he was watching good shows from the beginning.

But he didn't expect that Zhou Taiyue would be able to destroy the crowd without blinking in the face of his family acquaintances!

And now he has offered to wipe out the remaining cold races...

Either this person is at the extreme.

Then it can endure to the extreme!

But no matter what it is, it is an unprovokable existence...

Song Yuanlu said with emotion, half disdain and half admiration: "The adults will definitely be able to occupy a place in the gods in the future!"


The imperial capital is still shrouded in a cloud of terror.

Many forces involved in the imperial palace case that day have all disappeared.

Tanglin Bo Mansion, General Renwu Mansion, Bafanghou Mansion, Qi State Gong Mansion...

These first-class big lords, which were prominent in the past, have been destroyed once and for all.

Moreover, the clansmen of these imperial capitals also occupy high positions in the gods, and now they have been implicated to death.

In the entire sacred dynasty, suddenly there was a lot of empty space.

Fortunately, there were many deputy officials in various positions of the Shen Dynasty, and the chief official was killed.

The deputy will handle official duties on behalf of the chief officer.

Therefore, the gods can also function normally.

It's just that all officials are panic...

Although everyone hopes that this catastrophe can end with the destruction of these sects.

But the cleaning is far from over!

The hundreds of thousands of Tiqimen in Tiqi Mansion seem to be crazy.

Madly biting officials.

Except for those top cliques who did not dare to provoke Tiqi Mansion, those Han officials didn't know how much they had been destroyed.

Even some small families are poisonous hands who can't escape Tiqi Mansion!

To be honest, Tiqi Mansion is not a critical yamen, and its authority is not heavy.

In the past, it only cooperated with the Imperial Capital Mansion and Dali Temple.

There is no authority in itself.

But now Tiqi Mansion is rapidly expanding, and the authority is amazing!

Even Dali Temple, which is in charge of punishment in Zhongzhou, has to be cautious in front of Tiqi Mansion...

The admiral of Tiqi Mansion is the chief in charge of the entire Tiqi Mansion.

But before, the admiral of Tiqi Mansion was only a fourth grade.

But now Tiqi Mansion is not what it used to be. It is not only that Tiqi Mansion has the authority to go to prison but Dali Temple.

Even the admiral of Tiqi Mansion has also been promoted from the fourth rank to the third rank!

Become a member second only to Jiuqing!

Even Jiuqing had to be polite when facing the admiral of Tiqi Mansion. WeChat Mini Program

The name Zhou Taiyue began to appear frequently in the eyes of the world.

It’s just not a good name, but a bad name...

Tiqi Mansion charged Luo everywhere and murdered Zhongliang, and many Han officials were murdered to death.

Although the aristocratic family has always been opposed to the Han clan.

But seeing this scene can't help but feel some palpitations and sympathy.

Among the many tweeted rides, Taiyue has been the most eye-catching for several weeks.

This five-tier town caretaker, who was born out of nowhere, has handled several major cases one after another in just a few days.

Nearly ten cold races were destroyed in his hands.

There is even a three-tier courtroom doctor among them!

Because of this, Zhou Taiyue also received the appreciation of Tiqi Mansion, and he became a fourth-rank commander directly from the fifth-rank town.