It was a lush forest, verdant and lush.

"You, who are you!" A terrified voice came over. Ling Yun looked over to see that under a big tree in the forest, a vulgar looking man had spoken.

At this moment, the man's expression was extremely terrified, as if he had seen a ghost. It wasn't for anything but because he didn't notice anyone in the vicinity, and a person immediately appeared in front of him. This feeling was like seeing a ghost in broad daylight. He could not help but feel terrified.

"Damn it, consider yourself unlucky!" Seeing that there was a unconscious girl tied to a big tree next to the wretched man, how could Ling Yun not know what had happened? After scanning for a while, the Spiritual Bead realized that there were no experts, and relaxed immediately, muttering to himself, it rushed towards the man.

This kind of scum, Ling Yun did not have any psychological pressure on him at all.

"Spare me, ghost grandpa ah no, immortals spare me, immortals spare me, no!" The man screamed in fear, but how could the man with the cultivation of Yellow Level resist, in an instant, Ling Yun had sucked all of his Qi into him, and he died under Ling Yun's palm. Divine Power of the North could only absorb Inner Qi and not life, but this kind of scum wanted to keep him here, so Ling Yun casually took his life.

"Phew, it's fine." Ling Yun went forward to untie the rope the woman was tied to her body. After inspecting it, he discovered that her clothes had only been torn and not humiliated, he unconsciously heaved a sigh of relief.

After waking up the girl, he saw that her eyelids had twitched and immediately left in a flash.

"Where am I? What happened? " The girl woke up and tried hard to recall what had happened.

"Benefactor, many thanks. This little girl will never forget benefactor's kindness!" When the woman recalled what had happened and realized that she wanted to thank her benefactor for saving her life, where else could she find her benefactor?

"Little Qian, how many crystals can I have in my current realm?" Ling Yun, who was not far away from us, asked the Little Qian in his mind. was very happy after learning that Lei Feng did good deeds without leaving a name.

"Excluding the expenses, Brother Ling, your original world could only absorb 20,552 crystals. This time, you can only absorb 105 crystals. There is a total of 20,657 crystals in your world." Seeing Ling Yun's mood, the corner of Little Qian's mouth curled into a smile, and he reported truthfully.

"20657 crystals. Looks like good people are indeed rewarded well." Ling Yun was in a great mood, and upon seeing the girl, he calmly left.

Just thinking about the lighter that was placed beside Yang Wenwei, a strange expression appeared on Ling Yun's face. He wondered if Yang Wenwei could still adapt to this high-tech product.

As for the porcelain bottle, Ling Yun had written clearly on the paper that there was a healing pill inside. Although he couldn't completely restore Yang Wenwei to her original state, he could still somewhat recover from her injuries.

According to Little Qian's instructions, he asked everywhere that his hard work had paid off, and Ling Yun finally found the place where the Mao family's Six Fiends were garrisoned.

At the same time, Ling Yun also found out that it was just as she had guessed, that his matter had caused many innocent people to be implicated. Ling Yun was even more uneasy.

However, knowing the Mao's Six Fiends' lair, Ling Yun was not in a hurry to pick it out. There was no other reason. Facing the Mao Family Patriarch and the crafty Mao Family Lao Er, as well as the hundreds of Mao Family bandits, not even a Heaven Level Master would dare to say that they would be able to escape unscathed. However, acting recklessly did not solve the problem, so Ling Yun did not dare to let his guard down.

After finding an inn, he instructed the shop owner to not disturb him, Ling Yun then rested and recovered his energy.

The shopkeeper and the waiters all thought that it was rather strange for this person to stay at the inn during the day. However, they had already met with such a rare sight before, so why would they ask so much? Since he had the money, he wouldn't bother to bother Ling Yun since he had nothing to do.

It is worth mentioning here, because the time in this world is out of sync with that in the world of the Dragon Slayer. Right now, it is midnight in the Dragon Slayer, but in the Dragon Slayer, it is daytime.

After resting for a few hours in the tavern, having a casual meal, he asked the shop assistant to buy a horse. After rewarding the shop assistant and paying the bill, Ling Yun headed towards the Black Fiend Ridge, where the Mao brothers resided.

At the same time, in a certain cave within the world of the《 Heavenly Dragon Slaying Mountain》, Yang Wenwei was slowly awakening.

"Hmm? "What is this?" Yang Wenwei slowly woke up. When he reached out his hand to touch something, it was as if he had touched something. She sat up and grabbed it, and at the same time her coat slipped off.

Rubbing his eyes, under the weak light of the fire, Yang Wenwei saw clearly that it was a small porcelain bottle, a piece of paper with the word "brush" written on it, and some unknown little thing. Although he did not know how Ling Yun managed to leave that note behind, but after thinking about his previous performance, Yang Wenwei felt relieved.

Moving the paper closer, Yang Wenwei could also barely make out the words on the paper. It was naturally about Ling Yun leaving without saying goodbye and the use of the things in the small porcelain bottle that he had left behind.

After reading the note, he then looked at the porcelain bottle that Ling Yun left behind and the jacket that had fallen on the ground. Yang Wenwei's eyes reddened and she muttered: "This guy." He then unscrewed the bottle, took out a finger-sized white pill and swallowed it without hesitation. Because she believed that Ling Yun would definitely not harm her.

Then, a warm feeling spread throughout Yang Wenwei's body, accompanied by waves of pain.

In just an instant, the heat and the piercing pain disappeared without a trace, as if they had never appeared. Yang Wenwei was pleasantly surprised to find that his injuries had healed by more than half.

"There is actually such a divine medicine in this world?" Yang Wenwei was both surprised and happy. Although he was puzzled over how Ling Yun had obtained such a divine medicine, he was mostly filled with gratitude and felt an unprecedented emotion.

To be able to give such a life-saving miracle medicine to him, even the care and concern of his parents couldn't compare to this. A favor like this was truly something that he couldn't repay unless …

As if he had thought of something, and added to the fact that the light from the flames was faint, Yang Wenwei's face revealed a scarlet red blush.

Let's not talk about Yang Wenwei for the time being. In the other martial arts world, amongst the 'Heroic Vanguard', Ling Yun had finally reached Black Fiend Mountain Range after travelling for several kilometers and another twenty to thirty miles.

"We've finally arrived!" In an open area at the foot of the mountain, Ling Yun said as he sat on the horse's back and looked at the faintly discernible Mao Family stronghold.

"It's time. This time, we must eliminate all future troubles, lest we implicate the innocent again." After waiting for a moment of thought, Ling Yun made up his mind and rode his horse forward.

At the same time, in a certain room in the Mao family's village, a few people were gathered as if discussing something. They had no idea that the grim reaper had already approached them step by step.