Xu Bo Han used a vague nasal "um" voice, "it's quite a coincidence, so do you want to invite me to dinner?"



An LAN rolled a white eye, "judge Xu, how short of money do you want to decorate? You have to pit me for dinner."

"Once you enter the decoration, it's as deep as the sea."


Is decoration so expensive.

Don't think she hasn't been decorated.

"It's OK to have dinner," Anlan said after thinking about it for a while, "but we have to have a little wine."

“…… I don't drink. I prefer to be sober and calm. "Xu Bohan's eyes showed a conflict." you women also drink less bars. Drinking can hurt your health. Some problems can't be solved by drinking. This is an escape problem. "

An LAN rolled a white eye, "I don't think this is escape, just want to vent for a while, you don't go even if, I find someone else."

She said and began to look for her cell phone from her bag.

Xu was silent for a moment when she thought she didn't know who to drink with. She said, "I can go with you, but I don't drink."

"What do you want to accompany me to do," an LAN was upset, "what I want is a person to accompany me to drink."

"I can send you back," Xu Baohan replied calmly.

An LAN was stunned, suddenly approached him two steps, beautiful corners of the mouth rippled with a smile rather than a smile, "men send women back generally hold an improper purpose, judge Xu, what do you want to do, do you like me?"

Xu Baohan looked at her calmly and indifferently, "it is the duty of every judicial officer to ensure the safety of citizens, and I can understand your mood. Sometimes Don't care too much about what others say, just be worthy of it. "

An LAN Zheng Zheng Zheng, suddenly remembered that once heard of his faint past, he also had the same mood as himself.

"You say Are we legal workers? Sometimes people think that we are cold-blooded and merciless, "she asked blankly." if you want to sue An Ning, you will be scolded by people outside. If you don't, you will be scolded by your parents. If you don't come to the mental hospital if you're crazy, you can't come to the mental hospital. No matter how hard we try, we will always be criticized. "

All along, an LAN in Xu Bo Han's impression is fierce, and now standing in front of him, an LAN's eyes are short and fragile.

Xu Bo Han Mou Guang himself also did not notice the slight change of softness.

If it had not happened today, he might not have seen the family behind her.

Just like him.

"This society You need to be cold when you need to. "

Xu Bo Han slowly said, "your parents don't need to pay much attention to their ideas. Although I don't know them, I think they are very pedantic and self righteous. In the new era, there are unmarried people, DINK people and homosexuals. Those who will look down on you are often incompetent. Some people think that they are married and face saving It's OK, but it's embarrassing to close the door. What we often encounter in this industry is the worst. "

An LAN is stunned. Think about it carefully.

I don't know how many couples have been sued. Ordinary people have it, and so do stars.

"Yes, thank you, judge Xu," an LAN smiles at him.

I really appreciate him from the bottom of my heart. I didn't expect that he would say such words in his mouth.

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