Jiang Yuning frowned. "So they're back to life again?"

"I don't know," Uncle Han was helpless. "But this kind of criminal syndicate is not completely eliminated, just like Xiaoqiang who can't be killed. Your father said before that a group of biologists gathered in Vietnam to get the plan for the revival of the juvier weevil. Once they revive this animal of the last century, it will bring them endless profits."

Jiang took a breath. "Do they want to warn me about Nian Xi or Just by chance. "

"Don't think about it," Uncle Han said. "I'll contact Interpol. Maybe it's just about guns."

"Well," said Jiang Yu Ning in a fretful mood. "Today, Nian Xi proposed to me. I want to have a good relationship with her."

"That's not very good "Uncle Han said half, suddenly stunned," she proposed to you, is not you

"Well, she asked first."


After a long time, uncle Han coughed gently, "Miss Nian is not an ordinary woman, she is a heroine in women. She is a perfect match with you."

"I also think so," Jiang Yuning laughed, but in less than three seconds, she fell down again. "She is so special, so I don't want to hurt her because of my own affairs."

"No, and miss Nian is not an ordinary person," Uncle Han comforted him. His husband finally met a woman he liked. If something happened, could he bear it with his heart in the future.


The next morning, Jiang Yuning had a class in Xiada. Originally, he wanted to give up, but Nian Xi said it was unnecessary for her to accompany him. After all, it was boring to stay at home every day, and sometimes she had to go out to breathe fresh air.

Naturally, Jiang Yuning readily agreed. He always thought that Nian Xi, as a police officer, lacked enough knowledge and should learn more. Of course, he would never tell Nian Xi about these ideas, for fear that she would not be happy.

The time to school is still there. After Jiang Yuning stops his car, he pushes Nian Xi to walk leisurely in the campus.

Many students in the school know Jiang Yuning, but they are not familiar with Nian Xi. After all, except for the investigation, she seldom comes to the school. She usually dates Jiang Yuning outside.

However, Nian Xi soon noticed that some little girls who walked by would keep looking back at Jiang Yuning.

"Who, your school grass, so handsome," a female companion unconsciously exclaimed.

"Don't talk nonsense. That's a visiting professor in the Department of physics. My God, how did Professor Jiang find a lame man to be his girlfriend during the Spring Festival? I knew that he had such a low demand for a girlfriend. I should have volunteered at the beginning."

"You pull it down. You can see that her girlfriend is lame, but she has beautiful features and looks good."

"Oh, it's a whole year. Who's not good-looking? By the way, Professor Jiang must come to the school to give lectures today. I won't accompany you to play. I'll take up my seat."

"Crouch, you go to physics class as an ocean department. Are you kidding me? Do you understand me?"

"I don't understand. I can lick the screen."


Nian Xi's ear is sharp. The people in front of him want to be angry, but he calms down and looks at the clean and elegant man behind him. He thinks that others are jealous of the fruits of red fruits.

"Xi Xi, what's the matter?" Jiang Yuning looked back at her and immediately bent down.

"You look handsome," Nian Xi said with a smile. "Jiang Yuning, how can you look so pretty?"

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