"I didn't treat you as a machine," he explained anxiously. "I swear, I am Like girls... "

He can't tell her that your brother has a daughter. He envies him.

"I know you like girls, but what if the next baby is a boy," Lausanne asked. "Do you still let me have it until it's a girl?"

In other families, there is a heart to give birth to a boy to carry on the family line. When he comes to him, he has to shout for a girl. Lausanne really doesn't know what to say about him. But when he said these words, did he ever think about his promise and stand in his own perspective.

"I will not "I don't really think of you as a fertility machine," he explained

Lausanne rubbed his eyebrows and wryly laughed, "Jun Ting, can you think more about me? I gave you a baby before I graduated from university. How many students in the Department went out to look for jobs after graduation. When others worked hard in the workplace, I gave birth to children at home. Now, after a year and a half, the outside world has changed dramatically. Those students who were not as good as me are now One by one, I left me behind. I went out to work and had to start again. I'm just getting better. You want me to go back to my family and have children. Yes, you are a man. You have a successful career. You don't care. Just give a sperm. But I feel that I have achieved nothing except marriage. "

"You just want to dub it? I can say hello to you..."

"If you're going backwards, you can get a play if you say hello, but will others be satisfied with it?" Lausanne interrupted impatiently. "If you wait for me to have a second child, do you think there is any place in this circle that I can set foot in? The industry is moving forward every day. You don't have to tell me that you have money and can support me all my life, but women must have their own business Industry. "

In this era, once a woman becomes a housewife, you can only rely on a man. You can't say that you don't believe in the feelings of an average man. But in a man's eyes, maybe you will gradually become boring, and who can guarantee that the future will be so long after all.

"I thought you knew me," Lausanne continued, "why do you have to have a baby now, and you can't talk about it in the future. If I don't give you a daughter, it will be a lump in your heart."

"Lolo, don't say that," Niang Ting didn't expect that she would react so much, "you don't want to be born, you don't need to Get excited. "

"Because A few days ago, I liked the dubbing of a classic character. As a result, I was eliminated in the final audition, "Lausanne's brow drooped." when I came back after giving birth to a child, I felt that many of them couldn't keep up with it. I had to learn again. I could remember it at a glance. Now my memory is much worse. I'm very scared. "

Annual Ting stopped the car and held her hand, "you didn't tell me."

"If you say it's useful, if you don't have your own skills, you can only continue to work hard," Lausanne said bitterly, "and it's really hard to conceive in October."

“…… I'm sorry, "he suddenly remembered the day she gave birth to her baby. She curled up in bed in pain, and her face turned pale with tears.

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