"Yes," Nian Xi was beaming. "My river is so powerful, but Yu Ning is more powerful. So you should not force me to make blind dates before. The best thing is always behind."

"Well, you are lucky to be lucky," Murong said.

Lausanne is ashamed. Recently, she found that nianxi and dianyanting have one thing in common, that is, they are very high-profile.


At six o'clock, dajiangjiang is busy in the kitchen. Lausanne looks at its busy and neat figure in the kitchen. As a woman, she really admires Nian Xi.

Boyfriends not only look handsome, but also a variety of high-tech products can be developed, it is a dream of Doraemon.

And my husband.

She looked at the annual thunder on the sofa and sighed.

Sitting back on the sofa, annual Ting suddenly pulled her over and asked coolly, "what eyes did you just look at?"

“…… Adoring eyes, "Lausanne said against his heart.

"Good boy," said Niang Ting, touching her head and biting her ear root in her ear, "I know you envy, but this kind of thing is dead. Is there any sister LAN in our family who is simple and honest and cute? Does sister LAN take care of children? What's more, Jiang Yuning will only send this kind of robot to satisfy her. Is it a man to accompany a woman, warm the bed and meet the physiological needs of each other Do you think I have a point? "

Lausanne was stunned by what he said, and felt as if it was that.

Just about to answer, Murong Cheng said, "you know we're going to come here to clean the house, don't you? It's so clean."

"No, Yuning came to clean it yesterday," Nian Xi said.

Murong Cheng surprised, "he also cleaned you?"

"Yes, he cleans more than the cleaners you used to hire for me. He also washed all the sheets in my room last weekend," Nian Xi You sighed. "I think I may be spoiled by him."

Lausanne choked the words in his throat and looked silently at the thunder.

"I washed your underwear," he whispered


So it is.

Lausanne held back.

At this time, the kitchen suddenly came a huge movement, but only for a few seconds, the crackling of a greater voice came over, people were scared.

Nian Xi rushes in to stop him. He is stopped by the annual thunder. "What are you going to do? It's not a living person. What should I do if I hurt you? I think it's very powerful and completely out of control."

"Let it smash my kitchen," Nian Xi stamped his feet in a hurry.

"Smashing the kitchen is a small matter, and it's troublesome for people to get hurt," he said.

Dajiangjiang has been smashing for a long time, and most of the kitchen has been destroyed. The trend has never stopped. Every year, he is afraid that it will make trouble in the living room. He poured a basin of water into the screen in front of Dajiang River's chest.

Inside into the water, the river stiff moved a few times, and then fell to the ground.

Every year, Ting tried to find out the reason. He suddenly raised his arm by the side of the stopped river. He punched him in the chest and beat him out of the distance of one meter.

"Husband, are you all right?" Lausanne was startled and quickly helped him up.

Every year, he swore a few low words. He only felt that he had lived so long. For the first time, he was so shameless in front of his own woman. Just as soon as he moved, his chest hurt badly. Fortunately, Dajiang river did not move any more.

It's just that the kitchen has been smashed everywhere.

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