Jiang Yuning nodded, "we must catch him."

Nian Xi hesitated and said, "you may be required to testify in court at that time, because you and I are at the scene of the crime, and your identity will certainly be convincing."

"If you let me go, I'll go," said Jiang Yuning in a smart and obedient manner.


After returning upstairs, uncle Han was immediately concerned to meet him. Seeing that he was hurt so much, he was really distressed. "Sir, I've been with you for so long, and I've never seen such a serious injury. You'll be less likely to follow her when Miss Nian handles a case."

Jiang Yuning shook his head and wrote: I didn't expect that being a police officer is so dangerous. In the future, I must make more protective weapons for her.

Uncle Han nodded, which was a good way. "Anyway, you always talk to miss Nian by writing?"

Jiang Yuning shook his head and pointed to his mouth.

You can't talk to me with your mouth, Miss Han Nian

At last, Jiang Yuning shook his head and looked at it.

Uncle Han:


Nian Xi got up the next day and received greetings from his family. Both Nian Qingyun and Murong Cheng knew what happened yesterday, and both expressed their concern.

When I arrived at the police station, I saw Feng Jichuan standing there with a grim face. Seeing her appear, he immediately walked over with her long legs. There was a trace of concern in his majestic tone, "I heard that you were trapped in the university laboratory building last night, and almost had an accident?"

"It's all right now. Thank you for your concern," Nian Xi recalled what Cheng Jing said that day. She should balance her mind in the face of Feng Jichuan. There is no need to be always mean to others.

Feng Jichuan was stunned when he heard her words, and then frowned with strong eyebrows. "I told you that the killer is a high IQ student. You should listen to me, but you still act alone with Fang Qi. Have you ever thought that if you were not lucky last night, maybe you can't stand here now. I only hope you can be honest when you handle a case in the future Be careful. When the murderer is not confirmed, anyone who is related to the case may be a hidden murderer. "

"You're right. I was really lucky last night," Nian Xi nodded and walked past him.

What happened yesterday gave Nian Xi a very important lesson, so she could not mind what he said.

"Xi Xi," Feng Jichuan said, grabbing her wrist and taking a deep breath, "I know what I said just now is not very good, but I care about you. We grew up together. I don't want you to have an accident. You don't know how scared I was when I learned about it this morning."

Nian Xi was stunned.

This kind of words is really not what Feng Jichuan would say.

"I understand, after all, do we grow up together?" Nian Xi nodded with a clear look.

"No, I found I care more about you than I thought, "Feng Jichuan's eyes showed pain." in the future, I will take good care of you and won't let anyone hurt you again. Xi Xi Xi, I used to be in the army all year round and always focused on myself, and I didn't think about your feelings. I admit that I was selfish at that time. I promise I won't. where do you want to go, I will accompany you, and I will give you what I want to eat Send it. "

Nian Xi is in a complicated mood. Feng Jichuan and she have said many times that they want to get back together. But this time, what he said can touch her most. However, these words last year or when they just broke up can make her look back. It's a pity that there is a person around her who makes her want to understand.

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