"No," Nian Xi said jokingly, "we all thought it was Christmas. My brother was going to take a nickname named" little egg ". As a result, he tried his best to get out on Christmas Eve.

Yan Su:.... "

Maybe people know his father's intention, so they come out quickly. It's not easy to rush out at the last minute.

"Well It's very casual to get the nickname of the year, "she said with a smile. She named the child" little egg ". How sad it is for a child to grow up.

Lausanne didn't like to stare at the annual Ting, "I said it shouldn't be called so. He took advantage of me to give birth to the nickname, said it was Christmas Eve called little apple, Christmas was called little egg, fortunately my son is fighting for courage."

"Boys, nicknames don't need to be so particular about, just like in ancient times, nicknames can grow up healthily and healthily only when they are cheap."

"why don't you make complaints about it?" Lausanne can't help but Tucao.

Every year, Ting threw her a cool look in his eyes, "is Ting Ting not cheap enough?"

Can Ting Ting compare with little egg.

Lausanne breathed softly. It's not only cheap. You're cheap, OK.

Yan Su said with a smile: "by the way, isn't your due date in January?"

"Early birth," Lausanne sighed. "It was fine last afternoon. During dinner, the amniotic fluid suddenly broke, but it was full-term and normal to have a baby."

"When I was born Does it hurt? " Yan Su asked tentatively.

Lausanne nodded. "I thought I was going to faint. But when I got there, I couldn't think about it so much. You just hope to have a quick birth. The small apple is a little heavy. It's about eight kilos. It's a little big. It's plain. If you're pregnant, don't let your baby grow too big. It's not easy to have a baby."

Yan Su nodded.

One side of the year Xi can't help but say: "Yan Su, why are you listening so seriously? Are you still young, early."

Mo Liuxi picked his eyebrows and looked at Yan Su. Yan Su blushed, "anyway Is a woman born sooner or later? It's no harm to listen more. By the way, what about your family? Why didn't you come? "

"I stayed here until three or four o'clock in the morning yesterday, so I asked them to come back later," he said.

Yan Su put the red envelope to the little apple and chatted with Lausanne for a while, until the little apple woke up humming.

"See if there's Baba," Lausanne said.

"Stink, I don't want to go," he said.

Lausanne glared at him angrily.

Molucci walked over, carefully picked up the small apple, opened the urine tablet, and really pulled Baba. He wiped it with a wet paper towel and replaced it with a clean urine tablet. Although the action was a little rusty and clumsy, his face did not show any disdain.

Yan Su's heart is moving. I can't imagine that he is more patient than Nian Junting in changing urine tablets. If he becomes a father in the future, he must be qualified.

At this thought, she was suddenly relieved.

Nian Xi also looked at it with great admiration. "Luchi, you are really one of the few good men I've ever met. If I'm still five or six years younger, I'm sure I'll catch up with you. Unlike my brother, when I'm a dad, it's all like this. You said that the father wouldn't change his urine, and he's also disgusted with his excrement. Don't you pull it like this yourself."

"OK, if you don't dislike it, you can come," he said.

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