"What's wrong with you, sir?" Uncle Han is very nervous. It's going to be a physics conference today. There's no problem.

"Well," Jiang Yuning lowered his head and touched his chest. "It's stuffy and uncomfortable here. It's annoying."

Uncle Han was shocked. "I haven't heard of this before. It won't be heart trouble."

Jiang Yuning shook his head.

"Does it hurt?" Han Shu asked, "can't you breathe?"

Jiang Yuning continued to shake his head.

Han Shu fell into distress, "did you experience anything before yesterday's depression, or was it suddenly boring for no reason?"

Jiang Yuning thought about it and wrote: chat with Nian Xi.

"What are you talking about?"

Jiang Yuning: ex boyfriend.

Uncle Han:

He clenched his fists and coughed bitterly. "Sir, you are not sick, you are jealous."

Jiang Yuning blinked and wrote: I don't like to be jealous and sour.

"I'm talking about you Jealous of officer Nian's ex boyfriend, "Uncle Han was helpless. A young master with zero EQ was really annoying." imagine the picture of looking for a boyfriend after officer Nian. She walked in front of you with the hand of a man. "

Jiang Yuning thought about it carefully, and suddenly felt that her chest was more stuffy than yesterday.

He gasped coarsely, then said hoarsely, "I can't breathe."

"Yes, that's it," Uncle Han nodded. "You're in love with officer Nian."

Jiang Yuning began to write again: I knew it from the beginning.


You know a fart.

Han Shuyu said: "I said this kind of love, is you want to associate with her, want to kiss her, want to hug her, want to sleep with her..."

Jiang Yu Ning's white face turned red involuntarily, and the pen holding his hand trembled a little. He nodded vigorously and wrote: Yes, I think she sleeps on the ground and wants to sleep with her on the ground.

"That's not what I'm talking about," said Han Shu, glancing out of the bathroom and whispering, "it's just that two people don't wear clothes Well You should know how to do that kind of reproduction. "

Jiang Yuning's eyes widened.

Of course he knows. Jiang Fei is a biologist, and he knows everything about the reproduction of every animal.

But this human.

He fantasized about Nian Xi's appearance of not wearing clothes for a while. His face was even worse than that just now. Although he was shy, he seemed to have a little expectation, "yes, I want to have a baby with her."

Excited, he didn't even need to write.

Uncle Han was so scared that he even had the idea of having a baby.

You can't marry a baby without a legal license, sir

"Then we will get married," Jiang Yuning nodded, but after a moment, she lowered her head again. "But she still loves her ex boyfriend. They are still working in a police station. Will they get along with each other as much as I do now?"

"No," Han Shu comforted, "since they have become ex boyfriends, it means that they are contradictory or inappropriate, and maybe the other party doesn't care about the police officer of the year. So, you should take advantage of these days to be nice to officer Nian, and let him know how good you are and how charming you are. You know, at today's global Physics Conference, you can show your best state. Officer Nian is sure You'll think you're excellent. Of course, there's seduction, charisma and seduction. You know what

"Seduction?" Jiang Yuning tightened her clothes and was shy.

Uncle Han is very satisfied with it. Men can't bear this picture. What's more, the officer who hasn't driven meat at first sight must be more thirsty.

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