"Don't, you don't move," annual Ting quickly reached out to block her, "the doctor said you should rest, I can do it myself."

"Don't fall again," Lausanne reminded.

"No, just turn on the light."

He took a cold bath in the bathroom. He woke up a little after he came out. He held Lausanne in his arms and muttered, "in the past, every party, my comrades in arms said they would go home to accompany their wives and children. Today, it's my turn to show off. Everyone looks at me with envy."

Lausanne is funny.

There's nothing to envy.

She turned her face and saw that he had closed her eyes. Her face was full of contentment. He had always put his hand on his belly.

She felt a surge of satisfaction.

But after a few minutes, it's not enough.

Every time I snore, I drink more.

She moved, the annual average Ting gently coax: "darling, baby, don't move, you can't turn somersault now."


Well, listen to the first half, thinking he's calling himself baby.


The next day, when he woke up, he received a sad look from Lausanne.

"Mr. Nian, you snored very loud last night."

The smile just overflowing from the annual thunder froze in an instant.

Lausanne had previously reported that he would snore after drinking alcohol.

It's just that he denied it all the time.

He couldn't cover up the accusation again.

"I see, you don't like my drinking, right? Use this indirect way to stop me. Don't worry, I won't drink next time."

After a few seconds, he sat up calmly.

Lausanne was speechless. He refused to admit snoring.

"By the way, have you seen the movie" Medusa "and how do you feel about it?" he suddenly asked.

Lausanne was stunned, thinking that he was forcibly changing the topic. "Yes, it's very hot. It seems that it's still the highest box office movie this year."

"Who did you go to see with?" he was not very happy.

"Yan Su, why did you mention this movie all of a sudden," Lausanne was a little puzzled.

"Well, I heard a few words at the meeting in Huzhuang yesterday."

"It's really worth seeing. It's more than 140 minutes, but the time is very tight. I don't feel any delay after watching it," Lausanne said.

Annual Ting looked at her small face, eyes involuntarily heavy.

When eating breakfast, he said casually, "Sangsang, if your family doesn't like me in the future, will you stay with me?"

"Why do you ask such questions all of a sudden," Lausanne wondered.

"Bored? Just ask."

"When your family didn't like me, didn't you ever give up on me, and so did I," said Lausanne, smiling and biting at the poached egg.

Every year, his eyes brightened.

With his words, offending the future mother-in-law is not afraid.

"But Jun Ting, do you want to go to work with a blue face like this?" Lausanne couldn't help reminding.

Every year, he was stunned. Lausanne kindly took his mobile phone and took a picture of himself. There was a piece of green on his cheek, which must have fallen on the ground last night.

This completely detracts from his handsome image.

He looked up and said, "I can't help it.".

Lausanne's powder is not too blemish.


After breakfast, Lu Kang drove over to pick him up. After seeing his cheek, he could still see, "Mr. Nian, what's your face like Did you hurt yourself drinking last night

"Do I look like a person who will make such stupid behavior? It's all Sang Sang, because I'm not happy when I come back from drinking too late, I lose my temper and bruise my face with my head," annual Ting Leng swept her eyes and got on the bus.

Lu Kang:

How can he be a little unconvinced.

You are so thick skinned, Miss Xu, a pregnant woman, dare to bump her head.

After getting on the bus, Lu Kang handed him a stack of materials, "this is the Morrison information you want."

"So fast?" "Good, progress."

Lu Kang said, "because you said you wanted to buy Yi Shi before, but Morrison took it away later. I'm afraid you can't hold your breath. I'll ask me to check her, so I've done some information before."

Every year, he bowed his head and opened up Morrison's relevant information.

Not many years ago, she appeared in the Morrison family five years ago. She was the daughter of the third son of father Morrison. She did not work in the family's iron and steel company. Instead, she often filmed some documentaries in the polar region. Three years ago, she suffered an avalanche in Antarctica. The rescue team took two days to rescue her. However, she was seriously injured and recovered after living in the hospital for half a year.

But before that, it was a blank.

So it is with molucci.

Annual average Ting carefully ponders this information.If there were only 20% doubts before, now there are 50% doubts.

Three years ago, Lausanne's brother came to Ann City to look for her.

Then suddenly there was no news.

What if the mother had an accident?

What's more, Mo Jin's previous major seems to be related to Director.

"There's another thing," Lu said. "A few days ago, Yi Jingxi was not injured. It seems that it was related to Morrison. It is said that after coming out from the industrial and commercial bureau, they went out to eat together. After that, Yi Jingxi was taken to the hospital with many scars. It's very strange that Yi Jingxi didn't call the police."

The documents are closed every year.

Lu Kang continued: "it is said that on the day Yi Jingxi was discharged from hospital, her mother, Chu Lei, also went to the hospital to bandage the wound. No one knew how he was injured, but there was no police report. After that, Yi Jingxi disappeared."


Lu Kang silently looked at his eyes from the mirror. "Mr. Nian, if this is really miss Xu's mother, it looks very hard to be provoked and quite violent."

"Not really."

Annual average Ting rubbed his eyebrows, his face smelly, "she also did everything I wanted to do."

Beat Yi Jingxi and Chulei.

After that, he would like to wait for Xu zhenghuang to rescue him, and then cruelly abuse Yi Jingxi.

Well, there's no place for him now.

It's not just force that he doesn't use.

In the future, after Lausanne and she met, she was promoted to the second generation of rich young lady. She would not worry about food, clothing and money.

And compared him.

After that, what else can I do in bed.

"But if she was really miss Xu's mother, she should have known Miss Xu's identity. She would have known her for a long time."

Lu Kang didn't quite understand this point. "Besides, why did molucci go to Miss Xu's apartment to be a neighbor?"

“…… He wanted to test me, "he only thought about this possibility.

Lu Kang:

"I can't remember what I said and what I did in front of them."

Lu Kang was speechless.

It must be mean, haughty and grumpy.

"It doesn't matter, Mr. Nian, you are such an excellent and outstanding son-in-law. The director of Morrison will like it," Lu Kang flattered against his conscience.

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