"That's right," he sighed gently. "Sometimes I'm spoiled by her. Before I got pregnant, she would go all the way to my villa after class to cook my favorite dishes, peel shrimps and pick fish bones. I told her not to do these things. Women are used to spoil them, but she had to listen to me, spoil me, and accept other women any more There's no way to take her. Up to now, I'm really used to being spoiled by him. "

The room always blinks an eye, suddenly called a sentence to his back: "Miss Xu..."

When he looks back, he doesn't know when Lausanne and Lu Kang are standing behind. Lu Kang is forced to smile. Lausanne blinks his eyes and looks at him like a smile.


Annual average Ting light cough, "how did you come?"

Lausanne's mouth was bent, and suddenly he stepped forward and gave him a kiss on his lips. He said in a soft voice: "you have left a document, and I will send it to you."

Every year, Ting's legs were softened by her, and her ears were so red. This woman is so bold that she even kisses his lips in full view of the public.

Rao is that no matter how thick skinned he is, he seldom does such a thing. Her face is not red and her heart doesn't jump, but he still likes it.

"You ask Lu Kang to deliver it."

"But I miss you a little more than ten minutes after I was separated from you." Lausanne arranged his tie for him intimately. "Finish the meeting quickly, and I'll pick out the fish bone for you at noon."

The annual average is as follows:

Lausanne stroked his tie before leaving.

When she passed Yi Jingxi, she did not look at him.

Yi Jingxi stares at this scene, feeling the whole heart ache numb.

Even if they have been together for so long, when can she treat herself so well.

And she is absolutely charming to the annual ting.

Yesterday, he was still thinking of coping with them, but he didn't expect that there was no effect at all.

General manager Fang said with a smile: "Nian Zong, Gao is really a master of his wife. You will be spoiled by Miss Nian."

"Indeed, she often said that she wanted to spoil me for a lifetime. I really can't help her."

Lausanne, who walked out of the door of the meeting room, just heard what he said, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

Half of these words are women to show off, he is good enough to add enough drama to himself.

Looking at his appearance, she really wanted to expose him, but for his pleasure, she also tried to cooperate with him.

"Miss Xu, Zeng Huai is over there," Lu Kang whispered beside her.

Lausanne nodded. She had seen Zeng Huai by the window not far from the station.

This shareholders' meeting is airtight. Lu Kang is not qualified to go in, nor is Zeng Huai.

Zeng Huai leaned against the window to smoke.

Recently, Yi's situation is not good. Yi Jingxi's temper is getting worse and worse. Many of Yi's talents have changed jobs and the actors have solved them. Yi Jingxi has become more and more suspicious. He always suspects that the people around him are betraying him, which makes him cautious.

"In a bad mood?" Lausanne asked Lu Kang to stand a few meters away and walk alone.

The reason why she will come up to give things to the annual Ting is that she wants to talk with Zeng Huai.

"Zeng Huai's ass is in debt." she can have a good laugh

Lausanne laughed at him. "You are very sincere and easy to Jingxi."

"He is not only my boss, but also my friend before," Zeng Huai took a cigarette.

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