Next, he took Lausanne to the Department of Obstetrics and gynecology. After seeing the B-ultrasound sheet, the obstetrician said, "don't worry. The children are growing healthily. I think your wife is very young and should be well bred."

"Well, you can eat and drink very much," he nodded, echoing.


The doctor laughed and said, "it's good to eat."

"But she likes to stay up late because of her work. She often stays up until one or two or even three o'clock before going to bed," said Mr. ting. "Doctor, is it bad for children?"

"Of course, don't stay up late, and don't work too hard," the doctor nodded.

"Do you hear that? Don't go to Beijing this month, and give it up," Mr. Tong said to Lausanne immediately. "You have to think about our little princess."

Although Lausanne is also very disgusted to dub Yufan, he is not happy to hear his maverick tone, "I've played the voice for two days after all, and I'm going to push them out. The company won't agree to let me compensate for the loss."

"I'll pay for it. What I don't care about most is money," he said, dragging a chair beside the doctor. He also took out a small notebook and pen from nowhere. "Doctor, what else do you need to pay attention to? Please tell me about it, so I can remember it."

Two doctors on the side of the internship whispered: "Wow, his husband is not only handsome in a mess, but also loves his wife and baby. Alas, this world is really unfair."

"Yes, you see a lot of pregnant women. The general pregnancy check-up is done alone. I'm so envious."

"Who makes their girlfriends beautiful?"

"It can't be said that how many beautiful women marry irresponsible scum men, not handsome rich men are responsible."

"It's also said that some men don't care what their wives are pregnant and want their wives to wait on them."


Lausanne sat aside, satisfied. After all, they boast about themselves.

However, she was a little suspicious. She thought that she was a little princess in her stomach. She didn't know if he would let himself die if he was a boy.

The doctor and annual Ting said for more than ten minutes, and then reminded, "remember to go to the birth control office to get the book, come to the birth examination regularly, and have to apply for the birth permit as soon as possible."

"Thank you," he said, taking Lausanne with him.

Before leaving, Lausanne took some more blood downstairs.

After the end of the year, the annual Ting call Lan Jie, let her stew a black chicken blood.

Lausanne's heart is very warm, although still angry that he cheated himself to sign a surrogate agreement, sometimes he really loves and hates this person.

"Let's go. First go to your apartment and move things in the past," he said after hanging up the phone. "You are pregnant now. You must live with me and let sister LAN take care of me

"No," said Lausanne, shaking his head, so as not to let him succeed. "Sister LAN cooks good soup. You can send it to me. Why do you have to live with you? I can do it myself."

"You're pregnant with my children, and you don't live together?" He frowned.

Lausanne ha ha, "who said pregnant must live together, that surrogacy agreement also did not sign so."

"You don't already know the truth, don't you really want to give me a surrogate pregnancy."

"Anyway I'm not going, "Lausanne went to the door of the hospital.

"What are you doing, Lausanne?" she said , the fastest update of the webnovel!