When he came to the door, he turned back and said, "originally this house was a place full of memories of my childhood. Now I feel creepy because it is occupied by Yi Jingxi. I will never come again."

Zeng Huai watched her back walk away.

In fact, he said that he did not want Lausanne to forgive Yi Jingxi, but hoped that he could have less hatred.

Maybe in this way, Yi Jingxi will have a chance to come back.


Lausanne came out of the villa, the whole person is ignorant.

My brain is blank, I don't know what I'm thinking.

Until a security guard stopped her and said, "Miss Xu I haven't seen you for a long time

Lausanne was stunned and immediately recognized the security guard, who used to live at this time. He often saw this guard guarding the gate of the community.

"Well," she answered, "I've never been in Ann."

"So it is," said the security guard with a simple smile. When he was about to leave, he suddenly said, "by the way, someone came to see Miss Xu two years ago."

"Really," Lausanne said with a faint smile. Two years ago, something happened to Xu's family. It's not strange that someone should look for her, but it should be trouble.

"It's a boy. He's eighteen or nineteen years old. He's very good-looking. He looks like It's a bit like Miss Xu, "continued the security guard.

Lausanne's figure was frozen as he was about to leave. "You say Look like me

"Yes, or I won't be impressed."

Lausanne thought of Feng GE's words and said in a hurry, "what's the matter with him coming to me? Do you know where he came from and where he went?"

"He just asked me if Xu Lausanne lived here. I said yes, but the house has been sold for a long time, and people don't know where to go. I listen to his accent, anyway, it's not standard to talk without talking. He also talks in English. He should be a person who lives abroad all the year round. After that, he left," the security guard said.

"Thank you," Lausanne's mind was more agitated as he left the villa.

Xu Zhengxuan is the only child. After her grandparents passed away, some relatives from afar had no contact with each other because of the incident. No one could hide from her. Let alone come to look for her. She never heard of anyone who looked like her.

Isn't her mother really dead.

Does she really have a brother?

The more she thought about it, the more excited she became.

I want to run to prison right away.

But now it used to be dark.

At five o'clock, Ji Wenyi called. She said the address. After waiting for about half an hour, a Bentley stopped on the road.

She was ready to sit in. The driver opened the window to signal her to sit in front of her. At first, she didn't quite understand. When she got on, she found Xiao Si and Ji Nuan sitting side by side in the back.

"Brother four, why are you here," said Lausanne, looking at the two of them sitting side by side.

"Ting Ting told me to take good care of you. You two acted alone. If you had any accident, he would not have to cut me off," Xiao Si held his chest helplessly. "You think I want to go, but Ren always said that he would take me to taste the characteristics of an Cheng."

"Or I'll take you after you've abused the dregs, and I haven't eaten Ancheng's snacks for a long time, "Lausanne said.

"No, I don't dare to have supper with you. If Ting Ting knows, he will send me to the northwest area to eat rougamo," Xiao Si waved his hand in pain.

"I have nothing to do tonight. Otherwise, I will accompany you," Ji said suddenly. "It's my treat. Thank you for making me a shareholder of Yuxi."

"Good," Xiao Si's eyes brightened.

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