On the way out of the car, Lausanne sighed when he saw the thin figure of Nian Xi turning in through the rearview mirror.

Sometimes it's terrible for a girl to fall in love with someone.

Like Yan Su, like the year Xi.

It's all long-distance love. It's good for Nian Xi, but worse for Yan Su.

She just admired their persistence.

"What are you thinking?" He asked suddenly.

"Well I'm thinking, if one day we are too far apart, how long can we love each other, "Lausanne sighed.

"Why are we separated? Where are you going?" Every year, a fly can be caught with a frown.

"I'm just making an analogy."

"There's no analogy. We won't separate. I'll take you wherever I go. If you want to go and don't take me, I'll break your legs," someone snorted.

Lausanne felt her leg and rolled her eyes. Her leg was under threat every day.


Back to the villa, sister LAN and housekeeper Wu are not here. It's a rare Christmas Eve.

Lausanne opened the refrigerator, which contained a variety of fresh ingredients. She had heard sister LAN say that every month, Japanese and European supermarkets airlift fresh ingredients.

She selected for a while and applied it conveniently. She chose steak, sashimi and a lobster.

Annual Ting came over and exclaimed, "you can even make Yishi lobster. It's so powerful. What are you going to do, sashimi, fried, barbecue, or steamed?"

"Well Lausanne was a little guilty by his shining eyes. "I haven't done it. I'm going to steam it in the pot and eat it directly with sauce."

"Yeah, it must be delicious," he said, looking forward to it. Sure enough, eating what she cooked was better than going to the restaurant.

She, let him find a sense of belonging to the family, good.

Lausanne took a puff from the corner of his mouth. He had confidence in himself, "that It's all back. The heating is on. Take off your coat and take off your scarf. It's hot. "

"It's not hot. Your scarf is very comfortable," he rolled up his sleeves. "I'll fry your steak for you."

"Will you?" Lausanne doubted, "don't break your face again."

"When I was studying in the United States, I used to fry my own steak. This is the simplest," he said, and started to cook it in a good way.

Lausanne saw him in high spirits and did not disturb him.

After steaming the lobster, the two people set out to eat.

Lausanne picked up the knife and fork, and saw the man who was still wearing a scarf on the other side, he could not help frowning. "You have to eat. You can take it off. You see you were sweating when you were cooking."

"Yes, you're wrong," he ignored her and began to cut the steak.

Lausanne sighed, also began to eat his fried steak, selling looks good, after eating, she sadly found that he fried good old.

Sure enough, cooking was not for him.

After annual average Ting ate a mouthful of choking, he said excitedly, "I haven't fried a steak for six or seven years. I didn't expect that my technology still didn't regress, and I was as good as ever."

"Six In 1967, "Lausanne almost choked on the steak.



"It's delicious. Eat more," he cut a piece and handed it over. "Open your mouth, I'll feed you."

Lausanne opened his mouth and choked in.

At ordinary times, his appetite for vegetables is still normal, how to eat his own fried steak is so confident.

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