"All right," Lausanne replied dryly.

Fifteen minutes to go, but it's longer for Lausanne than fifteen years.

Because the man outside keeps the same posture and looks at himself all the time.

So many people in the classroom said in secret:

"you see how charming he looks at Lausanne."

"So patient. It's like being poisoned by Lausanne."

"My boyfriend has never waited for me like this."

"I suddenly felt like my boyfriend had never loved me."


Lausanne felt burning all over his body and secretly sent him a wechat message: now everyone is talking about me. Go downstairs and wait for me.

Annual Ting looked down at the mobile phone, and then calmly into the pocket, continue to look.


Finally, after class, Lausanne sat in the middle, a distance from the door, walking behind the crowd. When she went out, she found that many of her classmates peeped at the annual thunder, which was like looking at rare animals.

But the expressionless rare animal saw her, the dark eyes suddenly became soft, Lausanne as a woman is quite proud.

"What's the matter with the wound on your face?"

When she approached, the tone of annual thunder suddenly changed, "Tang Ling only said that he fought with you, but didn't say you were hurt. I thought you had won an overwhelming victory."

"Do you think it was you who fought with her, but how do you know about it," Lausanne wondered. "There won't be your people in school."

Annual Ting does not speak, just stare at her injury, her small white face seems to be fingernail scratched twice, he is very angry.

"That tangerine only got a few slaps in the face, but you were so hurt that you were jealous of your beauty. I knew I would not let her go easily."

Lausanne was a little speechless. "How much did I hurt? The wound on my face broke. Tangling was puffed by me. His face was swollen and his lips were broken."

"In my eyes, if you lose a hair, you are seriously injured," he snorted.


Although very helpless, but Lausanne felt that his heart was a little sweet, he felt like he was holding in the hands of a princess.

"Well, don't talk here, let's go down first," Lausanne took his arm.

Just turned around, suddenly someone in the back called: "Huang Qingyang, you forgot to take your mobile phone."

Every year, he lived on long legs. Looking back, he had a thin boy at the back of his right. He had a few zits on his face, but his facial features were still correct.

Lausanne also noticed, helpless white his eyes.

Two people downstairs, annual Ting sighed, "did not expect Huang Qingyang looks like a weasel."


"It's said that weasels don't have a good heart to pay New Year's greetings to chickens. Do you think it's from your heart that weasels pay New Year's greetings to chickens?" he sighed, "stay away from him in the future."

"I don't have any contact with people at all, OK?" Lausanne was not angry. "How did you see tangling in the morning? I haven't seen her in the afternoon. You won't take her to bungee jumping and get dizzy."

"So ugly woman, why did I take her to bungee jumping, but ye Chuen went to bungee jumping only for the sake of his relatives," he sneered.


Bungee jumping is like going to the playground for a date. It's a nightmare for girls.

"I took her to Fenglin and asked her to talk about the rumors she made in school in front of my grandmother, so that she could see the true face of Ye Chuen."

"At first, I wanted to let the school dismiss her, but later I thought you were going to marry me after all.

I can't let my grandparents misunderstand me all the time. I also invited my mother to be a lobbyist. They don't object to our association now."

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