"You say that you are painful. If you don't get hurt, how can it hurt?" diannian Ting let go of her hand, and her eyes seemed to be frozen. "Are you playing tricks again? You want to attract my attention in another way. You are all bored.".

“……” Lausanne said with a headache, "it doesn't have to be hurt. Although I didn't break the skin, the whole piece of meat is painful. You don't believe that you can peel fruits for seven or eight days.".

"Why should I try? I'm very busy," he said, sitting upright and picking up documents. "If you don't peel, you don't have to. Today's salary will be deducted by half.".

"Whatever," Lausanne sighed, turning away. "I'll make you tea.".

It's hard to get angry every year.

As soon as he looked up, he found that Xiao Zhao was still standing there. He slapped the table angrily, "what are you looking at? You don't go out to work, and you don't go out to stay and peel the pick.".

"I I still have a lot of things to do. "Xiao Zhao was so scared that his legs trembled and went out quickly. He didn't want to stay and peel the tits.

But why did he have the feeling that these two people were flirting with each other just now.

Dazzle, it must be.


In the next two days, Nian Jun Ting didn't give Lausanne too much good face. When eating, he swept away the cold eyes of Yin Feng.

Lausanne found that he was not a man of general revenge. He was small-minded and childish, but she was too lazy to argue with him. On the third night, while he was busy in the study, she peeled him a plate of grapefruit meat.

"Why, don't put on the hand pain", the average year Ting removes the line of sight from the computer screen, the expression is not cold and hot.

"Eat it," Lausanne resisted the impulse to roll his eyes and laughed stiffly.

Annual average Ting this just took a piece to put into the mouth, handsome lip corner light hook.

Women? Is that how to be docile? He doesn't like that.

Lausanne stood beside him silently, watching him eat half a bowl of grapefruit and continue to read the e-mail, which was full of Japanese e-mail. He looked at it casually, and then called the translator to ask the other party to translate the original document to him in the morning.

Lausanne stared at the screen for a long time. She had been in Japan as an exchange student for a year, and she was familiar with Japanese. Because of her skills in memorizing lines since childhood, although she can't forget her eyes, her memory is many times better than that of ordinary people. She can easily see that this is an important contract. It should be a Japanese branch which she talked about in the interview with senior officials in recent days Technology company, it is said that this is one of the biggest investment projects of their company this year, involving more than 10 billion yuan.

"Do you still understand"? Annual Ting hang up the phone, see her staring at the screen.

Lausanne bowed his head and laughed, silent.


On the second day, Lausanne accompanied the company into a small conference room that he had never been to before. The brilliant sunlight refracted in from the toughened glass. The conference table, chair and ceiling lamp inside all showed luxury.

"Coming," Xiao Si and a man and a woman sat smoking together. The man was in his 40s, in a suit and a business elite. Another woman was dressed in a smart white dress, with a dignified but beautiful look.

"Happy New Year", the woman stood up calmly and shook hands with annual ting. The other hand casually pushed her hair to her ear. "You should be well soon"?

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