"Young master, your illness has always been kept secret. It's not good if it comes out. Besides, I'm in charge of your illness all the time. No one knows your illness better than me. In fact, you don't have to be so angry. Madam is not an outsider. She really cares about you.".

"You're threatening me now, aren't you?" the voice was more gloomy.

"How dare I?" Han chuckled bitterly.

Every year, he hung up the phone coldly. He was in a bad mood and glanced at Lausanne who started eating fried dough sticks and porridge.

It seemed to feel the sudden drop in the temperature. Lausanne bravely looked up at the owner of the line of sight, because he didn't choke on anything in his mouth, his cheeks were bulging and his words were vague, but his appearance was quite calm. "I'll eat whatever you eat just now.".

"Just eat and eat, just like some kind of animal that can only eat, drink and drink", annual Ting's cold sarcasm.

"No strength to work if you don't have enough to eat," Lausanne blinked innocently.

"I'm scolding you. Can't you hear me?".

"I know, but I'm used to it.".

The annual average of the year is as follows.


After a depressing morning, he took a nap in Lausanne.

Lausanne looked at his frown on the edge of his bed for a while, and then he gently tucked in the corner of his quilt and went downstairs to have a little rest.

The longer she gets along with each other, she finds that as long as she finds the right way to get along with each other, he is not so difficult to get along with. He is just like an ordinary patient. She can understand that he is in a bad mood, depressed and miserable because of illness.

She just wants to take good care of the annual thunder, collect money and leave.

What's more, she didn't expect that Mrs. Nian would offer such a high salary. At first, she just thought that she could save enough money for tuition fees. Now, the living expenses have been settled for a while. This is a surprise.

With a smile, when I went downstairs, I found Xiao Si standing in the living room with a pile of thick books. In the bright light, the smile on his face was like a pure and harmless fox.

"Elder sister, Ting Ting didn't sleep," Xiao Si saw her and opened his mouth.

Elder sister.

Lausanne is a little uncomfortable, but it seems that he is quite successful in dressing up as an old man. "Nian Zong just fell asleep.".

"Then I won't disturb him. This guy has a bad temper when he wakes up." Xiao Si steps forward and puts all the books in her hand. "This is the book I found to relieve his fatigue. When he wakes up, you give it to him and read it slowly.".

Lausanne nodded, and thought that the friend was very good, but he knew that he took his name as a dog's name in private.

What a good friend. He doesn't respect others at all.

Just look down and see the colorful title of the book and expose like a bikini with almost no clothes on?

Even if she was a woman, she would blush.


"Ting Ting Ting will like it. This is his favorite. Tell him to cherish it. It's a treasure edition that I spent a day to find out." Xiao Si said with a smile and walked away smartly.

Lausanne: ---.

Now the more handsome men are so lewd.

She couldn't help flipping through the back pages and found that the top one was the most conservative.

Holding this pile of slips like hot charcoal, she did not even drink water, and quickly went upstairs to put the book down.

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