In this way, one layer after another, another layer after another, layer by layer. Finally, the number of layers reached a level beyond anyone's imagination. It felt that it almost exceeded the limit of the digital description. It was close to the limit of Luo fan's sensing ability.

As Luo fan's observation continues to deepen towards the micro level, the complicated and mysterious structure of the barrier becomes more and more clear in his eyes.

It's a pity that the truth is too high for him.

Even if he has seen it more and more clearly, he still can't understand, or even understand how the barrier works in the end, and how to forcibly separate the field of free cultivation from the realm under daozun in such a way!

However, such deepening is not without its use.

In the process of such in-depth observation, the details of the interaction between the creation force and the barrier have also been continuously refined with his in-depth observation. Originally, only the process of friction between the creation force and the barrier can be seen from the macro perspective, and gradually turned into more details that are difficult to describe in words, and the interaction between the talisman and the creation force Cheng constantly reflected in his eyes and sank into his heart.

"It's not this It's not this... " While observing deeply, Luo fan speculated, compared, and searched for the creation force factor that made this barrier consume.

As he goes deeper into the micro level, the more factors he excludes.

At the end of the day, when his in-depth observation was close to the limit of his sensing ability, that is, the level of in-depth observation had reached or even exceeded the limit described by numbers, he finally found what he wanted to look for.

The force of creation, when it comes into contact with this very deep barrier, has its own threads, which are combined with some very subtle runes.

This kind of combination is different from the previous multi-layer combination. In the past, there were runes and other things that combined with the power of creation, but that kind of combination was not long. Now it was combined, and soon it was separated. After that, neither the power of creation nor the rune changed. It's like that kind of union didn't happen.

Now the situation of this combination is quite different.

Now this kind of combination is an inseparable combination!

In this union, not only has the power of creation changed, but the rune has become completely different from before!

It is this difference that destroys the integrity of that barrier.

As a result, a small part of the barrier implicated in this rune is removed from the barrier as it is repelled by the barrier.

This is the fundamental reason why the innumerable tiny fragments fall off from the barrier!

After that, Luo fan found out all of a sudden.

Just like in the secular world, if a scientist discovers the principle of certain changes, he will soon be able to invent all kinds of tools that operate according to this principle and have great or small use in some aspects.

Now, Luo fan found that this barrier off the principle of change, but there are more spirit cold out of the heart. Instinctively, there are one magic formula after another from his heart.

These magic formulas are not others, they are just magic formulas for destroying this barrier!

If any one of them is used, it can increase the wear speed of the creation force to this barrier by more than ten million times!

However, obviously, it is only a million times higher, but it is still not what Luo fan is willing to accept.

You know, it's amazing how many times this multiple is. But if the cardinal number is small to a certain extent, then such a multiple is meaningless.

Obviously, with the original force of creation for the barrier wear speed, even if it is a million times faster, he will never be in his eyes!

Fortunately, these magic formulas are just instinctively thought of by him, but they have not been elaborately refined, let alone deeply developed. Obviously, they still have great potential to be tapped out.

At the moment, he began to have countless mysterious truths flowing through his mind. All kinds of mysteries of his world outlook, various mysteries of concept supernatural powers, and even all kinds of powers contained in his world group, all flowed out of his memory and filled his whole mind like a mountain torrent!

With this innumerable memory, innumerable truth, innumerable mystery, he began to revise the magic formula of the previous instinct.

Every magic power becomes more and more exquisite in the process, and the wear speed of the barrier becomes faster and faster.

With his understanding of practice, any magic power, as long as he wishes, can become extremely exquisite.

If he is willing to spend a lot of effort to work hard, then it is not impossible to sublimate one of the most common supernatural powers to a level that is enough to shock daozun's door!

At present, there are no exceptions to these magic tricks specially used to destroy this barrier.With his efforts, in just a few days, he got a magic power that was hundreds of millions of times stronger than that of the many miracles he had created instinctively!

"Although the speed is still a little slow, but barely acceptable." Feeling the magic power that has become perfect and unable to change any more, Luo fan sighed.

In this sigh, he moved in his heart, raised his hand toward the void beside him.

With his shot, the infinite force of creation around him seemed to be inspired by a great force, and began to gather rapidly towards the direction of his palm.

A little mysterious and mysterious light came into being in the center of the power of creation.

This light is very strange, is showing a light blue, which contains a sense of disillusionment, even beyond the simple concept of disillusionment!

It gives people the feeling that it is the sublimation of disillusioned ideas, or the sublimation of disillusioned ideas and supernatural powers!

This green light began to expand wildly with the cohesion of the endless creation power around, which was only the size of a palm at first. But in a blink of an eye, it has already expanded to several meters!

In a twinkling of an eye, it is already hundreds of Zhang, thousands of Zhang

A piece of sound wave world in this moment from the blue light and the void contact began to emerge, one by one piled up in all directions crazy spread, in an instant has become a huge sound wave world group!

Countless runes, lines, patterns, and other lights and shadows began to emerge from the blue light.

Then, the sound wave World Group continued to collapse and birth, and the speed of its birth was much faster than the speed of its collapse, making the sound wave world group at this time was driven by the new born world group, constantly surging toward all directions, crazy spreading, and seeing that it was going to surpass that of all the world groups in the whole loose repair field Scale.

Under the blue light, all kinds of strange light and shadow constantly emerge and disappear from the center.

Finally, at a certain moment, from the center of the light and shadow, there was a breath that Luo fan was very familiar with.

That is the breath of the realm under daozun's door!

It took so much effort to create a fist sized passageway to the realm of daozun. However, this time, he just took such a shot, but he has directly created a huge channel with a radius of several feet!

What's more, this channel has not stopped expanding after this, but is constantly advancing and growing in all directions at a faster speed!

"At last it's all through." Seeing this scene, Luo fan Chang breathed out a breath.

When he created the magic power, he had already given it a setting. This setting makes the supernatural power appear, it will not die with the barrier! Either the magic power itself disappears, or the barrier disappears. As long as there is no one between them, then the foundation of the magic power will be madly absorbed by the infinite creation force around it, and it will be continuously strengthened and expanded!

In other words, for today's Luo fan, this magic power is no longer needed to be urged by him.

Now, even if he turns around and leaves, he has no effect on the reunion of the two fields.

Just when Luo fan just breathed out a breath, an inexplicable breath directly enveloped him.

"What have you done?" A somewhat unpleasant voice came into his ears.

This voice to him, but it is completely strange to him! Even if he swept through the depths of his memory in this instant, looking for any living creature who could speak, he could not find the source of this voice and the owner of the voice!

In this moment, Luo fan suddenly alert up, frown: "who are you?"

With his words, the air appeared out of thin air, and the breath shrouded in his body was slightly shaken, separated from his body, and suddenly coagulated in front of him, forming the figure of a middle-aged man.

This middle-aged man has not a detail is not perfect, any expression, any movement, all seem to contain endless truth and mystery. Even Luo fan, at the moment of seeing this man, has a deep feeling of his own to condense a brand belonging to this middle-aged man!

Fortunately, he has already had enough experience in dealing with this kind of thing that he has seen in his heart for many times. At this moment, when the light in his heart coagulates and turns into a sharp blade of wisdom, the brand that is to be gradually shaped is completely cut off, making his mind clear again.

The middle-aged man didn't care about his performance. At this time, he just looked at Luo fan and said, "it doesn't matter who I am, but who are you? Originally, I thought that you were all for the benefit of sanxiu. Now it seems that you have no conspiracy. Tell me what you're doing

The middle-aged man's face does not have any haughty color, but the look and tone contain unimaginable arrogance, just like a towering God is facing a mortal crawling on the ground.That kind of natural smell made Luo fan couldn't help frowning and said: "you think you are a strong person who comes down from the fifth or even the sixth floor. You have such a power that you retrograde earlier and don't do anything for many free practices. Now it's ridiculous to accuse me of having done a lot of things. "

He was absolutely sure of the middle-aged man's speculation about his identity.

You know, he is now a strong man who has survived the fifth catastrophe! When he does not use the level of mystery, even the strong man in the fifth layer of the road of daozun will never have any advantage in front of him. He can't be like the monk in front of him. He can't be afraid just by breath!

It is self-evident that this individual can do this. However, the existence of such strength can only exist at the fifth level or even higher.

"Now, I'm asking you." This is a light road.

With this, a huge incomparable momentum suddenly shrouded Luo fan!

This momentum is so mysterious, it seems to contain the power of the world group, but also contains a more profound, belonging to the deep characteristics of the world view!

Under this momentum, the creative power around Luo fan's body began to twist wildly. Countless heaven and earth, innumerable worlds, countless time and space, infinite creatures and infinite forces sprang up crazily.

Every moment, in his body around it seems that there are countless heaven and earth in the cycle of birth and death in general!

In this moment, Luo fan felt that his body and mind were under an unimaginable pressure.

The essence of his life is rattling at this moment, just like you can't bear under the pressure, and you have to start to collapse from inside to outside!

Although his world outlook is extremely strong and his defense ability is amazing, it is much higher than the pressure from momentum. However, in terms of quantity, his world outlook is still too small compared with the infinite momentum from the outside world.

In this way, his world outlook can keep his life essence from collapsing, but it is just that. It is hard to keep his other things, let alone his body itself.

Feeling this unimaginable terror momentum, Luo fan can't help but have a bright eye.

For him now, as long as it does not involve the level of offensive, it is impossible to really threaten his life!

At present, the momentum of this one from a higher level retrograde, although it is terrifying, does not involve the level after all. And this means that this kind of momentum, even a strong man from a higher level, has no threat to him at all!

Since there is no threat, the more means and mysterious power of the strong man in front of him, the greater the enlightenment, and the more beneficial it will be to him!

It's just like the one he met in the field under daozun's sect before, and the elder martial sister who was called down by the fourth elder martial brother

How about sister Mei? Isn't it the strength of crushing at the beginning? But in the end, it was not subdued by his means, and finally completely sealed?

Thinking of Mei elder martial sister, Luo fan began to compare the loose repair in front of him. He can't help but feel a little disappointed at this contrast. Although the strength of the free cultivation is strong, there is still a gap between the use of means and elder martial sister Mei

"Sure enough, under daozun's door is under daozun's door. In general, it is too difficult to transcend the inheritance of daozun after all... " Luo fan sighed to himself.

At this time, his body in that kind of momentum under the crushing has been layer by layer collapse.

The momentum caused by the world group in this moment crazy devour the surface of his body that was crushed by the momentum of all kinds of parts, looks like in his body layer by layer of scraping meat!

The scene is tragic enough to make a person with weak psychological endurance have nightmares.

"Indeed, it is worthy of daring to calculate the existence of all people. I can bear it all. " The middle-aged Sanshu frowned.

With his words, the momentum of his body became even more terrifying.

The change of momentum naturally leads to boundless changes, which makes the world, world, space-time and other things around Luo fan's body suddenly expand several times in this moment!

What's more, let Luo fan's body pieces which are scraped down layer by layer accelerate several times in this instant!

Just in a few breaths, Luo fan, who was originally a couple of flesh, had already turned into a skeleton.

"No matter what your purpose is, first of all, you must let go of all the loose world groups and let their will return to the noumenon." The middle-aged monk said faintly.

The voice echoed directly in Luo fan's ears, and even turned into a mysterious and mysterious attack, rushing into his heart to shake his will.

"What about your real body?" At this time, Luo fan is open.

As he opened his mouth, a ray of light burst out of his body, crushing the sound waves that intruded into his body and then into his mind. Then, the momentum of crushing on him, scraping his body into a skeleton like scraping meat, was completely defeated!At this moment, the surrounding infinite sound wave world was born and fused with the sound wave World Group excited by the channel between the communication free repair field and the domain under the daozun gate, making the diffusion speed of the acoustic wave world group become faster and faster, and the scale is also becoming larger and larger!

The world, the world, the time and space, and other things that were born out of the momentum are constantly crushed by the aura, turned into the creation force again, swallowed up by the endless creation power around, and disappeared without trace

"Well? And resistance? " The middle-aged monk frowned, and his eyes flashed a trace of discomfort. Even if his momentum was defeated, he didn't show any tension, as if this change would not affect his confidence in subduing Luo fan. , the fastest update of the webnovel!