These milli rays have created strange channels between the 12.96 million arrays and the road of heaven and earth.

Through these channels, the evil spirit that originally pervaded the whole world, which was caused by the catastrophe of heaven and earth, began to infiltrate into these channels, and gradually infiltrated the avenue, making the avenue also suffer unspeakable erosion and destruction at the same time!

The effect of this kind of erosion and destruction is so amazing that it seems that the road is ignited by the whole. Almost all the time, there are wisps of strange existence being thrown out of the road!

Such a change, for this world, the impact of the great, but beyond imagination is huge!

I can see that in the process, the rules and rules of the whole heaven and earth are turbulent with madness. In this world, the creatures who have realized the road and obtained the supreme power and infinite power feel the fear of doomsday at this moment.

In their induction, the original incomparable stability, which can bring them infinite power and enable them to obtain infinite powers, is withering at a very fast speed

And this, obviously, is the world is about to collapse, the world is about to die out!

This kind of cognition makes the friars who originally had some rational existence become more crazy! Even the heaven and earth are on the way to destruction. What's the point of their restraint? Of course, there are complaints, revenge

The result of the evil spirit erosion on the road not only makes the psychology of all living beings crazy, but also has another effect. That is to change the powers and powers of many monks.

There are a lot of monks who were not very good at the beginning, but their strength was very ordinary. Somehow, they suddenly got amazing powerful magic power. However, there are many monks who are originally invincible and occupy the top of the heaven and earth, but because of their own understanding of that part of the road is damaged, they are eliminated, but their strength is suddenly greatly reduced

The number of such cases has increased over time.

The order of the whole world became more and more chaotic.

Luo fan, in the middle of the heaven and earth, quietly feels the changes of the heaven and earth, and firmly protects the heaven and earth, so that no matter what changes, even if the road is damaged, it will not be completely destroyed.

Among them, for the outer world, Luo fan only needs to protect the time and space of the heaven and earth, so he doesn't pay more attention to it.

His attention, however, is to bet more on the road of heaven and earth!

His magic power, which strengthened the benefits of the great calamity of heaven and earth, was a brand-new one, which was totally different from the one that the holy one had proved to be successful.

Even if it has been deduced many times, he is confident that it can work successfully, and he can not be absolutely sure of this before it has been verified.

At this time, he looked at the road and thought in his heart: "the road should be tempered. I hope my idea can succeed."

In fact, the 12.96 million arrays have another function besides opening the passageway leading to the main road. That is, protect the last line of the road essence! No matter how much evil spirit the road suffers, it will not be completely destroyed. Even at the most extreme level, it will leave the last line of essence

At present, the effect of this magical power is quite remarkable.

Although the evil spirit is extremely corrosive and terrifying to the destruction of the main road, it is not damaged at all for the first line of essence protected by many arrays.

It is precisely because of this that the road has been so badly damaged that the world is not completely in chaos.

The sky is still the sky, and the earth is still the earth. All kinds of natural landscapes that should be possessed by the heaven and earth are still the same. They have not become chaotic because of the disappearance of the road

This is the first catastrophe.

However, the difficulty is not too big, and the pressure brought by Luo fan is not too great.

After a long time, when the road was eroded into a very complicated three-dimensional frame, when almost all the creatures in the whole world had been conquered and disappeared, the evil spirit that filled the whole world and even filled the avenue suddenly stagnated.

Then, all the evil spirit began to emit a light golden light, but gradually from the original black gas appearance into gold!

With the transformation of these evil spirits, the whole heaven and earth seems to be a long dry field under irrigation, and gradually becomes moist and vivid from the original dry state.

Originally because of the disaster of heaven and earth, the damage to heaven and earth, at this time, quickly recovered.

Of course, this kind of reply is not absolute. It does not mean that everything in heaven and earth is restored to what it was before the catastrophe. Instead, it starts to make up for it according to the appearance after being destroyed, so that the heaven and earth itself will become complete according to the appearance after being destroyed.

In fact, the result of this is very obvious, that is, the damaged earth will fix its appearance after being destroyed, but its deep damage to the heaven and earth has been recoveredThis process, however, only consumed a very small part of the golden light.

After that, the golden light is still beginning to bring infinite benefits to the heaven and earth. It makes the heaven and earth grow and expand continuously in the process, makes the time of the heaven and earth become more and more stable, makes the space more and more stable, and makes the vitality of the heaven and earth become more and more rich

All this is so obvious in Luo fan's eyes.

But in the eyes of the few living creatures who survived in this world, they are as traceless as their own growth. For them, there is no change in the world, at least there is no strange change, only the scars formed by the previous war are fading with time, and only the mental damage left by the past battles is slowly disappearing

For today's changes in the world, Luo fan had some information, although the heart is happy, but also did not care too much.

What he is concerned about now is the change of the road!

At this moment, it has become a hollow shelf of the general road is gradually becoming substantial.

Those who survived in the erosion, the essence of the road began to grow gradually, gradually spread, and gradually filled the space left by the original road because of erosion

But this kind of filling is a very mysterious process, but it is not simply a copy of growth.

The metaphysics of the road that fills these vacancies is completely what these vacancies need, and it is also the profound Tao that was in these vacancies when the whole Avenue was completed!

However, because they are derived from the essence of the Tao which is left behind after the ordeal of heaven and earth, they are more firm and stronger than the original ones in these vacant places!

Looking at this change, Luo fan is finally really relieved.

The change of the road means that his magic power has been really and completely successful!

Just now, it is a feasible and even very effective way to build an array to introduce the evil spirit of the catastrophe of heaven and earth into the road, so that the road can directly bear the test of the catastrophe, rather than indirectly bear the test with the appearance of the outside world!

The golden light seems to be flowing in general, constantly changing the world and the road.

For heaven and earth, it makes the world begin to grow after it recovers its wounds. The impact on the road is the same.

After making the shelf of the avenue complete the vacancy again, the golden light still keeps the avenue growing, making the roadside more and more "huge" and becoming more and more solid. The mystery of the avenue becomes more and more complicated and mysterious in the process

The greatness of the road is just an adjective in perception. After all, it's not a spatial attribute, naturally there is no difference in size

However, the change of the road has directly triggered the rules and regulations of the heaven and earth, and has also undergone extremely subtle changes.

The rule and rule layers of any world, even if they are not like those of the demon world, are integrated in one place in a very strange way. They are indistinguishable from each other, but they are bound to have a very close relationship.

Even, it can be said that rules and rules are almost rooted in the road! All changes of the road will naturally be reflected in the rules and regulations!

Heaven and earth are no exception.

Moreover, because this heaven and earth is an independent road, and it is different from the other great worlds in the universe of other earth, the influence of all changes of this Avenue on the law layer of heaven and earth is more and more obvious!

As the road becomes more and more abstruse and more complex, the rules and regulations layer also become more and more complicated.

Among them, the combination of rules and rules has become more and more complicated.

Even, there is a strange stratification.

This kind of stratification is not layered according to the way of up and down or before and after - the rules and rules layer fill up any area of the whole heaven and earth, and the concepts of up and down, front and back can't be applied to it at all!

This sudden birth of stratification, but a very special way exists.

It exists in a state of depth.

It is quite difficult to understand this kind of depth directly by words, but it is very intuitive to describe it in another way. Generally speaking, the composition of heaven and earth also has levels.

The most superficial layer is all that is composed of time, space, matter and energy. Including all the sky, earth, mountains and rivers, hills, mountains, islands and so on, which can be seen by the naked eye in this heaven and earth, almost everything.

From this surface layer to the deep, that is the rule layer.

This rule layer is connected with the main road from the top to the bottom, which is described just now. The surface layer is made up of four basic existence: time, space, matter and energy. It prescribes the way in which all the existence is constituted, and in what way it changes.For the general heaven and earth, from the rule of law to dig into, is nothing there is the layer of nothingness, but also the third layer of normal heaven and earth!

Next, continue to dig in from the void, and then enter the place of the underworld, where the road is in control of all the heaven and earth! Including the surface layer, the rule layer, and even the void layer! This layer is the deepest level of heaven and earth.

From the dark to continue to dig in, although can continue to enter another place.

But there is no longer the heaven and earth, but the gap between heaven and earth and chaos, which is where the heaven and earth are at this time.

Of course, this is only in Luo fan's view. For the living beings who do not have the concept that there is a gap between the heaven and the earth and the chaotic state, if we dig into it again, what we enter is the chaotic state, but we will not enter the gap.

The first layer of space-time, the second layer of rules and regulations, the third layer of nothingness, the fourth layer of obscurity, and the fifth layer of gap that hardly belongs to the heaven and earth. This is the level of normal heaven and earth.

Now, the rule and rule layer of the heaven and earth suddenly comes out of this layer, which is between the second layer and the third layer!

That is to say, for the heaven and earth, from the second level of rules and rules layer to continue to dig, but no longer directly into the void layer, but into another layer of rules and rules! A layer of rules and rules is more complex, more complex, and more mysterious than the previous layer of rules and rules!

Only from this second layer of rules and rules to continue to dig, can we reach the original third layer, now the fourth layer, the void layer!

Feeling such a change, Luo fan's heart is full of shock: "unexpectedly, there will be such a change..."

This kind of rule law layer actually stratification change, is actually in his life only sees!

Naturally, the demon world that has not survived the catastrophes of heaven and earth, needless to say, is the earth universe that has obviously passed the catastrophes several times. Its rules and regulations are basically integrated in one place, without any stratification. Even though the rules and regulations are more complicated than he imagined, they are also integrated in one place, without stratification!

Under such circumstances, the heaven and earth that he opened up at this moment, after a catastrophe, was separated from the rules and regulations. This change was obviously unexpected to him, which made him feel puzzled: "is there a problem with my way of doing it?"

With such doubts, he began to carefully sense what happened to the heaven and earth after the stratification of rules and rules.

The most fundamental, direct and quickest way for living beings to practice is, of course, to directly understand the way in the dark. However, as has been said before, the road is at least at the fourth level in any heaven and earth, and it needs to break through the surface layer, the rule layer and the void layer before it can be contacted.

Therefore, a normal creature wants to realize the Tao directly, but at least he has to wait until his will can break through these barriers. And that, generally speaking, can't be achieved without a very high level.

Before the high level of Tao that can directly understand the Tao, the living beings can only use indirect methods to understand the Tao, that is, to understand the rules and rules connected with the Tao!

Through the understanding of the rules and rules, we can extract the mystery of the road, and then make our own realm of Taoism constantly improve, and finally achieve the level of direct understanding of the road.

Under such circumstances, the easier the rules and regulations are to be contacted and understood, and the easier it is for the living beings to step into the path of practice. The more complex the rules and rules are, the more difficult it is to understand them. The more difficult it is for living beings to improve their Tao and conduct.

From this point of view, it is already obvious that the influence of the stratification of the rules and regulations of the heaven and earth is obvious.

The complex and complicated rules and regulations are in the deeper layer, and the simple rules and regulations are in the surface layer, which obviously greatly reduces the difficulty for the living beings to step into the path of practice! Greatly reduced the threshold of practice!

The rules and rules that ordinary creatures can touch when they are weak are of course extremely superficial. In this case, if the rules and rules are too complex to be understood, they will be difficult to extract the profound truth from it, and naturally it will be difficult for them to really embark on the road of practice.

But now it is different, because when they were young, they were exposed to superficial rules and rules, and the difficulty of understanding simple rules and regulations was reduced by an unknown number of times. If you want to extract the profound Tao from it and really embark on the road of practice, the difficulty will naturally be reduced.

This, obviously, lowers the threshold of practice, making it difficult for many living beings to understand the truth in the face of too complex rules and rules in other worlds, so that the creatures who embark on the road of practice can enter the path of practice here!

Once the monks set foot on the road of practice, they would have penetrated through the shallow layer of rules and rules. Although they could not easily touch the dark road like other heaven and earth, they still needed to penetrate another layer of rules and rules.However, with the previous foundation, and then to understand the second level of rules and rules, the difficulty will obviously be much lower than the original direct understanding, and the possibility of eventually contacting the dark road will be much greater.

After these considerations were made clear, Luo fan finally put down his mind: "although I don't know how the result is, from the present point of view, the stratification of rules and regulations is a good thing!"

Knowing that this is a good thing, Luo fan has no intention to change his own practice.

"If there is one more layer of rules and regulations in accordance with one catastrophe, will there be nine more layers of rules and regulations after nine times of catastrophe. In this way, the difficulty of understanding is increasing. When a monk can really penetrate the nine layers of rules and rules and directly contact the road, he will surely have a very deep understanding of the road. Then he will soar into the sky and become a saint directly. However, the possibility of becoming a saint in the future will be greatly increased ……” Luo fan secretly guessed, but in his heart there is a nameless expectation.

Thinking of this, Luo fan's heart suddenly to let this world pass through nine times of heaven and earth catastrophes increasingly look forward to.

The evolution of this world does not stop because of Luo fan's mind.

In the process of Luo fan's observation and thinking, the world continues to grow. In the end, the world expanded to ten times its original size before it stopped.

At this time, the road of heaven and earth has grown to a level that is much stronger than before. In a trance, Luo fan has a sense of the vastness of the perfect world

Although there is no other thing in the middle of the two layers of rules and rules, there is a clear distinction between them, and the difference in complexity is extremely huge. Even the most confused people will never regard it as one layer.

Because of the change of the rules and rules, the composition of all kinds of things in this world is different from the original.

Many things in the whole world have acquired a characteristic.

This feature makes all the surface of the heaven and earth look extremely simple and plain. It seems that there is no mystery in it. It is just a crude world. However, as long as you carefully understand and open the superficial surface, you will find that the mystery hidden in its depth is profound, unpredictable and mysterious!

Such changes also make everything in this world have stronger potential than other similar things in heaven and earth! For example, if you know how to dig a stone, you may be able to find out what magic power and magic formula are hidden in the stone's internal lines Or, there may be some strange existence hidden in it that can have some use for cultivation Wait, wait

Luo fan looked at the changes in this world, his face can not help showing a kind of inexplicable satisfaction.

I didn't expect that the stratification of the rule and law layer would make all kinds of things in the heaven and earth change like this. There are only two layers of rules and rules. If there are three layers, four layers, or even nine layers, what changes will happen to the things in the heaven and earth? Will any stone as long as you know how to tap its potential, it can be turned into a powerful magic weapon?!

In Luo fan's vision, the change and improvement of the heaven and earth after the disaster gradually stabilized.

A kind of incomparable natural vitality pervaded the heaven and earth, and a new round of evolution of heaven and earth appeared. More and more creatures are born in this world, and the whole world recovers its vitality at a speed beyond imagination.

The cultivation of civilization flourished again.

Just as Luo fan had guessed before, after the change of the heaven and earth, the difficulty for the living beings to step into the path of practice has been reduced countless times, which makes the number of practitioners even faster than that at the beginning of the heaven and earth!

While Luo fan was experiencing the changes of the heaven and earth, and waiting for the second catastrophe of the heaven and earth, he suddenly felt an inexplicable touch in his heart, which made him unable to help but frown.

This is somewhere, something he cares about is touching! , the fastest update of the webnovel!