Ancient spirit and Tianlong have learned the way of refining weapons.

But that was what happened in the heaven and earth from which they came out.

What's more, their refining tools in their own world are just refining the materials and mixing them together to engrave various formations on them.

The power of the magic weapon refined by such weapon refining methods is more determined by the formation engraved in it. If the array can't do it, it is difficult to do it!

The crude way of refining utensils can hardly be called Tao, but it is just a kind of technology. It's more difficult to call the magic weapon a real one. It's more like a collection of formation and materials. It can only be called a moving array.

The ancient spirit and the Tianlong ancestor have been walking in the vast land for more than 1000 years. What they did on their own initiative to collect these rare natural materials and earth treasures was to refine and melt these materials by various means, and then engrave some mysterious array on them.

When Luo fan began to refine his tools in front of them and said such a seemingly ordinary but just like the voice of the road, the ancient spirit and the Tianlong ancestor suddenly realized that they had an indescribable sense of happiness and fear.

"It turns out that this is the road of refining tools If I refine them as I used to, I'm afraid these materials will be completely wasted... " This idea happened to appear in the mind of ancient spirit and Tianlong ancestor.

Just, this idea also just stayed in their heart for a moment.

Immediately, the man put all his mind into the refining process of Luo fan, observing how the innumerable materials changed mysteriously under the fire, and how the fire changed the nature and state of these materials in an incredible way

Refining utensils is also the main road, which is naturally the simplest for Luo fan.

After thousands of years of practice, Luo fan's understanding of Daoguo Avenue has reached an unprecedented peak.

This road of fruit is to rebuild the independent road through some mysterious method in the body of living beings. Naturally, it is all inclusive.

All the supernatural powers, all Dharma sects and all Dharma formulas in this world can be included in this fruit road.

Refining tools, of course!

Sitting on the Kang, Luo fan's face was extremely calm and indifferent. His right hand moved freely in front of him, controlling the daohuo which enveloped the general materials of wanzhang peak, and the infinite materials wrapped by Dao fire were constantly changing, constantly refining, changing some properties, suppressing some characteristics and increasing other characteristics.

His movements are very slow and peaceful, but each movement seems to contain the infinite heaven and earth, the universe mystery, see the ancient spirit and the Dragon ancestor on the face of one dragon show the color of obsession, from which we can understand many of the past only fuzzy induction of the truth.

Before using the sun and the moon to see the countless Tiancai Dibao, Luo fan had already through his own super vision, fully reflected on the past and future functions of Tiancai Dibao.

Because of this, he was able to know that there were more than 3000 kinds of materials that were not suitable for him to refine into magic weapons at this time, and the ancient spirits in the future had to deal with them by themselves and let them be put away.

At this moment, in his mind and mind, there are 36 designs of magic tools.

Each of these 36 magic weapons is very mysterious. Each of these countless materials can be perfectly integrated into it, and the advantages and characteristics of these countless materials can be brought into full play!

Therefore, Luo fan did not have a trace of doubt in his heart. He gave directions at will, and directly dealt with the countless kinds of natural materials and earth treasures in a specific way at the same time.

Although he only dealt with it at will, he had a very profound realm of Taoism. In the process of processing these materials by the fire, it was as if some mysterious weapon refining method had evolved, which made the ancient spirit and Tianlong ancestor gradually understand the true meaning of the weapon refining road. Although distance Luo fan can handle countless kinds of materials so perfectly, he will never refine his tools in such a rough way as between his own heaven and earth

It can be said that after seeing Luo fan's refining, they are the threshold of the refining road.

Luo fan doesn't care how much ancient spirit and Tianlong ancestor understood.

Just in accordance with their own plans, slow action.

It took an hour.

That pile of materials, which is like a mountain peak, has completely changed its shape.

Each of those countless materials has undergone great changes, either melting into liquid, or becoming smaller solid, or turning into gas, or becoming invisible, or increasing by thousands of times. It is strange that almost all material transformation can be found in the transformation of these countless materials.

This mysterious and complicated change makes the cave go deep as if it came to the endless starry sky.

The innumerable materials in the gray road fire under the package ups and downs, according to some mysterious and unpredictable track slowly flow, that because of the road fire burning, the flickering light, let these countless materials look like countless stars.Luo fan saw this, but the action did not stop.

With a wave of your hand, the countless materials like stars and dots quickly agglomerate with 36 cores. In a flash, they are divided into 36 piles of materials!

Among the thirty-six piles of materials, the amount of materials in each pile has reached an astonishing level. If the ancient spirits practiced their weapons between heaven and earth, these materials could at least refine thousands of magic weapons.

At this time, Gu Ling and Tian Long had entered the state of forgetting both of us.

The only thing left in my eyes is the wonderful transformation that is taking place in the countless materials ahead.

After the materials were divided into thirty-six piles, they began to flow in various mysterious and unpredictable ways, and all kinds of materials began to mix together in accordance with some wonderful rules.

At this time, Luo fan thought.

In the void, there are numerous complicated and mysterious three-dimensional seal characters.

The three-dimensional seal characters are so dense and numerous that they seem to construct a new world, making at least hundreds of thousands of them exist in every inch of void inside the cave.

These three-dimensional seal characters are very mysterious. Each three-dimensional seal character has a similar separation and unity with all other three-dimensional seal characters. It seems that they are disorderly, but on a closer look, they seem to form a complete world. It seems that every three-dimensional seal character is an indispensable part of this world.

Gu Ling and Tian Long Lao Zu were stimulated by such a sudden great change, and their bodies were shaking in an instant.

In the eyes, there is the light of Dao Dao Ming Wu.

It is such a change that their understanding of the art of weapon refining has been greatly improved over the past 100 years!

Luo fan waved at will.

This endless, like the three-dimensional seal characters that make up the complex world, is divided into 36 piles. After rapid entanglement and reorganization, it forms 36 organic whole in a flash.

After these 36 organic units were formed, they were directly fused with the materials in the air, which had been separated into thirty-six piles by Luo fan, which had been processed but mixed in one place.

At the moment of the integration of these 36 organic entities with the material, the three-dimensional seal characters in the organic whole suddenly and rapidly rush into the material as if attracted by a black hole.

With the influx of these three-dimensional seal characters, the materials began to produce a variety of mysterious, unpredictable changes.

After this change, even if it was separated, the huge amount of materials began to shrink rapidly, just like the influx of these three-dimensional seal characters. Suddenly, a huge space was opened up inside these materials

After the thirty-six organic whole is fully integrated into the thirty-six piles of materials, the thirty-six piles of materials have been transformed into thirty-six pieces of magic weapons with different shapes, which are only the length of the arm at most and the size of the thumb at the minimum!

The thirty-six magic weapons were suspended in the fire and were constantly burned by the Dao fire, but there was no change in them. It was as if the Dao fire could no longer be used for them.

There is a breath of primitive simplicity coming out from these 36 magic weapons.

Even if it is wrapped by daohuo, this breath can also reveal the Taoist fruit and convey it to the ancient spirit and Tianlong ancestors, making them feel an indescribable shock.

The huge amount of materials of wanzhanggao peak is only quenched to produce such a pile-up of magic tools, and the volume has been reduced by at least hundreds of millions of times!

What a wonderful and mysterious way to refine weapons

Because Luo fan's action has been stagnant, the ancient spirit and Tianlong ancestor are gradually waking up from the state of no one without me.

After a long wake-up, the man was staring at the thirty-six pieces of ancient magic weapons, and his eyes were full of obsession.

Although they saw with their own eyes how these magic weapons were transformed from materials into such small ones, it did not change their curiosity about these 36 magic weapons and their desire to understand the secrets of these 36 magic weapons.

Of course, Luo fan's ability was not what the ancient spirit and Tianlong ancestor could guess at will. Even if he showed the whole refining process to the ancient spirit, their harvest was very limited. It is hard to imagine the specific power of these 36 magic weapons.

Luo fan thought.

The daohuo, which was wrapped with thirty-six magic weapons, was shocked and disappeared in a twinkling of an eye. But it has been taken back directly by him. After losing the package of daohuo, the thirty-six magic weapons did not fall, but were still suspended in the air, and even began to circle slowly around a void point in the void.

This kind of cycle is not controlled by Luo fan at all, but is caused by the mysterious structure of each of the 36 magic weapons, which contains a lot of mystery.

"This is the 36 treasures of Tiangang. It's a set of magic weapons. Although there is only one prohibition for each of these tools, any number of them can be combined into one. This combined artifact contains the prohibitions of all the magic weapons that are assembled into this piece of magic weapon. " Luo fan smiles and says.With his words, the thirty-six magic weapons suddenly assembled in pairs. This combination process is extremely mysterious. However, it is not a simple superposition of the magic weapons, but it seems that they are disassembled into materials and then refined into another. After the completion of the combination, it is completely impossible to see what the original two magic weapons look like.

In a twinkling of an eye, there were eighteen magic instruments in the void.

These 18 magic weapons are all double forbidden ones. The power of each one is much better than that of the previous one.

Gu Ling and Tianlong Laozu could see their eyes shining, and they could hardly hope to roar up to the sky.

Luo fan's movements still did not stop. These magic weapons separated again and became 36 magic weapons again. Suddenly, the thirty-six magic weapons converged in one place in the void. The mysterious and strange changes came into being, and the thirty-six magic weapons disappeared. Instead, it was a building ship!

Ten Zhangs long, three Zhangs high, the whole body exudes a great round breath, and there are thirty-six forbidden ships inside!

After the appearance of this ship, the strong and incomparable chaotic vitality in the cave suddenly stagnated. Then, all the chaotic vitality produced mysterious and weak changes.

This change makes the closer the ship is to the chaos, the more pliable and easy to control. It seems that it can be easily controlled by the building ship and transformed into the general power of the ship.

Seeing this change, Gu Ling couldn't help it. With a shock, he stepped on the ship and came to the deck.

On the upper deck, his body, which was much larger than that of normal people, was reduced to the size of an ant.

The length of this ten Zhang, three Zhangs below the ship, is like tens of miles long, ten miles high! Majestic, vast and boundless!

Gu Ling is a disciple of Luo fan. It's not appropriate to be so rude, but it's reasonable. As a mount, Tianlong Laozu could not be so rude. Therefore, Gu Ling had already got on the ship and personally realized the power of the ship's magic weapon. However, Tianlong Laozu could only stand and watch with admiration.

Standing on the deck of the ship, Guling felt that the deck of the ship was as wide as a plain, and the cabin in front of him was like a mountain peak. He felt that he was extremely stable. He seemed to be able to cross the void at will and to control all forces. He could not help but smile excitedly on his face.

After looking around on the deck, feeling it, and then entering the cabin to observe all kinds of things in the cabin, Gu Ling was finally satisfied. He turned into a hiding light and shot out to the outside. He fell directly on his original position and bowed himself to Luo fan and pleaded guilty.

Luo fan shook his head, but did not care about the rudeness of Gu Ling.

He just said, "don't be so impatient in practice."

Gu Ling bowed his head to listen to the teaching.

After Luo fan finished speaking, he was no longer entangled in this matter. He raised his hand and pointed out that the building boat suddenly collapsed and became 36 pieces of magic weapons suspended on the void. He continued to circle around according to a void point in the void.

"Now, it takes you only a little time to refine each artifact. Its power can also increase with the sacrifice. " Lo Fan Road.

As he said this, his mind moved, and the thirty-six instruments floated in front of the ancient spirit and fell down gently.

When Gu Ling saw it, he quickly put away the thirty-six magic weapons one by one, and then bowed down and said, "thank you for your gift!"

"Don't be too polite. Although the power of Tiangang's 36 treasures is OK, you must not put the cart before the horse. You must remember that your own Tao and practice are the foundation, and you must not affect your practice by sacrificing and refining this set of magic weapons. " Luo fan light way.

Hearing Luo fan's words, Gu Ling knew Luo fan's seriousness at this time, and quickly said in awe: "I will keep it in mind."

"You can practice in the cave." Luo fan nodded and said.

"Yes." Gu Ling was in a hurry.

As he spoke, Huang Jin Lishi came up and led Gu Ling and Tianlong Laozu to go down. They found a stone chamber in the cave of quest.

Thirty six magic weapons. Any number of magic weapons can be combined into new magic weapons, and the combined magic weapons power will be greatly enhanced.

In sum, there are billions of combinations.

It can be said that just this set of Tiangang 36 treasures can make the ancient spirit familiar with it. I don't know how many hundreds of millions of years can not be completely familiar with it!

If the ancient spirit put all his energy into this set of magic tools, he would definitely waste his practice.

It is because of this that Luo fan Fang directly reminded Gu Ling not to waste his practice because of this set of magic tools.

Guling and Tianlong were sent to the stone chamber by the Yellow turban warrior. After sitting down on their knees, he could not wait to take out these 36 magic weapons and directly sacrificed one of them.

The internal structure of these magic weapons is very mysterious. Although they all have the most basic prohibition, they can be seen how earth shaking they are after they are finally sacrificed.After only refining six magic tools, the ancient spirit found out what the mystery of this set of magic tools had.

I was shocked.

"If I want to master this set of magic tools by myself, I will have no time to refine them to 36 prohibitions! It is impossible to make this set of magic weapons into magic weapons... " Such thoughts flashed through the mind of ancient spirit.

After this idea flashed, Gu Ling finally found out the strangeness of the matter, but stopped refining the magic weapon.

After thinking about it, Gu Ling couldn't help but look up to Tianlong.

At this time, the emperor Tianlong looked at him with envy and the magic weapon in his hand.

As soon as he saw the look of Tianlong, Gu Ling patted his head and finally understood his master's meaning! (to be continued, please visit , more chapters, support authors, support legitimate reading! ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!