Turning around and extending his arm to her, Xicheng whispered.

"How about a hug, uncle?"

The little guy immediately opened his small arm and offered to him.

Ye Qiao was laughing and joking, "I can't see, Xicheng, you're very attractive to children!"

Xicheng smiles and doesn't speak. He puts down the tableware and grasps the hand of the little guy. He feels the soft little palm in the palm, which gives birth to a yearning.

If he had such a lovely little daughter, how wonderful!


Shake your head gently and throw the idea behind you. Xicheng bends down and opens his mouth gently.

"Little star, what would you like to eat?"

The little fellow just shook his head, sat on his lap for a while, then twisted and slid down, and the servant was busy following him.

"She's still suckling now, and she's eating very little." Ning Xiaofei explained with a smile, and Xicheng sandwiched a chopsticks dish, "these are my mother's prepared dishes, you should eat more."

"When you get here, it's your own home. Don't be polite." Chu Xinning also followed with a smile.

"I heard from Xiao Fei that Mr. Xicheng lives near here, doesn't he?" Qin Zhaoyang asked.

"Well, yes, I'm on the other side of the river and I'll walk here for about ten minutes." Westlife road.

Chu Xinning immediately turned her face and sincerely invited her, "then you must come to play more often in the future!"

"good!" Xicheng Xiaoying.

Everyone was eating and chatting. When they had almost finished eating, the little guy ran over and took Mu Tianye's arm and pointed out one hand.

"Dad Outside... "

"You can't play with snow at night, but We can go and set off fireworks! " Mu Tianye stood up and held the little guy in his arms. "You're ready."

The servants go out to prepare, Mu Tianye carries the little guy to the French window.

Everyone has already eaten almost, and immediately put down his chopsticks and went to the window to watch the fireworks. For fear of scaring her daughter, Ning Xiaofei raised her hand to block the little guy's ears.


The first fireworks exploded, rose into the sky, and then exploded.

The little guy clapped his hands excitedly and looked up his face.

Everyone also raised their faces and looked at the direction of the night sky, pointing, commenting and talking about

Xicheng is not far away from the people, holding a glass of half a glass of wine, looking at the fireworks outside the window, but I can't help but go back to my childhood.

At that time, every year during the Spring Festival, he also liked to set off fireworks with his sister

A few days later, the Spring Festival, but no one will watch fireworks with him.

In the heart of a low sigh, the man raised his hand to the cup to the mouth, a drink.

"Drink less!"

On the side of the body, a gentle reminder sounds.

Xicheng turned his face and saw Ning Xiaofei, who did not know when he had already stood by his side, was smiling at him.

"It doesn't matter."

He was busy gathering his emotions and smiling again.

Today is the little guy's birthday, he came to congratulate, of course, should not show his depressed mind in front of the host.

"You haven't made a new song in the past two years. I really hope you can produce a new one."

Holding the cup, turning his face, looking out of the window at the night sky with fireworks, Xicheng shook his head gently.

"I'm afraid Let you down

In fact, he has never touched the piano since his sister left.

Side face, looking at the side face of the man reflected by fireworks, Ning Xiaofei sighed in his heart.



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