Emma took her seat, and Lu Li drove her wheelchair to the small side.

Ning Xiaofei was a little worried about his physical inconvenience. Seeing that he was more proficient in wheelchair operation than walking, he immediately put down his mind and did not do any more actions.

Later, she also inquired about Lu Li from Mu Tianye and knew that he was disabled in a car accident when he was a teenager.

Knowing Mu Tianye for so long, this is the first time that he mentioned his friend to her, and from his tone of view, he seems to care about Lu Li.

Today I finally see myself, Ning Xiaofei's heart is also a good burst of regret.

The other side is just sitting in a wheelchair, but those two long legs are enough to prove that he is not low, not to mention that face. Compared with Mu Tianye and Xicheng, they are not inferior.

What a pity!

Notice Ning Xiaofei's eyes, Lu Li slightly side eyes.

"I just forgot to introduce Emma. In addition to being my girlfriend, Emma is also an executive officer of CBS Asia. I'm here to talk to you about business cooperation. "

Ning Xiaofei's eyes showed a bright color, "so it is, CBS has produced many programs I like."

Emma said with a smile, "I really appreciate your creativity, especially the launch of ITV, which is innovative and forward-looking. In my opinion, Miss Ning is already the top level in your country. "

"Thank you." Ning Xiaofei smile modest, "but you flatter me, I just started, absolutely not the top."

Emma laughed, and then turned to the point, "I like your humility. This time I'm here to talk to you about cooperation."

This time, CBS wants to expand the Chinese market, of course, it can not simply open a branch.

Rather than doing this, finding the right company and then annexing it is the best choice.

When Lu Li first recommended Ning Xiaofei to her, Emma still had some doubts.

She admitted that Ning Xiaofei had made great achievements now, but a little girl just out of the cottage was too tender.

From Ning Xiaofei's press conference to her program broadcast, Emma has been paying attention to the trend of the whole thing.

Although her Chinese name is still limited to the name of Lu Li and some simple everyday language, she still carefully read Ning Xiaofei's program from the beginning to the end, and asked the assistant to translate it into English word by word.

What surprised her most was Ning Xiaofei's ITV.

Emma sees not only creativity, but also unlimited business opportunities that she doesn't want to miss.

The studio has just been online, there are such large companies to find cooperation, which is definitely a surprise for Ning Xiaofei.

There was a flash of light in her eyes, but her face remained calm.

After these big waves, she still can't be like Mu Tianye completely flattered or humiliated, but also has a certain degree of heat.

"First of all, I thank you very much for your approval, but this matter is of great importance, and I will discuss it with my partners carefully."

Her attitude is neither humble nor overbearing. She is happy, but she is not too enthusiastic. Otherwise, she will let the other party look down on herself and the company. Although the other party is a big company, they are early-stage entrepreneurs, but they also have their own dignity.

"Of course." Emma nodded with a smile. "We're just a friend's visit. We'll make an appointment to have a good talk."

"No problem." Ning Xiaofei smiles.

Then, at nine o'clock tomorrow, I will bring my team here. Miss Ning should be ok

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