"I..." Ningxiaofei heart a fluster, drooping eyes to avoid Mu Tianye's line of sight, people flustered to pick up the box cover and plastic bag on the table, "I'll help you cook some noodles."

All the way to the door in a hurry, opened the door, she turned and added.

"You lie still."

Watching her anxious to leave the door not closed, Mu Tianye raised his hand and rubbed his chin.

Maybe he was too direct?

That's right. Girls are generally reserved. It's strange not to be scared away when he asks.

The palm of his hand gently stroked the warm grape wine bottle, and the man's sight slowly swept over all the things that Ning Xiaofei had prepared for him

She must care about him, otherwise how could she treat him so well?

Holding his head up, Mu Tianye's side eyes gaze at the empty pillow on the side of his body, and the corners of his lips gently lift up.

Since then, there has been such a small thing with him

Life should be a lot more interesting!




Ning Xiaofei fled all the way into the kitchen, turned around to close the door, and listened to it. He was sure that the man had not chased down the stairs to ask her for the answer. Ning Xiaofei then breathed a sigh of relief and walked slowly past, throwing the garbage in his hands into the garbage can.

From the refrigerator to find some vegetables and ingredients, turn on the tap to clean, his voice flashed again in his mind.

Love him?

She never thought about it.

The tap was running, but she was in a trance with vegetables in her hand.

When he misunderstands, he is afraid that he will not be happy. When he is not comfortable, she will be distressed and does not resent his closeness

He must like it!

But is that love?


Ning Xiaofei shakes her head.

She doesn't fall in love with anyone, and she doesn't want to fall in love with anyone.

At that time, my mother loved so much for him, gave up everything How about in the end?

Love is too bitter, like is enough.

So One day when he is tired of her, she won't hurt, she won't hurt, she won't cry at the thought of that man like his mother.

Thinking of this, Ning Xiaofei is suddenly enlightened and continues to wash and cut vegetables carefully

Soon, a bowl of fragrant hot noodles was put into the big bowl, and an egg was fried on it. She bent over to smell the fragrance, lifted her lips with satisfaction, took a tray to hold the bowl up, and carefully took it out of the kitchen. She went upstairs to the door of the master bedroom. Ning Xiaofei stopped again.

What would she say if the guy asked.

Say love?

Against one's will.

Say no love?

He's going to be upset.

After thinking about it and not knowing how to respond, she gently pushed the door open and looked inside.

On the pillow, Mu Tianye sleeps the eye son, the expression relaxes, already fell asleep.

Ning Xiaofei's heart was relaxed, did not disturb his rest, she turned to go downstairs, put the noodles on the table, she sat down at the table.

Thinking of his question, there was another disturbance in my mind.

If he asked again, what would she say?

Scratching her hair, she shook her head gently.

He may forget tomorrow morning that he didn't eat much dinner and patronized him. Her stomach had already begun to protest, and she would feed her stomach first.



That night, Mu Tianye was sleeping soundly, and the man whose biological clock was always on time was the first to lie in bed.

By the time he woke up, it was more than eight o'clock in the morning. The pillow on his side was empty. He went downstairs in his clothes, and Mrs. Liu met her from the restaurant.

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