Chapter 994

"Mayor Tan, I don't want to disturb you like this. Now it's a last resort. If you don't want to see me, you can only use this method."

Tan Guangyao knew that he could not avoid it, so he had to explain: "it's not that I don't want to see you, but that this is an extraordinary time, and I can't see you."

"Mayor Tan, just tell me the truth. What's the matter? I have already taken the land. Why should I take it back?"

"This is the decision of the Land Resources Management Bureau. I can't help it. Someone reported it to the above and said that we were illegally taking land. Now I can't protect myself, so you should take care of yourself." Tan Guangyao anxiously ended the call, Rong Mingyuan's eyebrows began to knot.

On the other hand, news came from Zheng Zhiyuan that he decided to withdraw his capital because he was in urgent need of money.

Rong Mingyuan has never experienced such a dilemma in these years.

Now he seems to have a little bit of the original meaning of the Qiao family.

Qiao family, it's easy to think of a person.

If all this is Qiao Yunshen behind the trick, it makes sense.

When all businesses are in crisis, Rong Mingyuan's children's clothing brand is in full swing.

Orders are soft, and they quickly set up a team to set up a shelf counter in the mall.

He contacted Zhang Yunman and they met at a Japanese food store.

Zhang Yunman is very direct. Prada wants to seek a partner to develop a brand children's clothing suitable for the Asian market. He asks Rong Mingyuan how he is thinking about it. Rong Mingyuan leans on the back of his chair and says, "I heard that you are going to sign Yan Xi and Feng Yi to be special models?"

"Mr. Rong is well informed." Zhang Yunman said with a smile, "yes, I don't know what is Rong's opinion?"

"It's not impossible to cooperate with you, but we should continue to use fengyanxi and fengyiyi to speak for our brand."

"I'm afraid I can't give you the answer for a while."

"That's all I want."

Zhang Yunman was slightly surprised: "can I ask why you are so persistent to them?"

"It's my private business. I'm afraid it's not convenient for me to answer you."

"Well, I'll give your opinion to the headquarters. I wish us a happy cooperation and tea instead of wine."

Rong Mingyuan nodded: "happy cooperation."


after all, Mr. Feng knew about it and called her: "my ruochu, drunk, almost fell into the river? How did you promise me? Have you forgotten all about it? "

Since I fell down and woke up, the memory in my body seems to be divided into two parts. The fragment of living together with Mr. Song is very clear, but occasionally, there are other people and things from the bottom of my heart.

Soon, soon, she did not see them clearly, but felt that this was what happened in the past.

The sun made her a little tired and lazy. She swayed slightly on the reclining chair. Looking at the bright light of the diamond bracelet in the sun, she laughed: "Mr. Feng, you really have great powers. No one told you that you can know. How powerful you are."

"Yes, I've installed a positioning system on you. I'm in charge of everything you do, do you know?"

"Yes? What have I done recently She was a lazy and careless question.

But Feng Jingmo's answer was a little surprised.

Feng Jingmo said: "recently with a man named Rong Mingyuan fight hot, let me have some regret to Japan, you say, how to do."

Song ruochu shakes and stops, and suddenly sits up from the reclining chair. Feng Jingmo's answer has exceeded her psychological expectation. She really hasn't told anyone, so someone is spying on her.

"Old clock told you that." She's a little bit chatty, "it's not what you think."

"Well, I know, but I do think it's time for you to think about coming back after letting you go for a long time?"

"I see."

After the conversation with Feng Jingmo, her mood suddenly became obscure. Originally a long-distance hike, because of this phone and changed the flavor.

Feng Jingmo seems to have given her a lot of freedom. In fact, it's better to send someone to watch her everywhere. It's called protection, but no one can say the real purpose.

Originally intended to pick up Feng Yanxi and Feng one by one, but Lao Zhong told her that Zhuang Qing had taken them on a day long short trip.

She called them to make sure that they were all well. She didn't know whether it was a coincidence or Feng Jingmo's Secret inspiration. It was questionable.

Mr. Feng has urged her to return to the city. She needs to speed up.

So I went to peacock village and planned to repair my grandmother's grave and house. But when I got there, I found that the house had been repaired. It was still a small western style house on the second floor, which was quite eye-catching in this humble village.

Seeing her coming, Aunt Zhang ran to her in a hurry. Song ruochu was surprised and pointed to the shining house: "Aunt Zhang, what's the matter?""Xiaochu, didn't you ask someone to build it? You are really capable of not only having your house built, but also having your grandmother's grave repaired inside and outside. There is no graveyard more magnificent than your grandmother's in our mountain, and no house can match you. Alas, it's a pity that you left early, otherwise you should really enjoy your happiness. "

Song ruochu gaped: "I don't know. I didn't ask someone to fix it."

"How can it be!" Aunt Zhang patted song ruochu on the shoulder, "Xiaochu, what can I hide? Everyone is only envious."

Song ruochu couldn't laugh or cry: "Aunt Zhang, I don't have to cheat you. I didn't ask someone to do it. And how many people are needed to build such a house in such a short time? I swear, it's really not me. "

Aunt Zhang was also stunned: "this is strange. After you go down the mountain, those people come up. There are many people who rush to build it day and night. We all praise you for your ability."

Song ruochu stroked his forehead: "but this is really not what I asked people to do."

In the distance, a bulldozer has entered the site and started to build the foundation of the school. She suddenly thought of such a person.

Is it Rong Mingyuan? Apart from him, he really can't think of a second person.

In view of the last fan, song ruochu asked Aunt Zhang to take her to grandma's grave again. It's really a big deal to repair. It's worth tens of thousands of yuan to the grave. At the top of this mountain, it's really out of place and dazzling.

Song ruochu bowed respectfully and went down the mountain.

If you can't find the answer all the time, you will feel very uncomfortable.

Despite Feng Jingmo's warning, she had to call Rong Mingyuan to confirm.

But his phone was turned off.


it is the first time for Huadeng to take up the line and return to the urban area.

Because Nanmen park is engaged in activities, there are so many people and traffic jams. She simply pays to get out of the car and walks with the crowd. They push her wherever they want.


today is a special day for Rong Mingyuan.

Song Lei knows that on this day of every year, he will choose to leave quietly alone.

He usually goes to the seaside for a day, then goes back to the city and finds a bar to sit alone in the morning. Although last night, I specially told him that his body is now an important recovery period and he can't drink any more, I don't know how much he has heard.

I hope nothing happens again.

Rong Mingyuan did sit by the sea for a day. The wind made him have a headache and made him very sober.

Or habitually driving towards Bai yuanxiu's bar. I just didn't expect to be so congested before. The announcer's commentary on the situation came from the traffic radio station, asking them to avoid the South Gate Park.

Because some organizations are holding large-scale charity sales to donate money to children in poor mountainous areas. All the things for the charity sale are donated by volunteers themselves, and also by well meaning citizens. There are many kinds of goods and materials involved, which is why they are so popular.

Looking at the front no longer any forward vehicles, and many drivers have abandoned the car to watch the excitement, Rong Mingyuan also chose to turn off the engine and move forward.

He didn't intend to participate in the excitement, just want to quietly lick his sadness, but the jade Bodhi on the auction table attracted his eyes.

Small Bodhi shape, green all over, flashing blue light in the light, like the penetrating eyes of Buddha.

At a glance, people can't put it down.

Su ran had a similar jade Buddha before he died. It's from Rong Mingyuan.

She has been cherishing the wear on the body, but with his divorce that day, she quietly left in the drawer.

The past came to me with a different kind of sour feeling.

The host quoted 8000, saying it was authentic Hotan jade. But there was no answer.

After all, it's a little expensive.

I do not know what kind of mind, Rong Mingyuan raised his right hand: "I want it."

"I'll take it." At the same time, there was a soft female voice in the crowd on the other side.

But because of the large number of people, she was submerged in it. Rong Mingyuan could only see a high hand, but could not see the person's face clearly. It's just the diamond bracelet on her hand. Is there such a coincidence?

The host of the auction naturally likes to see the picture of the auction. Let's make way for the two bidders and ask them to come to the front.

Song ruochu was next to each other, and it was not easy for him to squeeze up.

And Rong Mingyuan is like a leisurely walk, walking like clouds and flowing water.

At that moment, song ruochu was also surprised. How could there be such a coincidence.

The host asked if they all wanted the jade Bodhi. Song ruochu raises her hand. First, she really likes it. Second, because of the high price, no one seems to buy it. She also wants to do her part for the children in poor mountainous areas. However, Rong Mingyuan shakes her head: "since this gentleman likes it, let him have it. I'll see something else."The host seems to be disappointed and turns his eyes on Rong Mingyuan. However, Rong Mingyuan looks at Song ruochu's face and offers: "fifty thousand, give it to me."

"Ah -" the host was overjoyed.

Song ruochu smiles lightly and hides himself in the crowd. Where Rong Ming is far away, the air is thin.

She had a strong sense of uneasiness and knew that they could no longer touch and get closer.

She trotted towards the fresh air in the park. I thought I could get rid of him, but he caught up with her, stepped up, and soon held her wrist.

"Let go of me!" She raised her hand and just brought it to his face. Although she didn't mean it, she also gave him a firm slap.

Rong Mingyuan was stunned, but song ruochu was confused.