Chapter 952

Su ran stared at the back of his dark head and summoned up the courage to say, "I did what you said. Should you agree to my request?"

"Are you done? The rest of it hasn't been taken off yet. " Rong Mingyuan looks back, smiles evil, twinkles like the neon of the Milky way, and becomes his background.

Su ran frowned: "do you still want me to take off here?"

"Will you, or dare you?"

Su ran stares at him: "as long as you keep your word and let Qiao's family and Su Mo go, I dare!"

His sharp vision was like a flash of lightning on her: "Qiao family or Qiao Yunshen?"

"All of them!" Her eyes were firm and resolute.

Rong Mingyuan bares his teeth and looks fierce. Su Ran's heart contracts suddenly, but he doesn't allow himself to be weak. Suddenly, he smiles sorrowfully: "OK, Su ran, then I'll help you."

Step on the accelerator to the end, and the car rushes out like an arrow.

The wind came from all directions in the West. Su ran had to close her eyes, hold the handle beside the car tightly and give herself to him again.

The car had been driving for a long time. When it arrived at the seaside, the wind became strong. He closed the awning, and his dancing hair fell down. Although it was blown in a mess, it did not hinder her sight.

Rong Mingyuan once again took her to this seaside villa.

When she left, she thought that she would never come back in her life. Unexpectedly, she came back here in a few short months.

Is this the fate of her and him, until death.

The villa is empty and dark. From a distance, it looks like a dormant beast. With the door open and the light on, it seems to enter the hinterland of the beast.

Su ran follows very hard. Rong Mingyuan goes straight upstairs, so she has to follow.

In the bedroom, he stood on the balcony, facing the boundless dark sea like ink, while she stood quietly behind him, just like that last night, she also accompanied him quietly until dawn.

Standing for a long time, Su Ran's legs are numb and her body is crumbling. When it's hard to support, Rong Mingyuan suddenly turns around. Su ran stands up quickly. He stares at her swollen legs. His eyes are full of stormy courage, and he says: "Su ran, I can let Qiao's family go, Qiao Yunshen go, and you can see Su Mo, but I also have a chance It's a request. "

Is there only one requirement so good?

Su ran did not dare to show her heart, nodded: "you say."

"When the baby is born, it will be sent away, and then it will stay with me."

Su ran stumbled and sat down on the g. the meaning of seeing him off was too obvious. She couldn't help thinking of what he said to her that time, Su Mo's child was born and brought it to you.

In his eyes, children are so dispensable that they can be sent at will. What's more, the two treasures in her stomach are his own flesh and blood

Besides, what does it mean to stay with him? She is Qiao Yunshen's wife in name now. How can she stay with Rong Mingyuan?

"Why should I stay with you?"

His broad smile: "because I want to prove to the world that I have no problem with Rong Mingyuan!"

Su ran doesn't quite understand his meaning, but Rong Mingyuan doesn't let her continue to ask questions. He just says, "do you agree?"

"I promise." Su ran doesn't think much about it. There are still a few months to go before the due date. When the child is born safely, if she reveals the truth, won't he send her away?

Now, she can't say. She didn't dare to take the risk of Qiao's family, and she didn't dare to open the last card ahead of time. She didn't know him at all.

In his eyes, she seems to see the pain of his difficult choice.

She did not dare to speculate that it was his undying affection. She only dared to be carefully reared by him on this isolated island far away from the crowd.

What she was most afraid of didn't happen.

This night, Rong Mingyuan did nothing to her, just holding her naked, sleeping on G for a night.

Yes, naked. Although she didn't do anything, she was still very unaccustomed to such bareness. Moreover, she had a big stomach and was very restless. She tossed and turned. He seemed to notice her abnormality and put out a hand to hold her stomach. She finally felt comfortable and fell asleep.

The pregnancy marks on her stomach have been rising wildly these days. When she looks in the mirror, she can't bear to look down at them, and her scarred back. As a person, she can't look at them from front to back.

Rong Mingyuan came every night and did nothing all the time, so he quietly held her for a night.

One hand caresses her hideous and ugly back skin, and the other holds her increasingly round stomach.

Two little guys don't know whether they feel the breath of their father. Every night, they are as lively as two little fish, kicking in their stomachs.

Several times, even Rong Mingyuan felt the intense breath of life.

There is a kind of pulse of life on his arm, beating happily. He holds Su Ran's weak body and wants to cry.If only it were his child.

He once swore to heaven that he would be a cruel man, but once again to Su ran, he found that he couldn't be as heartless as he thought. Since he couldn't do it, he had to put it on his side.

Su ran heard his dull sigh, and his heart was also bitter.


in the morning, Rong Mingyuan gets up and puts on his clothes. His light blue shirt, black business silk tie and pencil suit pants are neatly cut. Su ranyong lies on Chuang and stares greedily at his broad back. It seems that many disputes in the past do not exist. They are still a couple who respect each other. She is still pregnant with his child. Everything is beautiful It's like a colorful bubble.

She didn't want to destroy such a beautiful peace, but she couldn't help asking Su Mo where she was.

Rong Mingyuan looked at her from the dressing mirror in front of her: "she is very good."

"Can't I see her?" Su ran sat up straight from Chuang, and her white thin body slipped, revealing her plump and soft Xiang Department. Because of her pregnancy, her Xiang Department seems to have risen two times.

Rong Mingyuan's eyes suddenly darkened a little, Su ran immediately blushed and pulled over the quilt to cover himself.

He cold hard corner of the mouth tick out a indifferent radian: "wait for what you please me, I'll let you see."

"Rong Mingyuan!" Su ran yelled behind his back, but he still couldn't stop him from leaving. Before he left, he explained, "there's food in the refrigerator. Get up and do it yourself."

The engine of the car starts from downstairs, and Su Ran is lying on the top of Chuang, absorbed in the delicate ceiling.

Please him? This is a small way to increase the interest between husband and wife. Before the third trimester of pregnancy, proper exercise is also OK.


Her mouth is filled with thick astringency, does she really want to do that? What should I do if I can't do it again.

This time, Rong Mingyuan did not confiscate Su Ran's mobile phone. He was not afraid that Su ran would leave because he held her seven inches accurately.

Su ran calls Jiang Yihan, and her agent tells her that Jiang Yihan is in France for Givenchy.

Louis Vuitton specially invited Freja behaerichsen, supermodels Stella Tennant and Sasha Pivovarova to take part in the autumn fashion week in Paris, France. Jiang Yihan opened the show.

Zang Yunuo took her personally, and even her agent was left in China.

Now it's hard to see such a large number of supermodels appear in the same show. Su Ran is really happy for Jiang Yihan. She can occupy a place in such an international fashion stage, which proves that her career has reached a new level.

Happy to happy, this time, she can not even discuss a person, or some lost.

During the day, she walked around the quiet and empty villa barefoot.

All the ways she could think of to please Rong Mingyuan were too simple, too difficult to say, and too difficult to put on the stage.

At last, she sat on the stairs with her disappointed cheek. What he said was light, but it made her feel embarrassed.

She opened the wardrobe, which was simply a few pieces of loose maternity dress, no aesthetic feeling, those clothes were still there, but, where can fit her huge body.

Pick and choose, there is no one to wear, she gave up dejectedly, pull aside the wardrobe, Rong Mingyuan's clothes are not much, but, better than she can wear!

She took a deep breath, and she had already made a fuss in her heart. She chose a white shirt.

At that time, she had so much spare body, but now she could only button up a few buttons. Her round stomach protruded outside. She stroked her forehead with a bitter smile and turned around in front of the mirror. She couldn't help but vomit. She had no aesthetic feeling and had no appetite.

At a loss, Su ran turned to the great omnipotent network.

A post about how pregnant women increase their attractiveness and catch men's eyes quietly appeared on the forum.

In fact, Su ran wanted to write more directly about how pregnant women please men, but she thought the topic was too hot for fear of being scolded by people who didn't know it, so she chose a more implicit title, but everyone understood the meaning.

She holds the mobile phone to brush ah brush, the reply is simply amazing.

Some people say that it depends on the object. If it's your husband, it's OK. If it's a lover, it's shameless to have a big stomach.

Su ran automatically ignored the latter and looked at all the ways to please her husband provided by enthusiastic netizens.

How sad, in her subconscious, she still took Rong Mingyuan as her husband. Maybe it made her feel better.

Under the countless open passionate fire ~ hot reply to see the people's blood boiling, one of them reply to let the man enjoy the ice and fire two days of extreme fast ~ feeling reply is high.Innumerable people praise this method is simply wave ~ swing and safe, have said to go home to find their husband to try, to increase the couple's interest.

The so-called "ice and fire" double sky makes people blush and heartbeat.

It's a big stage with all kinds of patterns and all kinds of flowers in full bloom. Everyone has his own tricks. Today's Internet is probably the most popular one in this post. Su Ran's fingers are shaking.

Rong Mingyuan's company, there are female employees who have deserted noticed this post, a secret sweep quietly spread inside.

From the beginning of the majority of people's wives to those who are eager to be pleased by their wives.

It's amazing to see the messages coming from the bottom.

Men in their waistcoats brazenly expose their ideas on the Internet, hoping that their wives can see them and put them into practice.