Chapter 107

Xie Mingtang also called and told them that the kidney source had been found. Now he sent someone to pick it up overnight by air, and they could arrive here in three hours at most. He would contact the hospital to do the rest.

For three hours, it was like a race against death. Zhang Xiaoman knelt down straight, put her hands together and prayed devoutly. She was still wearing a thin dress coming out of the bar. Tang Xiaoyan looked at it and couldn't bear it. She quickly took off her windbreaker coat and gave it to her.

She didn't feel it. She just kept mumbling to herself and praying. This is the most humble thing she can do as a daughter.

Tang Xiaoyan can't do anything. At the same age and with the same youth, she feels that God has given Zhang Xiaoman much more suffering than herself.

Although she is also dependent on others in the Tang family, Tang Wanru is also very difficult, but even if Peng Yuan scolds her again, she is also her daughter, and she should give no less than what she should eat, but it's a little bit close. Compared with Zhang Xiaoman's predicament, it's actually much better.

My heart is full of pain. She rubbed her arm in the hope of getting rid of the chill.

Fu Zihao didn't know when he came behind them. Until Tang Xiaoyan felt the weight and temperature on his shoulders, he found that Fu Zihao took off his coat and put it on her.

Warmth immediately surrounded her, so warm in this lonely night: "thank you."

Fu Zihao said nothing and sat down on one side of the stool. It seemed that he would not go.

Not long after, the nurse rushed out of the emergency room. Zhang Xiaoman was stunned and stood up to ask. The nurse said, "don't get in the way. Time is pressing."

Tang Xiaoyan grabs Zhang Xiaoman and sees bags of plasma being sent in. The nurse runs in and out in a hurry, but there is no news.

Tang Xiaoyan kept looking at the time. In the past three hours, it was really against the clock. The tension and uneasiness enveloped the whole corridor.

Two and a half hours later, the escort led by Xie Mingtang appeared at the end of the corridor of the emergency room.

Outside the emergency room, Zhang Xiaoman dries his flexible walking corpse and sits numbly with messy hair and dull eyes. What she insisted on, worked hard and struggled for, all ended ten minutes ago.

Tang Xiaoyan was uncomfortable, but he didn't know how to comfort him.

Xie Mingtang is trotting all the way, his forehead is covered with fine beads of sweat, we can see that he really did his best.

But a lot of things in life really can't catch up, just like many regrets, even if you spend your whole life, you can't make up for them.

Zhang Xiaoman's father died 20 minutes ago because of ineffective rescue.

Fu Yunqian and Xie Mingtang tried their best to find the kidney source for him, but it didn't work after all.

Xie Mingtang didn't expect such a result, and he was a little confused. But the kidney source had been taken, and it was impossible to waste it like this. Too many people were waiting for it to save their lives. So he contacted the hospital overnight, and with the fastest speed, he put the source of life back on the people in need.

Zhang Xiaoman always sat indifferently, as if listening to an outsider's thing. Tang Xiaoyan really felt her pain, because she wanted to cry, but she couldn't cry. Her heart seemed to be strangled, and her breath was painful.

Tang Xiaoyan sat with her in the hospital all night. Finally, she became hoarse and begged her: "Xiaoman, if you want to cry, you can cry. It will be easier to cry."

"No Zhang Xiaoman pale face, the body as thin as paper, she stood up, dull forward, "Dad is still waiting for me, I want to see him."

Zhang Xiaoman didn't cry. Tang Xiaoyan was outside the mortuary, but he couldn't cry.

The school has been on holiday. It's nearly the end of the new year. Tang Xiaoyan understands that Zhang Xiaoman can't live a good year.

However, Zhang Xiaoman is also really strong. She has no family to deal with the death of Zhang Mingquan. Fu Zihao helped her father to take care of his affairs.

Fu Zihao showed unprecedented calmness and strength in this matter, from contacting hearse to cremation and packing box, he almost did it all by himself.

They didn't tell their classmates about it, so they all went home safely.

However, Tang Xiaoyan accompanied Zhang Xiaoman all the way. She was dressed in black. At last, she got on the train with her father's urn in her arms. The train took her away, but her tears kept falling.

Zhang Xiaoman's home is in the distant dashangou, so there is no such fast high-speed train as the high-speed train, so we can only take the green train and walk in slowly all the way.

A 22-year-old girl has experienced such great ups and downs in the past six months. How strong must she be to survive.

The train whistle sounds like a long wail. She chases and waves all the way, hoping that Zhang Xiaoman can walk down firmly. She doesn't slow down until she can't see it again.

The pace of the new year is approaching, but the death of Zhang Xiaoman's father, Zhang Xiaoman's departure, for the upcoming reunion atmosphere cage on a layer of shadow.

Looking back, she found that Fu Zihao had been following her.Death is like a lamp out. Everything becomes meaningless after death. She suddenly opened her eyes to many things. Even though Fu Zihao said too much, she really helped them a lot, so she sincerely appreciated: "thank you, Fu Zihao."

He pulled his lips, alienated and indifferent, only said: "do you want to go back? If you go back, I'll give you a ride."

"Yes, thank you."

These days, she hardly closed her eyes. She accompanied Zhang Xiaoman all day and all night. She was really tired. She even had a hard time talking. After getting on the bus, she was very sleepy.

However, Fu Zihao's sitting beside her still made her feel a little uncomfortable, so she kept fighting hard. He seemed to see her reluctance and laughed coldly: "if you want to sleep, don't be afraid that I will sell you. I will send you back to my uncle's villa, little aunt."

His cold little aunt scared Tang Xiaoyan out of sleep. No matter how silly he was, he could hear the strong irony in his words. Tang Xiaoyan's mouth was rustling and there was no response, but he really couldn't sleep. They were like an invisible wall between them, and their relationship was doomed to never peaceful coexistence. It was the best result that they could not interfere with each other Let's go.

The familiar terrain and environment appeared in front of her eyes, and she finally let go. When the car stopped in front of the villa, she got out of the car, and Fu Zihao was not in any difficulty. She turned back and waved to him to pay attention to safety on the road. Without saying a word, he drove away.

Tired into the room, only to find a bowl of dumplings on the table, she suddenly surprised that today has the winter solstice.

There has always been a folk saying that the winter solstice is as big as the year. This day is of great significance to people looking forward to the new year.

Fubo has gone to sleep. The villa is quiet. After several years of running and parting, Tang Xiaoyan feels extremely lonely and fragile. She is so tired that she wants to talk to someone and have a warm embrace to rely on.

She ate dumplings, did not return to the room, directly on the third floor, into Fu Yunqian's study.

The feeling of loneliness, depression, despair and suffocation made her want to cry for her youth, for Zhang Xiaoman's youth, and for their hesitation and trouble.

The wound on the body will be better one day, so the wound on the heart, so bloody, how long will it take to heal.

She thought too much, too much, and couldn't wait any longer. She dialed the number that she knew very well. She knew that he might be busy, but she couldn't help it. After accumulating so many days of emotion, she felt that she was about to explode. She wanted someone to comfort herself.

If he didn't answer, she would call again and again. Her tears blurred her eyes, but she didn't want to give up. She insisted so persistently. Her tears had already wet the screen like a raging tide. Her throat choked and she couldn't cry. So when Fu Yunqian answered the phone, she only heard her hoarse wail.

His heart a Zheng, quietly listen to her cry, also don't know how long to cry, wait for her voice a little small down a few, just whisper: "cry over?"

She was embarrassed and hoarse. Although she tried her best to restrain it, she still smoked: "I'm sorry, did I disturb you?"

"No, the meeting is over. Now I feel better? "

She nodded, but she also began to fear that she had so many emotions to burst out. What kind of determination could Zhang Xiaoman have to make to keep her from falling down? He was just like a piece of driftwood in the sea that she had grasped. She just wanted to listen to him. Unconsciously, the words also showed a lot of dependence: "what do you want When will I come back? I'm so sad. I want someone to accompany me. I'm sitting in my study and in your position. Don't scold me. I've sneaked in again. "

Fu Yunqian holding a mobile phone, standing in the high-rise of the Capitol building, stepping on the hard floor, the window is lined with high-rise buildings, but at this moment, his body is like floating in the air, pain, pain, and a huge wave of missing, such as sweeping, let his legs soften, some can not stand.

No more woman can bring him so many emotional changes, no more woman can affect his continuous emotional ups and downs, he can imagine her sitting in his chair crying miserable appearance, he even want to leave everything, regardless of flying back, that such as blood impulse, surging in his heart, surging, almost It's hard to support yourself.

But he is an adult, mature and steady person. Reason makes him pour out his feelings. He tries to maintain the peace of breath and calm voice, and says to her, "I don't scold you. I'll go back in a few days. I already know about Zhang Xiaoman. We have a long way to go in life. Losing or getting is the only way. What she has experienced, everyone knows She just went through this kind of suffering ahead of ordinary people. It's hard to cross this barrier, but no one can help except her. You've done your best. It's enough. Go to sleep. Maybe when you wake up, I'll go back. "

"Really?" She's holding her cell phone, her heart pounding.

He said, "go to sleep.""I, I'll wait for you to come back."

Before she goes to bed, she makes a wish quietly. Fu Yunqian, I hope you can fall asleep.

But dreams are dreams, and extravagant hopes are extravagant hopes.

Looking at all the familiar and cold things around, nothing has changed.

Fu Yunqian is far away in the United States, if things there are not handled properly. How can you come back so easily.