SETI I's anger has not subsided.

"Your brother is right. You will be the princess of Egypt, and you will have to shoulder the responsibility of Queen. Besides Rameses, who dares to be with you? Tiya, you are young. Don't do anything you regret

The eyes of the high priest deepened.

As soon as she said it, she could not escape the responsibility of being investigated, and there was an irreparable rift of trust between her and the Pharaoh. The princess was young, and he must have lured her.

It is true, though.

But the high priest didn't want to be planted on Lin Lang's body.

He was just about to open his mouth to divert the Pharaon's attention. The man spoke, his voice was tired, and he was all frustrated. "Father, don't force me. It's my fault. It has nothing to do with anyone. I I would like to serve Amun for the rest of my life. I will not step into the palace any more. "

"I pray for your father's success."

Once again, she lowered her forehead, and the long hair on her waist slipped from her back and twisted in clusters.

Like the God of despair at the end of the day.

Ramses's eyes were covered with cold shade.

The Pharaon was not angry but laughed, holding the handle of the chair in his hands, "Tiya, my good daughter, you have learned to threaten your father! My father really wants to know what kind of devil has caught your mind? "

"Well, father, as you wish, from now on, you will no longer be a noble princess of Egypt, but a low priest in the temple of Luxor. Besides being unable to wear Chinese clothes and apply spices, you should also bow to those who are inferior to you. Even so, would you not repent? "

The princess kowtowed again.

"Thank you very much King

She straightened up and slowly picked off the Golden Lotus corolla on the top of her hair. A wisp of ink hair hung alone in her ears, setting off a bit of fragility.

Ramses held her hand.

"Sister Wang." He pursed his lips, "brother advised you, you should think clearly."

He stressed the word "clear" with a strong warning.

"I'm sorry, Ramses."

She looked at him calmly, her black eyes clearly reflected the face of the youth, but did not have half of the emotional ups and downs.

In this way, Lin Lang clearly told him that she only cared for his brother and sister.

If it wasn't for blood, she wouldn't have noticed him at all.

"It's time you let go."

Ramses didn't move.

Lin Lang had to break off his fingers. The boy's temperature was on the high side. When he was next to his skin, he seemed to fall a hot spark.

"Don't worry, your princess must be more beautiful than your sister."

"Most importantly, she will love you very much." Princess

has always been very reserved. No matter how many times she has been entangled with her, she seldom claims to be her elder sister.

This time, he heard the name of intimacy, but after her cruel rejection of herself.

What is this?

Give him a slap and give him a sugar to comfort him?

Ramses look unpredictable, Lin Lang ignored his inner activities, stood up and left the palace of the Pharaoh.

She did not look back as she passed by the high priest.

Strange as two worlds.

Lin Lang was arranged to go to Luxor Temple, take off the gorgeous waist clothes, and put on the most plain white linen robe. The high priest recognized her, but under the edict of the Pharaoh, no one dared to approach her at will and kept her identity secret. Lin Lang's status as a low priest, only with a group of young girls crowded in the same room.

Even in the brightest holy land, there is still guilt.

Before Lin Lang came, the group of young priests had a leader, who was very tall, with a slightly thin face, and her slightly protruding cheekbones showed that she was not easy to provoke. It is said that she ran away with a man when she was 11 years old. As a result, the man disliked her ugliness and temporarily repented, and then sent her back home with all her whiskers. She never married. She broke the pot and broke, and entered the temple by virtue of her family relationship. Because of her unkindness, she often picked the thorns of her companions, and the girls were always afraid of her.

The priestess was jealous of all the people who were more beautiful than her, such as Lin Lang, naturally became her first target of attack.

Lin Lang does not interact with her and does her own thing in silence.

As a princess, she adapted well to the priesthood.

Different from the male priests, the Priestess is mainly responsible for the music and dance of the temple. Lin Lang was personally trained by the high priest, who was known for his harshness. Her body and manner were impeccable and perfect. The priestess failed to find her fault and had to vent her anger on other girls.

Later, the priestess thought of a very cruel method.

What a vicious method?

First, she warmly praised Lin Lang's work, and then she recommended Lin Lang to be the priest of the Taurus temple.

The young girls in the audience were so scared that their faces were white and their fingers were agitated.

In ancient Egypt, there was a complex of Taurus worship. The priests would regard the black bull with special stripes as the Taurus, and carefully raise it for four months and then send it to the Taurus temple. Then they will select some beautiful girls to enter the temple, as sacrifices, and make love with the incarnation of God.Some of the sacrificial candidates should be chosen from the temple for fairness.

The high priest has the right to refuse, so the religious responsibility naturally falls on the young and beautiful lower priestesses.

The male priest in charge of this matter did not know Lin lang. on the contrary, he had a good relationship with the priestess, and agreed without too much hesitation, adding Lin Lang's name to the list of ministers.

In any case, he is a new insignificant person.

He did not look down on her, and let her perform such a great responsibility, I should be extremely honored.

Lin Lang did not resist.

She just needs a guide / fire / cable.

who thought awesome, so she gave her the hand and was not afraid of being badly mutilated.

When the crowd broke up, a girl came up timidly.

Recently, she has seldom comforted the dead

Lin Lang bent her eyebrows and her eyes moved, "thank you."

The girl blushed and walked away quickly.

Jinniu temple is decorated with magnificent atmosphere, and can be seen everywhere with relief and color painting of depiction ability. Following the priest, Lin Lang saw the calf. It was well raised, its fur was dark and shiny, and it was running happily with hooves. It's happy mood infected the girls, have shown a smile.

The priest caught a glimpse of Lin Lang, and said coldly, "you go to clean the lake tonight and come here tomorrow morning."

Many people breathed a sigh of relief and congratulated themselves that they were not the first corpse.

The next day, Lin Lang came and, urged by the priest, changed into a more light and elegant Linen White Robe, with golden lilies woven in the corners.

"Go ahead."

The priest rudely pushed her into a room, then backed out and locked.

The room is very large, but there is no furniture. Only layers of blankets are laid on the floor. The patterns are complicated and the colors are extremely gorgeous. The colorful light and shadow float in the dazzling sunlight.

The calf, apparently fed with stimulants / drugs, looked very manic, and from time to time pursed his hooves to vent. But there was nothing else in the room, and it could only be pounded like a headless fly.

When he smelled the strange smell, the black tree Newton stopped, and his red eyes locked the sacrifice.

"Boom -"

it ran at her.


The sharp light of snow reflected the pale and desperate face of the priest of the Taurus temple.

"Temple, your highness, spare your life!"

The black haired boy wiped his neck directly.

Do you dare to ask for mercy if you hurt his God?

Oh, go to hell and repent with death.

Ramses killed all the way to the most sacred room.

"Bang --"

he broke the chain with his sword.

Just saw the black cattle rush to the scene.

The younger brother killed the red eye, regardless of whether it was the incarnation of God or not, and the anger stabbed in the past.

A sword pierces the throat.

A large amount of blood spurted from the neck of black cattle, which Ramses avoided and splashed with blood.

He wiped the dirty blood on his eyelids, but he was still angry, and stabbed several times.

Until he saw the rags, his rising anger barely subsided.

After waking up, Ramses went to search for Lin Lang for the first time.

She stayed where she was, staring at people.

"You Why are you here? "

"If I don't come, is my sister really going to have sex with a cow?" My younger brother has recently learned to laugh with skin and not with meat.

Lin Lang deliberately angered him and frowned, "Ramses, how can you insult the incarnation of God? It's our duty to serve Taurus. Well, you killed it. How can we account to God? "

"Ah Explain it? "

In front of her beloved sister, Ramses rarely showed a sarcastic sneer.

He approached her step by step with his bloody sword.

"I am worthy of being the holy Princess of Egypt. I am so devoted to God that I would rather refuse to love her brother to death than to have intercourse with a lowly animal. I am afraid God would be willing to die if you are such a loyal believer! Why, why is my sister looking at me like this? Angry? Is it my brother who is wrong? Or do you dislike your younger brother's coming too early and disturb your interest -- "

" pa! "

The princess slapped him in anger.

The younger brother was fanned to the side of his head, his fine forehead covered his eyebrows and eyes, and half of his face was slightly red and swollen.

He stopped for a moment and turned slowly.

This time, he raised his head. Lin Lang could clearly see the blood on his younger brother's cheek, ears and neck. Because it was fresh and had not solidified, these bright red beads slowly slipped down the bronze skin and pulled into a ferocious blood line, which was shocking.

Ramses grinned, as if his smile was stained with blood."It's really my brother Is that right? If you are not satisfied, come to me to vent your anger? "

Lin Lang's chest heaved and raised his hand again to teach him a lesson.


Her back hit the wall heavily, and the wall made of fine sand and stone was not smooth, with the original roughness, and the particles were densely packed into her back. She could not help humming.

In front of me was a blur of shadow.

He covered her eyes to keep his heart from softening.

The temperature of a teenager is hot and dangerous.

"Rameses, you..." She took a hard breath. "What are you going to do?"

"I'm doing what makes you happy."

Sharp teeth nibble at her ears, and the sound of swallowing, accompanied by the sound of stripping, constantly challenges the sensitive nerves.

"I am the true son of Amon than the ignorant and stupid Taurus. Isn't I the most pleasing God you should serve?"

Lin Lang was gagged by him and couldn't speak at all.

On the verge of suffocation.

Aware of her sister's "weakness", the younger brother was cautious and relaxed.

He was careful to kiss her on the forehead.

She kicked his life with her foot.

He was careful to kiss her face.

She kicked his little life with her feet.

Ramses: --

Thanks to his agility.

There was a standoff between the two.

"Why did sister Wang refuse me? You said that I will be your king in the future, and all your things should be dedicated to me

Ramses was panting, and his forehead was covered with sweat, which was mixed with blood and exuded a strong and strange smell.

"Rameses, you forget that I am not your sister Wang when I leave the palace."

Lin Lang was tightly blindfolded. The thick heat in the young palm made her eyelids moist and she was very uncomfortable blinking.

A group of little butterflies swagger and bump in the palm of their hands.

She did not know that this action stimulated the nerve endings of her brother, and the action became more and more brutal and violent.

"I don't care!" "I don't care who you are. As long as you are in the land of Egypt, you must be mine and love me alone," he said

Little Teddy's quite right.

Ramses tore off her belt.

"Ramses, are you going to be a tyrant?"

The younger brother looks cold, the arm strength is amazing, but Lin Lang is strangled by the belt bleeding.

He satirized her, "isn't that what you want? If I fall, my sister will be able to ascend the throne smoothly and be together with the high priest forever! My sister should be happy

New grudges and old grudges made the golden pupils of Ramses become scarlet and scarlet.

"Pa --"

he tore off the jewel belt and locked his dazzling hands on the wall. His restless long legs were eager to squeeze into his sister's legs.

Lin Lang closed his knees to prevent him from succeeding.

Boiling blood clamors to invade, but his arrogant queen is still reserved and mercilessly refuses the diplomatic application.

He was so hard and painful that he wanted to kill.

Does she want him to die here?

The younger brother was restless, grabbed her hair and yelled at her face for the first time.

"Now the tyrant orders you to let me in! Believe it or not, I'll make you cry until your legs are soft! "