Those crazy believers' power was taken away by the gods and merged into the black cloud in the sky. Those believers who knelt down on the ground only felt that something in their hearts was broken.

Among these believers, some were influenced by the behavior of Yiyi, some were frightened and pretended to be obedient, but more were just blindly obedient.

But among those who fell on their knees, quite a few were true believers.

Perhaps not to the extent of fanatics, but not to question their beliefs.

They feel that their power comes from the gods, and even someone can deprive them of their power. Then the messenger of the gods must be exercising the rights of the gods.

So those people really believe that Yiyi is a saint.

When the will of the gods comes, these people are also the most frightened, because they are true believers, or they think they are true believers.

But when the gods take away the power and life of the crazy believers, their faith is broken.

Most of the Crusaders joined at the beginning not because they believed in gods, but because they gained strength. Believing in gods was only their means to gain strength.

But now they find that the gods can deprive them of their strength and life, and the little girls who come out of nowhere can also deprive them of their strength and life.

In this case, what is the use of their strength?

Anyway, other people can take it away at any time.

Especially when they see that the crazy believers are deprived of their lives, they are full of fear. Is this the price of devout belief in gods? Does devout belief in gods mean that one's life is completely controlled by gods?

If that's the price of faith, they'd rather not believe in gods.

They are ashamed of their evil thoughts, but once such thoughts appear in their hearts, they have taken root and can not be ruled out in any way.

The cloud in the sky, after receiving the power of the crazy believers, becomes more vast.

The soldiers and officers of the Star Cross army could not help kneeling on the ground after they felt the great will, but Chu Feng and Yiyi were still under the cloud.

No, it's not that there's no movement at all.

A sword burst into the sky and directly penetrated the black clouds in the sky.

It seems that the sword Qi that can burn everything can directly ignite the black clouds in the sky, making the robbing clouds in the sky burn up, as if it had become a real version of the burning clouds.

Those in the distance of the cross corps, in the distance to feel the will of the gods, as well as this straight into the sky of the sword, that burning all the flame, are dull down.

What kind of power, what kind of sword, dare to challenge the gods?

Why even the will of the gods dare to disobey the fire rising from the sky?

The strong in the cross were quiet after they felt the collision of strength and will.

"Shall we go and have a look?"

A discordant voice asked his officer.

"The great will of the gods has been manifested in this polluted world. There is no evil or darkness that can resist the purification of the gods." One of the officers of the Starcross answered with pious words.

"Subordinates are guilty, subordinates should die."

The soldier kneeling down and kissing the ground, asking for the officer's forgiveness.

"In front of the great and lofty will of the gods, no one dares to punish them instead of the gods." The officer replied in a soft and genial voice.

"Thank the merciful gods."

The soldier shed tears and returned to the line.

But at this time, his body suddenly into a holy light, out of the queue, into the distant cloud.

More and more crazy believers turned their bodies into holy light, converged to the clouds in the air, and integrated with the will of the gods, becoming the power of the gods to punish heretics.

Seeing this scene, countless soldiers stood rigidly in place.

They have already felt that the climate is a little cold, but now they see the end of the fanatic believers, they only feel that it is freezing from the inside to the outside.

"Blasphemer, I give you purification!"

The great will in the sky made a majestic sound.

But before the lightning, which symbolizes the punishment of the gods, fell, the fire, which was as vivid as an elf, beat at Chu Feng's fingertips and differentiated into the sword spirit of hundreds of burners.

Compared with the thunder and lightning with sacred breath, these flames are more full of life and vitality.

After leaving Chu Feng, these vivid flame sword Qi danced freely in the air, just like the spirit of fire, which almost dispelled the haze in the hearts of those believers.

They suddenly feel that, compared with those holy lights that make people feel peaceful and peaceful, these bright red flames, which can burn everything, are so lovely and can make people feel the vitality of life.With the sacred breath of thunder and electricity, a flame just blocked in front of the thunder and lightning, both sides in the air Yin out, leaving some vitality storm, as if even the air can split.

Sacred thunder and lightning come down from the sky, but no matter how those sacred thunder and lightning come down, those bright red flames will stop them, in front of thunder and lightning.

This big net woven by sword Qi seems to be just flying in the air, but it seems to cover the whole robbery cloud.

"Will God punish you?"

Chu Feng's breath began to gradually blend with the environment. This is his understanding of the realm of harmony between man and nature. In normal times, he can only blend with the surrounding environment. But now, facing the will to use, he feels as if he is integrated with the will of the earth. His every move represents the will of the whole earth.

A long red sword appeared in his hand. The edge of the sword was shining brightly.

As long as people see this beautiful color, they will feel that the blood is speeding up and there is a flame burning in their heart.

Chu Feng waved the red sword in his hand, and a sword gas burning with fire cut up from Chu Feng's hand. The light of the fire soared into the sky, and the cloud in the sky was directly divided into two parts by the sword of fire.

Those flames and swords in the air flew towards the black clouds in the air.

The whole sky began to burn up, countless weak wills gathered together, and the vast wills in the sky collided together, making the fire in the sky burn more exuberant.

"Divine punishment, disperse!"

Chu Feng felt as if his body, Yuan Li, soul, and even all the time were burning. He felt as if he was controlling the whole ocean of will to put out the madman who wanted to be above the ocean.


Red flames burst out in the sky.