T. rex can't understand the human language, but the transmission of spiritual fluctuation makes T. rex accurately read the meaning.

In the face of Chu Feng's demand for solicitation, the anger of ice and snow Tyrannosaurus Rex's eyes is more exuberant.

It tries to lift its head, trying to get rid of the black chain.

It has never met the enemy or the threat of death since it opened its mind. It is the king of the forest and the pinnacle of the world.

Surrender, like the weak beasts that bow to it, bow to this human?

Then the weak beasts that crawling at his feet, shivering, and the rage in the eyes of T. rex are more vigorous. It doesn't want to be one of those weak ones.

It looks down upon the weak and naturally can not accept itself as a weak person.

"If you don't want to surrender, you're worthless."

As a superior, of course, I want my subordinates to have the quality of being indomitable, but when my enemies would rather die than surrender, it will make people feel very headache.

If the ice and snow Tyrannosaurus Rex is seriously injured and slowly trained after going back, maybe one day, the ice and snow Tyrannosaurus Rex will surrender to him, but Chu Feng is not interested in it.

Although the last ten beasts are precious, they can't compare with his precious time and energy.

Instead of spending time and energy slowly training ice and snow Tyrannosaurus Rex, it's better to let thunder corpse dragon's strength to a higher level, or to cultivate the silver wolf king in Yuanfu with a little snack.

The spear condensed in Chu Feng's hand and entered the ice and snow Tyrannosaurus Rex's mouth with lightning speed.

As if to make everything return to extinction, the black thunder burst out in the mouth of the ice and snow Tyrannosaurus Rex, which was full of pain. It wanted to make a roar of grief and indignation, but its voice had been destroyed, even the roar could not be made.

"Not dead yet?"

A look of surprise flashed in Chu Feng's eyes, but more black lightning gathered in his hands, forming a black lightning spear, which ran through the body of ice and snow Tyrannosaurus Rex with lightning speed.

The body of T. rex froze as if it had become an ice sculpture.

A few seconds later, the snow Tyrannosaurus Rex slowly collapsed on the ground like a mountain. Its huge eyes were wide, but it could no longer see the enemy.

See ice and snow Tyrannosaurus finally fell, the survivors inside the fortress, broke out cheers.

"Wow! That's great. "

"This damn Tyrannosaurus Rex is dead at last."

"Ha ha, we won."

"Wake up, that man won."

The cheering survivors were interrupted suddenly, and the excitement in their hearts gradually subsided, staring at the one person and one dragon in the sky nervously.

Although very dissatisfied, but have to admit that the man is right.

Maybe today's business is not over.

In their hearts, the pronoun of disaster and supremacy hindered their terrible existence on the road to the south. In front of this one dragon, they had little resistance ability and were killed in a few moves.

Is such existence an enemy or a friend?

"Since you have such powerful power, why did you let this Tyrannosaurus Rex come to us? Do you mean to drive Tyrannosaurus Rex to destroy our fortress? "

A survivor with black hair and black eyes roared at Chu Feng.

Chu Feng, who collected the body of T. rex, glanced at the young soldier, his eyes filled with indifference.

Who is this man? How dare you brag in front of him?

Just now, when facing the ice and snow Tyrannosaurus Rex, I hid more and more.

Now the ice and snow Tyrannosaurus rex has been solved. In the face of even more terrible strongmen than ice and snow Tyrannosaurus Rex, dare to jump out instead?

Seeing that Chu Feng did not speak, more and more survivors joined the team of accusations.

"Yes, you have to give us an explanation. Do you mean to attract that horrible monster to us and destroy our fortress with the help of the power of the monster?"

"We need a reasonable explanation and relevant proof."

"You have the ability to kill monsters. Why don't you solve them halfway?"

"Is this the declaration that China will fight against the rice Empire?"

Chu Feng looked at these swaggering people coldly, just like looking at a group of clowns.

Are these people's brains damaged just now?

Now that my brain is broken, I won't let these people continue to make noise.


Chu Feng said coldly, the cold air flow made Chu Feng's body spread out in all directions, dozens of people standing in front of him were directly frozen into ice sculptures by the cold current.

Thunder corpse dragon spits out a mouthful of purple lightning, and more than 100 human figures are split into coke by purple thunder on the spot.

This is the instinct of thunder corpse dragon. Seeing that the owner has killed, thunder corpse dragon will not be polite.Although Chu Feng didn't want to let thunder corpse dragon fight, he didn't have the idea of criticizing thunder corpse dragon since people had already killed him.

He swept the crowd with cold eyes: "just now you said war?"

Survivors only feel a bone chilling current rising from their back, as if to freeze their body and soul. What a cold look this is. In these eyes, they can't see the slightest respect for life.

A clever survivor quickly rounded up the field and said:

"no, it's just a misunderstanding."

"Misunderstanding?" Chu Feng raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, the people in our army are also good and bad. There are some people with ulterior motives who want to stir up the relationship between the Great China and our rice empire. I believe Mr. Chu can understand it."

It was a 30-year-old officer with silver hair who made a comeback. He flattered Chu Feng with a low brow, "ice and snow Tyrannosaurus suddenly attacked our fortress. Fortunately, Mr. Chu Feng arrived in time and didn't let the beast cause more casualties. Our whole rice empire will thank Mr. Chu Feng for his kindness. If Mr. Chu Feng has any orders, just give them orders."

Seeing the flattery of the middle-aged man, the soldiers around turned red.

Although they don't know the specific situation, they have guessed that the ice and snow Tyrannosaurus appeared here, and Chu Feng is also inseparable. After all, Chu Feng was still fighting with ice and snow Tyrannosaurus.

But do they dare to blame it?

The ice sculptures and the coke on the ground are the end of telling the truth.

Just because they are willing to cover the evacuation of large troops as members of the rear hall does not mean that they are willing to lose their lives on such trivial matters. If they are soft headed, they can save their lives. Why not?

Chu Feng took back his cold eyes and said, "there is a more terrifying existence in the south. You'd better avoid the virgin forest, or don't blame me for your death."