The continuous charge brought huge pressure to the soldiers on the wall.

The cooperation of thousands of cavalry is impeccable.

Even if there is no confrontation, it can also bring huge pressure to people.

If we face the charge of these cavalry, it will be a disaster, and even a one-sided massacre.

Seeing the shock of these underworld cavalry round after round, the magician can still launch a counterattack, but the melee can hardly organize effective resistance.

After several rounds of magic, the black cavalry below suffered some casualties.

However, with only two or three hundred casualties, it was impossible to impact the entire cavalry regiment.

"Where on earth did these cavalry come from?"

"I don't know, but I know that if we leave now, we may not be able to sustain a round of charge."

"I can only call for support from the city Lord's mansion."

"We have already called. No matter what kind of enemy we are facing, we must report the situation to the city Lord's office, and it is up to the city Lord's office to decide how much support we will send."

The defense system of Dawning city is very perfect, and exercises are often carried out at ordinary times.

Although the enemy is a little unusual this time, it is not enough to make them confused.

Soon, the people from the Lord's mansion have arrived.

"It's Han Yunxiao!"

"The captain of the reconnaissance battalion came here in person? It's said that the reconnaissance battalion is the personal guard of the city leader. Unexpectedly, ChuChu sent his personal guard directly to the front line. "

"What kind of bodyguard? Do the leaders need protection? "

"It's also true that if someone has the ability to assassinate the city leader and such strong strength, wouldn't it be fragrant to be the overlord?"

After Han Yunxiao arrived at the gate of the city, he soon took over the defense work here. He had brought hundreds of trolls with him.

After showing his identification, Han Yunxiao opens the powder magazine near the gate of the city, and these trolls move out the thunderguns, which are javelins filled with metal bombs.

"What's going on? To deal with an enemy of this level, we need to use a thundergun? "

"It's exaggerating!"

"Do we have too many weapons in our twilight city to use up?"

However, no matter how confused the soldiers were, Han Yunxiao's order was not something they could question.

A large number of facial expressions filled with metal hydrogen bombs were thrown out by the troll with powerful force, making a sound explosion in the air, and falling into the camp of the underworld knights with a lightning speed.

"Boom -"

continuous explosions, constantly ringing in the north gate of dawn city.

After more than 10 minutes of bombing, nearly 3000 black armour cavalry were left, which seemed to be less than 300. At this time, Han Yunxiao launched the counter offensive order.

"When you go out of the city to fight, the pursuit distance should not exceed 5 kilometers."

Hearing these orders, the soldiers in dawning city didn't agree.

There are even some recruits who have begun to whisper.

"After the bombardment of detonators just now, only the disabled are left in these cavalry. Can we harvest these disabled and defeated generals and cause casualties?"

"Be careful of the battle of the trapped animals."

"Ha ha, but Captain Han really loves soldiers like a son!"

"That's to say, they've blown up the enemy, leaving us a little bit to practice."

The soldiers who didn't think so began to fight out of the city in groups according to the content of their usual training. They had excellent weapons in their hands and wore strong armor.

In the face of these disabled soldiers, there is no suspense at all.

These soldiers, who have been guarding the city for a long time, have gained their usual combat experience through training. They are not easy to meet the enemy and want to fight. Unexpectedly, they still blow up the enemy first.

The black Armored Cavalry seemed to know that they could not run away, so they gave up their plan to escape.

More than 10000 soldiers surrounded the more than 200 cavalry in this way, but at this time, these wounded cavalry suddenly launched a charge against the crowd.

Some soldiers walking in front of them were shot through their bodies.

"No, be careful."

"These cavalry are not ordinary people."

"Oh, no, let's get out of here. We can't get together."

When the two sides really began to contact, there was chaos in the garrison of Dawning city.

Just face to face, it caused more than 100 casualties. The rest of the soldiers played 12 points, nervously responded to the enemy's attack, and hunted these cavalry in groups of three or two.

A large amount of knife gas slashed on the cavalry, leaving one scar after another.

However, none of the black Armored Cavalry retreated. They either cut a piece of open space with their long guns, or after losing their long guns, they pulled out their swords at their waists, totally ignoring the power of the human soldiers, so they launched a counterattack and easily pierced their throats with their long swords.In less than three minutes, all the black cavalry were killed.

However, there were also a large number of garrison and black cavalry mixed together.

The city guards who didn't have time to go down on the wall felt a chill.

Even some soldiers who are in the back row and can't get to the front row also feel cold.

This is the strength of the enemy?

"Count casualties."

Han Yunxiao ordered coldly.

Five minutes later, the casualties of the garrison were counted.

"510 people!"

After reporting this number, the officers in the garrison felt a shiver.

In terms of numbers alone, such numbers are nothing. The number of enemies they killed is close to 3000, and the proportion of casualties is not on the same channel at all.

But that's not the way it is.

When the garrison began to fight back, the number of enemies was less than 300.

"We killed 200 seriously injured enemies and even lost more than 500 soldiers. It seems that the soldiers guarding the city don't cherish their lives very much."

Han Yunxiao's eyes were already chilly.

"Captain Han, it's not our fault!"

"Captain Han, spare us!"

"Captain Han, it's not that we are not strong, it's really that these enemies are too powerful."

Some officers guarding the city knelt down with a "poop" when they heard this.

In any case, the battle has exposed the quality of the garrison.

If they didn't fight in strict accordance with the standard of the exercise in the first place, the four digit number of casualties today is just a start.

If these cavalry were not directly bombed in an unreasonable way with a large number of detonators, and only the last disabled knights were left, what would be the casualties in this battle?

They can't imagine.

"Before I begged for mercy here, I might as well find a way to make it up, for example, to rectify military discipline."