The demons are still gathering forces. Starting from the border areas, panic is spreading to the mainland. Some refugees and forces have arrived in central or East China, but their fear is also brought to these areas.

The prices of all kinds of arms, weapons, food and medicine began to soar. Even before the enemy army came down, human beings began to kill each other.

Human beings are magical creatures. When they unite, they can create miracles, but when they fight inside, the means will be beyond people's imagination.

People with a clear eye can see that this is the intention of the demons.

After all, how can ordinary people know the strength of the demons?

In particular, those who spread panic, the powerful of the demons said in an orderly manner, but which of these people has really seen the demons?

The attack of the demons did not start immediately.

But on the battlefield beyond the frontal battlefield, the battle has already begun.

All levels of the military began to arrest those who spread rumors and panic, but as the rumors spread more and more widely, they could not catch them.

In addition, it has restrained the military from preparing for war.

On the other side of the demon clan, a large number of troops are gathering at ease. They are not in a hurry at all. When they attack on a large scale, the chess pieces planted inside human beings will burst out.

The Southwest Military Region and the South China military have also set up defense lines.

However, the military did not take the initiative to attack, which was also exaggerated as fear by the demons. Countless people demonstrated in front of the military region, and some even died on the wall.

"Coward, great China, when did you become so cowardly?"

"Why are you afraid? What about the blood of our soldiers? "

"Go to war! If you don't fight, let's fight. Anyway, we will never be afraid of fighting. "

"Coward, with such a military, we will die in China."


even the military itself is not happy to hear the comments from the outside world.

Although we know that these shouting people probably won't dare to go to the battlefield. After all, when the military recruited auxiliary soldiers, they didn't sign up.

However, to bear this degree of misunderstanding, even if you have the same will as steel, you will be embarrassed under the sky full of rumors.

Even within the military, there have been a number of riots.

However, fighting is not so simple.

The top echelons of the military have to stick to the message.

Do we have to wait until the other side's forces are assembled?

What's the difference between this stupid behavior and song Xianggong in the spring and Autumn period?

But military orders are so overwhelming that no one can resist.

According to the information of the military, the strength of the demons has exceeded 5 million this time. According to the folk rumors, all the 5 million troops have reached level 6 or above, and the level 7 experts are everywhere. The military is also afraid of the demons' strength, so they dare not fight head-on.

Coupled with the unique characteristics of rumors, some people even think that the demons have gathered tens of millions of troops.

With the increasing pressure from the outside world, and even when many people committed suicide outside the walls of the military region, countless military experts were gathering in a square.

They stood in a neat square, waiting for orders from the top.

On the rostrum, several top military generals stepped onto the rostrum.

"I know that you are very aggrieved during this period of time, because we have not issued the order to attack, and even missed the best attack time. However, what I want to tell you today is that what you see is not the truth."

A sergeant yelled, "have you ever thought about why the demons want to attack so loudly? Why did they expose so many spies buried in China? Just to get back at two people? This kind of reason may deceive the fool, but no one here will believe it

At the end of the day, there was an undisguised banter in his tone.

Hearing the commander's words, a look of shame appeared in some people's eyes.

This is a bit hurtful.

Many of you really believe these words, but after being prompted by the commander, they also realize that this matter is not as simple as it seems.

"Do you remember the burning Protoss? Now all the members of the burning Protoss are teaching advanced experience and technology to our original enemies unreservedly in the military regions and demon hunters' associations all over the world. Don't you think they are here for charity? "

Of course not!

Although no one spoke, a common answer emerged in everyone's heart.

They may not all be smart people, but there is absolutely no fool.

It is impossible for them to believe such a reason."In fact, the reason is very simple, because the Yan Protoss in the divine world has perished, and the reason is also very simple. They have leaked the information of the divine world."

The commander passed the information on to everyone.

After listening to the commander's words, people's eyes showed hope. They seemed to understand something, but because of discipline, no one caused a riot.

They are the most elite soldiers and will not easily be agitated by a message.

"Now what I want to tell you is that we have obtained the intelligence of the demon world, and the intelligence about the demon world comes from the demons in the south. The intelligence we have learned these days and the information we have conveyed these days comes from the previous harvest."

After listening to the commander's words, all the soldiers felt a fire burning in their hearts.

It turns out that they are not at a disadvantage.

It turns out that the military has not been defending, but has taken the initiative to attack.

They didn't know that the source of the intelligence didn't come from military exploration, but Chu Feng and Yi Qiuling didn't care about it.

"So in our war, it's not the demons who take the initiative to declare war on us, but we Huaxia, who have driven those demons across the border into a desperate situation. They have no place in the demon world, and they can only launch the final attack in a desperate way. If they fail, it will be the extinction of the race."

"This is not Huaxia's counterattack, this is Huaxia's struggle against the demons."

After listening to the commander's words, the eyes of countless soldiers are full of hot look, and even tears have appeared in many people's eyes.

Chinese soldiers have never denied their personal feelings, but they have the same belief.

"Now, it's time for us to give a final blow to these enemies who are trapped in the system of beasts."

The commander said solemnly, "this battle is related to the prestige of China. We must show the prestige of China and let the foreign people know that China is powerful."