The most perplexing problem for Chu Feng is not the consumption of getting through the space channel, but the beginning.

Clearly has more than one world coordinates, but has always been unable to establish contact.

After Yi Qiuling's instruction, Chu Feng suddenly realized.

To connect the two places, the first thing to do is to anchor. The anchor can be on the bottom of the sea, on the ground, or directly build a rope between the two worlds, and then make the orange into a ladder.

But at this step of anchoring, he was baffled.

Now it seems that it's not that he can't break down, but that he is on the bottom of the sea.

"If the normal plane is a ship sailing in the sea of stars, then the world we live in is just a sunken ship. If we compare the highest plane to a starship searching for resources among innumerable planets, and a life planet such as ban earth is regarded as a giant of dust, then our place may be a space junk or a falling spaceship. "

Thinking of this, Chu Feng suddenly understood.

There is a limitation in the establishment of space access, that is, only access to different worlds can be established.

For example, you can build a channel to the devil's world or hell on earth, and you can lead the same channel to different places, but you can't build a space channel on earth.

This law is universal both on the earth and at the highest level.

Even in chufeng's Yuanfu, if they can make their own rules, they can't break them.

Some basic laws are the foundation of the existence of the world. If you break them, the whole world will no longer exist.

Where he is now is a sunken ship.

How can a sunken ship at the bottom of the sea build a ladder to the harbor? How can a fallen plane refuel in the air?

It's lucky to be able to let the planes in the sky drop materials to you.

As Yi Qiuling said, it's impossible for you to throw materials back on the plane.

Of course, the real spatial level is not so simple as described, but a more complex rule. Otherwise, why can two adjacent spatial channels lead to different places in the same world? Is jumping between two worlds closer than a single world?

Just because you have a wrong theory doesn't mean it's useless.

The three laws of mechanics are overthrown in the high-speed world or the micro world, but it can not be denied that they can solve most of the physics problems in the macro world.

All the laws and rules serve people. No matter whether this sentence is right or wrong, Chu Feng firmly believes that.

"If this is a sunken ship, it is also a ship full of all kinds of materials. I can collect materials that can build a lifeboat on the sunken ship and build a lifeboat for myself. The lifeboat can't cross the ocean. At least it can prevent me from sinking in the sea. After I get close to the ship, I can be rescued."

"Even on the ground, you can build a hot-air balloon, so that you can fly in the sky. After you get close to the plane, you only need to send a signal to the plane, and you can be saved. What's more, the plane is controlled by you?"

Thinking in this way, Chu Feng's thinking suddenly brightened.

No matter what kind of metaphor, all he needs to do is to cut a piece from the world, so that he can leave or even control the space.

"If the test of the first level is to let Yi Qiuling and I have a clear mind, a preliminary grasp of our own strength, and then break through the space, then the test of this level is likely to let us learn how to really cut and deprive space and make use of space."

With this speculation, Chu Feng at least has a direction and ideas.

As for whether this idea is correct, it can only be tested by time.

"Chu Feng, do you think of a way to go back?"

Yi Qiuling nestles in Chu Feng's arms, with some lonely tone.

Chu Feng's mind trembled, and then asked: "what about you? There is no one you want to see on earth, or can you put down Huaxia? "

"In the past, I thought I cared about these, but during this time, I suddenly found that I didn't care about China as much as I imagined."

Yi Qiuling said, "if Huaxia is in danger, I will stand up, but it's not because of the so-called national righteousness. It's just because I agree with Huaxia. I like the country of Huaxia and the nation I live in. What I do is just because I like it."

"No matter what you think, even if you become a female devil, I believe what you do will be beneficial to China. That's enough."

Chu Feng said with a smile, "China has never lacked people who are loyal to the country, nor people who are just. Even now, there is no lack of people who can fight for it. What is lacking is only people who can save China. No matter whether the rescuer is fair or selfish, evil or good, what China needs is only a result.""I thought I had seen through my heart, but I was still deceiving myself."

Yi Qiuling shook her head with a bitter smile.

"However, it is such a life, such a person, can have endless fun!"

Chu Feng stares at Yi Qiuling's eyes, "now, you still don't want to go back? As long as you don't want to, I can postpone this time until the real world is in danger, and I will return. "

Yi Qiuling smiles: "I want to go back. I only face you every day. I still feel fresh now. If I get bored after a long time, it's not good."

She suddenly understood that what she really worried about was not that Chu Feng would no longer belong to herself after she went back. What she really didn't like was change.

Since the end of the world, the environment has undergone tremendous changes, and the people around them have also undergone tremendous changes, but most of these changes are tragedies.

Including Yi Qiuling herself, such as her teammates.

She persuaded herself that those people were not distressed even after they died, so she felt comfortable taking them as test objects, but she couldn't cheat her heart.

It's a very different feeling to face yourself as you really are in a deserted environment than to face yourself as you really are in public.

If she stopped Chu Feng's return here, I don't know what kind of influence it will have.

Man is a creature who likes the new and dislikes the old. She doesn't know whether she is the same, but she knows that some things are not grasped more tightly by you.

Sometimes, the appropriate down, in order to grasp the more long-term.