Even if the hell creatures in Yuan mansion entered yuan mansion, the hell breath in their bodies did not dissipate completely. He also collected a lot of native plants on the earth.

But, as coordinates, it can't be called in reverse!

Fortunately, he also collected a lot of samples of monsters, such as the red crowned cranes, but these creatures are not too powerful.

Only the snowy wolves from Siberia are good choices for him.

After all, these snow wolves are very powerful, have a certain self-protection ability, and stay in his yuan house for a long time, giving birth to many newborns.

The elemental flavor of these wolves is very strong, but their viability needs to be considered.

If these snow wolf Chu Feng designated place to survive, encounter human beings, and there is a bloody conflict between each other, no matter which side of the casualties, the result is not what Chu Feng would like to see.

"If we can understand the essence of the contract and make a contract summoning method about Yuanfu, so that others can summon the creatures in Yuanfu through summoning, that's good."

Chu Feng's heart suddenly came up with such an idea.

Contract is a very complex means, he can use the contract, can make the contract, but does not mean that he can understand the contract.

This is not impractical. He has seen the detailed explanation of the contract in the mysterious ancient books, but because those chapters are too complex, only the understanding of the holy rank can understand them. Moreover, it is not very effective for him. He only needs to be able to call hell creatures to fight for himself, so he did not read it in detail.

His energy is limited and he has to put it in a place of value.

Now I think that the detailed explanation of the contract is just for the preparation of Yuanfu world.

Now calculate the time, there is still a period of time before the birth of the mysterious ancient books, but considering that the mysterious ancient books may have been born before he found them, he must go ahead of time.

He remembers that the mysterious ancient books appeared in December. In order to find a way to solve his physical problems, he ventured to the southwest, which is rich in natural resources. He wanted to see if he could find some natural resources to make up for his lack of Qi and blood. Then by chance, he was chased into the duanyun mountains.

Somewhere in the duanyun mountains, he got the mysterious ancient books.

It is precisely because of the mysterious ancient books that he has the hope of rising.

Unfortunately, after this hope, there is despair again and again.

The roads along the way are full of traces of fighting. On large sections of expressways, there are scrapped cars and rotten corpses. On national roads, there are broken traces everywhere. There are also many trees growing crazily, which destroy the ground. Even boundary markers and milepoints are covered.

It is precisely because of the complexity of the road that communication is hindered.

Chasing electricity shuttles back and forth on the road almost to return to the virgin forest. It's like black lightning. Chu Feng scans the surrounding scenes with his mental power. When he meets a demon hunting team in the wild, he directly hides. He doesn't want to cause too much trouble.

Because you don't need to consider the speed of your teammates, you can run at full speed. This speed is faster than high-speed rail. If the road is not too complicated and you need to stop from time to time to confirm the location, Chu Feng can even arrive at his destination in one day.

But Rao is so, Chu Feng also only used two days.

Because he had been deliberately avoiding the crowd, there was no trouble along the way.

After arriving at his destination, Chu Feng began to confirm the difference between duanyun mountain range today and Yunshan mountain range in the past, and because he wanted to climb mountains, he put away the chasing electricity.

Now it's mid October, and the climate has become cold, so snowflakes have been floating in many places. The same is true of duanyun mountain. Now the mountain is full of snow.

Of course, even in the past, the duanyun mountain is also a snow peak on the top of the mountain.

After arriving here, Chu Feng began to scan the gathering place of vitality with his mental power.

Now there have been some so-called relics all over the world. In fact, as the earth space can accommodate more and more high-level organisms or materials, some objects originally in the living space are gradually emerging in the increasingly strong vitality.

Therefore, if Chu Feng wants to find the mysterious ancient books quickly, he must find the place where the vitality converges, which can save time.

However, the duanyun mountain range is so big that it takes a lot of effort to find it.

Anyway, for the present Chu Feng, there is plenty of time. He simply dug a cave on the mountain as a temporary residence.

He set up some energy shields to guard here, and also arranged some members of the dark Legion to guard here. This is the base point for him to travel between the duanyun mountains and East China.

After arranging the stronghold here, Chu Feng began to search.In the process of searching, he came across some rare mutant plants, so he took them into yuan mansion. He also met some mountain monsters, who were killed by him.

However, because there are few people here, the threat of zombies does not spread here, so the monsters here are not infected with zombie virus. If they are not infected with zombie virus, there will be no crystal nucleus in their bodies. However, Chu Feng does not mind this time. After all, where is the wealth of hunting? Where is the profit from dumping arms and medicine?

You know, the value of a bottle of quenched body fluid is about the same as that of a sixth order crystal nucleus. He produces 30000 bottles of potions every day, of which 10000 bottles are sold to the military. The rest are for personal use, and some earn huge profits through auction or through the demon hunter guild.

Although the price sold to the military was very low, the military knew that it was not good to take advantage of him all the time, so it raised the price by itself later.

Anyway, the military has always been the main force in dealing with zombie groups or insect groups, so there is no shortage of crystal nuclei in the hands of the military, but it also consumes a lot.

After all, more than 70% of the survivors rely on the military to survive. With so many people to support, even if the military is rich, it will never be enough.

Now, with the help of Chu Feng, the military can take part of the work to motivate the people to work hard, and have enough courage to recruit logistics and auxiliary troops.

Rao is so, Chu Feng's daily profit from quenching fluid, minus the cost, also exceeds the value of 10000 sixth order nuclei.

No matter how powerful it is, can it kill ten thousand zombies in a day?

There are only more than 10000 of the sixth order monsters in the whole East China. You can kill them in one day. How can other demon hunting regiments mix up?

Of course, in the future, the number of high-grade insects will certainly increase continuously.