"What is a battlefield? The battlefield is to win by all means. No matter what the cost is, if you fail, there will be nothing left. Your relatives and lovers, your friends and confidants, the home you live in, and those people you regard as your home will be gone. "

Chu Feng said, "in the face of war, all descriptions of human nature are so weak, human dignity is severely trampled, human pride and justice are not worth mentioning in the face of war. In war, only victory is everything, and only the winner can protect everything he has."

Chu xiaorou lowers her head and doesn't know what she is thinking.

"When I was in North China, I personally ordered 500 people to die for the victory of a war. Each of these 500 soldiers had no regrets when they died, because they knew that their death could bring victory to the war. If your relatives, such as me, such as my parents, were ordered to die, what would you choose?"

Chu Feng stares at Chu xiaorou's eyes and asks.

"I, I don't know." Chu xiaorou's figure trembled.

If it was his brother who was ordered to die, how would he choose.

In her heart, of course, her family is the most important, but thinking of the terrible consequences of the war, can her family really afford it?

"You don't need to answer this question, and there's no answer. If you need to know how to answer this question before you are qualified to fight, how many people will be soldiers? "

Chu Feng turned his head and said, "in fact, the reason why we fight is not so complicated. It's just to protect our homeland and prevent painful choices from happening.

But we were born in this world, everyone is involuntarily, even in a peaceful era, there are tragedies born every moment, now in the end of the world, how can everything go smoothly? If we want to pick up some, we have to put down others. What you pick up and put down is up to you in the end.

During your time as the patrol captain in dawning City, you executed a lot of people who were desperate because of greed. Maybe you will despise them in your heart. It's clear that you can survive. Why do you want to reach for those things that don't belong to you?

But you are a big fan. Are you greedy sometimes?

You want your family to be safe, your friends to be safe, the twilight city to be more stable, and the damned end of the world to come to an end in this way.

it's not a bad thing to have such an idea. After all, the pattern determines the future, but can you really see how powerful you are? "

Chu xiaorou looks at the magic soldiers who are "eating" in the distance, clenches their fists, and then releases them silently.

Not to mention the thoughts in her heart, even if she wanted to kill all the magic soldiers nearby, she felt powerless.

My strength is too weak.

I want more power!

Chu xiaorou's heart silently issued a cry.

Seeing that his sister's eyes gradually become firm, Chu Feng's heart is also pleased to nod, if you can, which brother does not want his sister to be a carefree princess forever?

But born in this era, everyone can't help it.

He doesn't expect his sister to turn into a demon of killing, but at least let her have the courage and determination to face the darkest part of the world.

In the future, he has seen too many so-called talents fall and countless strong people wither.

Strength is the foundation of everything, but strength is not everything. It is still an unrealistic fantasy to build a high-rise building just by laying the foundation.

Only spiritual will is the ultimate weapon to support human beings to fight against the end of the world.

Su Yuyan and others followed Chu Feng to participate in the war in North China, and they also saw the most dangerous side of people's hearts. Chu Feng was still at ease with them.

All he could not rest assured was his sister.

Looking at her sister who was lost in thinking, Chu Feng gently touched her small head: "well, this kind of thing can go back and think slowly. The most important thing for us now is to win this war. If we can't win this war, it's useless to think about more things."

With that, Chu Feng suddenly jumped down the wall.

A summoning array appeared under Chu Feng, and Zhuodeng came out of the summoning array, appeared under Chu Feng, and gave out an excited hiss.

Looking at her brother's back, Chu xiaorou's eyes became more firm: "some things must be done by someone, but I don't think that I can save the world blindly. I just want to give full play to my own strength and make the people around me live better with my own strength."

"Scout battalion, follow me

At the command of Chu Feng, all the people in the reconnaissance camp came out and followed behind Chu Feng. Under the leadership of Chu Feng, they launched a charge against the camp of magic soldiers.

Although I don't know what Chu Feng is going to do, as long as I follow behind Chu Feng, I can make people feel at ease.Scout camp is the elite of dawn city elite, is also a group of Chu Feng placed the greatest hope, they follow behind Chu Feng, incarnated as black lightning.

The sudden deployment of the reconnaissance battalion surprised the magic soldiers on the opposite side.

Although the hell Knights often harass them when they have dinner, it's the first time that Chu Feng personally participates in this kind of action.

After all, Chu Feng is the leader of these people. If he dies, there is no hope.

For the general, need to have the courage to stand in the front line, but absolutely can't easily as a striker, to risk.

After all, there is a fundamental difference between being fearless of life and death and taking the initiative to die.

A large number of magic soldiers formed formations one after another and killed Chu Feng and others. However, under the crush of the reconnaissance battalion, these magic soldiers also slowed down the speed of Chu Feng and others.

Under their blade, all the enemies were cut off.

The soldiers of the reconnaissance battalion, even the magicians, have to learn the skills of melee. Although the level of melee is doomed to be lower than that of the warriors, it can also ensure that they will not lose in a short time.

Chu Feng did not intend to stay in the camp of the magic soldiers. Instead, he went straight through the camp of the magic soldiers and came to the rear of the other side.

The magic soldiers were shocked and began to encircle the interior, but Chu Feng didn't stop. Instead, he took the soldiers of the reconnaissance battalion to kill the whole camp.

The whole process took less than three minutes.

After killing through the whole magic camp, Chu Feng continued to move forward.