What Chu Feng gives you to drink is the water of Hellfire lotus and Lake Baikal, as well as some substances extracted from various mutant plants and finally made into wine.

In the process, Chu Feng even added the blood of the Dragon turtle.

The original level of Dragon Tortoise was as high as level 9, and it was only one step away from the holy level. However, it can be said that a drop of blood on the Dragon Tortoise was not affordable to ordinary people. It was just because he was in a sealed state that Chu Feng was able to pick up a bargain and become Chu Feng's prisoner.

This Chu Feng has nothing to do with the flesh and blood of the Dragon turtle to maintain the snow wolf and the Red Crowned Crane. By the way, he draws some blood from the Dragon turtle's body to make wine.

The blood in the turtle's body tends to be cold and Yin, and it just neutralizes the Hellfire lotus.

For this reason, Chu Feng also specially launched a large number of Hellfire lotus, which didn't let the blood of these dragon turtles destroy the efficacy of Hellfire lotus.

Anyway, Chu Feng, who has refined the whole water mansion, now has a big family business. It's not a bad behavior to consume some of the source of Yuan mansion to promote Hellfire lotus.

Anyway, resources don't need to be wasted, even if it's wasted, it's better than putting them in the warehouse.

After drinking Zhuangxing wine, the members of the hell Knights' faces turned red and white. They felt as if a fire was burning in their heart, and a cold thing was making trouble in their stomach.

But in this alternation, they can even feel the improvement of their physical quality.

More than a dozen members of the hell Knight Order suddenly burst out a strong breath. They broke out at this time. It was not a small level breakthrough, but a direct breakthrough from level 4 to level 5. The breath of the rest of the people was constantly strengthening.

Shirley was shocked: "what's this? How can it be used by so many people? "

Of course, there are some things to improve people's strength. The most famous one is gene enhancer, but gene enhancer has certain dangers and is very precious.

Of course, there are some medicines that don't have too many side effects. Even some mutant plants or materials from mutant animals have such effects. But at present, nothing can be popularized.

But Chu Feng was able to take out the Zhuangxing wine which can enhance the strength of 2000 people at the same time. It can be imagined that today's event will cause a huge shock to the outside world.

Some forces who are observing the trend of Dawning city are even more frightened to see this scene.

"The city of dawn has treasures that can directly improve people's strength, and it seems that mass production has been realized. It's too terrible."

"Can you get them to publish the recipe for this stuff?"

"You can try and die."

"The Lord of the city is also the founder of the demon hunter guild. He often takes out various weapons and gene enhancers and puts them in the demon hunter guild for exchange. I hope he can put them in the exchange list as well."

The change of the order of hell is like an open fire to those who have powerful abilities to explore.

Many people even raised the idea of joining dawning city at all costs.

However, the city of dawn is now very strict in the examination of its members. If it fails to join, it will not be worth the loss if it offends the original forces.

Chu Feng didn't explain the medicine effect of Zhuangxing liquor in detail: "when you use Yuanli to fight, these two strands will work in your body, so don't worry about it. Now, the hell Knights will follow me, target, deep sea!"

With that, Chu Feng calls out to chase the electricity, and rushes out with the first yearning, followed by Ye Xiaohui and Zhang Ziqing.

"Knights of hell, March!"

Wei paojun and several deputy commanders held high their weapons. Under their leadership, the whole hell Knight Order turned into a mighty torrent of steel and started to set out to the East.

Then, the hope demon hunting regiment led by Su Yuyan and several direct demon hunting regiments of Dawning city cultivated by Su Yuan also went out together.

Seeing the movement of the hell Knight order, all forces panic for a while.

"In normal times, when all places are in danger, the hell Knight order only needs to send out an integrated team. Even if there is a disaster that can destroy the survival base, as long as it sends out a large team, it can basically deal with all the enemies. However, now, the 36 teams of the hell Knight Order are pouring out. What are they going to do?"

"Check quickly to see if any of our forces have offended dawning city. If there are any, get rid of them."

"I don't think the city of dawn will come out just to deal with an enemy."

"Hahaha, do they want to deal with those marine creatures?"

"What if we can win those sea animals that land from the water? As long as the sea level continues to rise and as long as the tsunami continues to break out, we human beings will only be able to retreat in the face of sea animals. After all, the tsunami does not depend on the will of sea animals. "

Many forces don't think that dawning city's massive action is to hunt those mutated sea animals by the sea.Isn't that a butcher's knife for killing chickens?

No, it's just using antiaircraft guns to kill mosquitoes.

They don't know how strong the city of dawn is, but the hell Knights' order in the city of dawn is enough to frighten people in the whole East China.

Those who think that after the end of the world, the law will collapse, they can be unscrupulous to seize the power, but again and again proved that the hell Knight's terrible.

They smashed the enemy again and again with their equipment and their mounts.

It is dawning city that makes countless evil forces understand one thing. Even if the law and discipline are broken, there are still people using knives to defend order.

Although the military's deterrent force is powerful, it will be restrained when doing many things.

But dawning city does not need it at all. They are a non-governmental force. As long as their actions do not violate the bottom line, no one dares to duty them openly.

At a time when many forces are wondering where the target of Dawning city is, the people you are tracking give a reply that dawning city is heading eastward.

"They are not really hunting sea animals, are they?"

"In my opinion, this is the return of the Lord of dawn. It is said that the Lord of dawn city has disappeared for more than a month. Although I don't know how to disappear for a month to maintain such a strong prestige, it's hard to avoid that some people doubt him after leaving their own army for such a long time.

Now that the Lord of the city has just returned, the quickest way to win people's hearts is to take your own troops to fight, which will show the whole dawning city that I am still the Lord of the city. "

There are good people to analyze.