"What's that? What's going on?"

The survivors of Mordor, seeing the collapse of tall buildings in the distance, can't help but panic. Although the sea level keeps rising, it's a gradual process.

They choose to live in high floors, even if the sea level rises, it will not be easily submerged.

And they all have a fantasy, that is to wait until there is no way to leave. Anyway, their physical fitness can jump tens of meters at a time, and they can shuttle on the rooftop of the floor. Even if they really play off, didn't the military come to save them last time?

As long as they are in danger, they believe that the military will come back to save them.

No way, this is the Chinese soldiers.

"No, let's go!"

"Run for your life!"

After a brief panic, everyone went back to their luxury hotel suite, quickly packed up their things, and wanted to leave here as soon as possible.

A woman with a bath towel looked lazily at the man who was packing up: "Why are you so flustered? Are there zombies and mutant animals here?"

I have to admit that this magic city is indeed a safer place than the outside world.

Some women find a man here, and then enjoy the luxury life where they can get everything without work.

It's just that women are a little puzzled when they see men packing.

Men ignore women, just pack their food and water collected during this period into the backpack, and then ready to leave here.

This woman is really a very attractive woman, can let the man in the true sense of the bow.

But in the period of no work pressure, his biggest pleasure every day is to enjoy this woman who used to be only rich and handsome.

I've been playing for months, and I'm tired of it.

"Hello! You haven't said what's going on out there! "

Women dissatisfied with the man's arm, do not let the man leave.


A clear slap sounds. The woman covers her face in disbelief. She didn't expect that this obedient man would beat herself at this time.

"Are you crazy?"

The woman roared hysterically at the man.

Just, meet her, just the man's disgusting eyes: "smelly woman, I warn you not to follow up, otherwise I won't be polite to you."

With that, he picked up his backpack and was ready to go to the roof, and then looked for an escape route.

The beautiful woman was stunned. She just wanted to find a day when she didn't have to work, but was spoiled by a man. Is that too much?

Why don't men even want to meet this requirement?

This man, who goes out to collect all kinds of food and wine every day, now slaps himself in the face. Are men so happy and tired of the old?

No, the new one hasn't come out yet!

At this time, the man's several companions also packed their own things, ready to go with the man, if there is care for each other, the chance of survival will be greater.

But at this time, they heard the roar of thunder.

"How can there be thunder here?"

People's faces are full of panic, they just feel that the ground under their feet are constantly shaking, and they seem to have passed through an electric current, which makes them full of shivering feeling.

It's a fear that can't be described. It's just a stiff instinct.

The sound of thunder is getting louder and louder. When they see this, they want to leave here, but they feel that their legs are weak and they don't know what to do.

"It's not thunder, it's tsunami!"

Combined with the scene of the collapse of a large area of high-rise buildings before, they finally realized what they would face, which is the tsunami.

Forced to muster the courage of the people, finally came to the roof, but at this time, they found that the surrounding has been full of fog.

Even though their physical fitness and eyesight have far exceeded their own in the old times, their visibility can't exceed 10 meters even in this fog.

"How are we going now?"

The emergence of these mists broke their last will to survive.

A young man pointed to a direction and said, "I remember there is a building more than ten meters lower than here. We should be able to jump over it."

Even in the fog with visibility less than 10 meters, there seems to be a huge shadow.

"No matter. I'll die here anyway."

A man bit his teeth, and then beat his trembling legs hard, "we must jump, we must jump!"

Just when she made a start posture and was ready to help her run-up, the roaring thunder drowned everything, and the tall building under their feet suddenly collapsed."No -"

the terrible tsunami inundated everything, and the buildings here almost collapsed in an instant. In the scream of the survivors, a large number of sea animals besieged them.

The sea drowned everything, and the magic city became history.

More than 100 kilometers away from Mordor, a large number of survivors are under the guidance of the military, with weapons and supplies in hand, with the fastest speed to the West.

After all, it's a matter related to one's own small life. Few people really don't take it seriously or procrastinate.

People who don't care about their lives can't live until now.

"This is the most effective evacuation I've ever organized."

An older military officer lamented that those idiots who like to delay the time of large troops have basically died, and those who are not dead have been shot by them, so the evacuation did not take much effort. After they were asked to state the advantages and disadvantages to the survivors, everyone was ready in less than two hours.

"Report, sir!"

A soldier saluted the officer and said, "now the evacuation is going on in an orderly way. We really need 70% less manpower than expected."


The officer nodded casually, only to find that the soldiers wanted to talk and stop, "if you have anything, just say it!"

"Sir, Mordor still has some survivors." When the soldiers spoke, they were much weaker. "Our belief is that we will never abandon every suffering people."

When he said this, he felt a burst of shame.

In fact, he didn't want to save the survivors of Mordor. After all, the people who should be saved had already been saved by them.

But now they have saved a lot of manpower. If they don't save those people, isn't it against their faith?

Under the torture of reason and morality, his heart is full of suffering.

After two seconds of silence, the officer said, "send me an order. The evacuation continues. No one is allowed to leave the team without my permission."


After the soldiers left, the officer's eyes were full of disappointment.

It's not that he gave up his faith, but that faith lost to reality.