Theater 7, which was supposed to be used to suppress and resist zombies, has now become a Shura hell.

The corpses all over the ground stare big eyes and fall on the ground powerlessly, but even if they have lost the breath of life, the anger and hatred in their eyes have not subsided.

"Long Ao, as we expected, you have become so excellent."

Long Shengnan no longer wore the broken flower Qipao, but a woman's armor. He came to the man wearing white armor, just like a God. His eyes were full of praise.

Just now, a division left here, a total of 12000 people, was completely defeated by long Ao with 3000 people, leaving less than 1000 people to escape.

"Yes! Aunt, have I become what you think I am? "

Long Ao turned his face. His eyes, which were full of pride, were calmer now.

Long Shengnan had some sadness on his face: "yes! It's a pity that brother Lingtian and brother Lingyun can't see these anymore. Otherwise, they will be very happy, but it doesn't matter. As long as you can become excellent and shoulder great responsibilities, their spirit in heaven will be able to rest in peace. "

"Yes! To be comforted. "

The corner of the mouth on the left side of long Ao tilted up slightly, "Sangu, if I want your support, you will support me in everything

"Of course!"

Long Shengnan looked firm and said, "even if it is to sacrifice the life of Sangu, Sangu will be duty bound."

"How can I take the life of my third aunt?"

Long Ao suddenly reaches out his hand and tears the armor directly in front of Long Sheng's chest with a knife. With a "ah" sound, she covers her chest and goes back.

"Long Ao, what do you want to do?" Long Sheng man yelled angrily.

"Zhao Huachao, Zhao Ruqing, Mao Kai, come out!"

Long Ao's eyes are suddenly full of cruelty and evil. With his command, three men come out from the dark and approach long Ruonan with a smile.

Looking at the three men full of desire in their eyes, Longsheng man is full of fear.

She is also from a military family, and has seen many such men.

But what really frightened her was long Ao's attitude.

"Long Ao, why do you do this?"

Long Shengnan struggled to get rid of the three men and yelled angrily to long Ao, "if you want the right of the dragon family, then I can give it to you at any time. After all, now the dragon family has placed all their hopes on you, but what are you going to do now?"

But a feeling of weakness suddenly surged into my heart, let Longsheng collapsed on the ground.

"Here, what is this?"

Longsheng man only feels weak in his limbs and dizzy in his head.

However, the feeling of grief and indignation in her heart was even stronger.

Why did long Ao, who was hoped by the dragon family, turn out to be like this?

Several men grinned and tore her clothes, revealing a lot of snow-white skin.

"Ha ha ha, you are so easy to cheat."

Long Ao suddenly burst out laughing, "why do you think that I, who have seen the world, will obediently follow your so-called ancestral precepts and guard this small fish pond? Do you know how that old guy Longyue died? "

"Isn't my father a zombie? No, don't you think so? "

Longsheng man's eyes widened.

Long Yue is her father, long Ao's grandfather, and the commander of Shangjing military region. Unfortunately, when the zombie broke out, he became a member of the zombie group, which made Shangjing become leaderless.

Because there was no wound on his body, no one suspected that he had been bitten by a zombie.

"Hahaha, it's true that he became a zombie, but his bad luck is not because he became a zombie, but because he chose the way to stop me. So I can only feed the blood of the zombie into his mouth and let him become a zombie, so that he can take his life

Long Ao laughed. "The real mission of the dragon family is not to protect the seal, nor to find talents who can open the seal. The real mission of the dragon family is to make the seal never see the sun, and to bridge the divine world and the underworld. Don't you understand the real meaning of this sentence? Ha ha ha

The seal of peoples is the key to opening the world's barriers. When the seal of peoples gains enough strength and begins to revive, it is also the time when the earth is brought into the rule of the divine world and the underworld. "

"No, your real purpose..."

Longsheng man's heart has been full of despair, two tears in the corner of her eyes, she did not care about their own situation, but the future of China is full of despair.

Why do they believe that long Ao will save the world?

Why do they believe that after the fusion of two souls, the new soul will do what they want?

Because of what they call understanding?The ancestral motto of the dragon family is to protect the seal of the people, but in the long history, they misunderstood one thing, that is, what does this protection mean?

The ancestral precepts of the dragon family have never said that they should open the seal of the people!

When she thought of what they had done during this period, her heart was full of endless regret. The dragon family should have been the hero of protecting China, but because of a mistake, she believed in long Ao. No, it should be long Qian, but it led to such a consequence.

"Long Ao, do you really want to let us play with your third aunt?"

Zhao Huachao put out his hand to stop the two companions, "it seems that they are still young! Don't you want to enjoy it first? "

Although long Ao looks cruel, no one can tell if he has any complex.

If they misunderstand the meaning of long Ao, the misunderstanding will be very serious.

Looking at Long Sheng man's dead silence in his eyes, he looked down at her plump but not cumbersome figure. Long Ao's Adam's apple rolled, and his eyes were lit with the flame of desire: "it's true that she didn't seem to care much about her innocence. If she really wanted to make her despair, she had to add a fire."

Then he began to take off his armor.

Seeing long Ao's action, she was already dead hearted. Even for Long Sheng Nan, who was about to lose his innocence, her eyes were filled with despair and panic. She desperately wanted to get rid of the people around her, but her weak body was held down again.

"Long Ao, what do you want to do?

You beast, stop it!

Ah... "

Despairing screams spread out in the middle of the camp. The soldiers in the camp, full of the smell of death, heard the sound and turned to the middle of the scream.

But after finding out the source of the sound, they lowered their heads again.