Tonight's night seems to be helping Chu Feng, because even the stars in the sky have disappeared, and the moon is hidden in the dark.

Chu Feng understood that this is because the dark force between heaven and earth has become more and more strong. As time goes on, the days will be shorter and shorter.

In the 10th year of doomsday, the day time is less than an hour.

Chu Feng doubted that if he continued to live, would he witness the day when there would never be daylight?

However, no matter what the future is like, Chu Feng still has to pay more attention to the enemy in front of him.

With the gradual change of night, mining ore is unrealistic. After all, although they have lights, their energy is limited.

So the people of Jinling biology give us rest time, otherwise if we overwork at night, the efficiency of the day will be reduced.

The top management of all Jinling creatures directly dragged some women into their tents. Then there came the screams of women and the roars of men like beasts when they were in heat.

More and more women were dragged into the tent, and some indignant men rose up to fight and were killed, even without the chance to turn the waves.

After all, those powers have taken refuge in Jinling creatures, and some of them have the right to enjoy the same treatment, pull over some women, and then enjoy their own welfare.

What they don't know is that a long black snake is constantly approaching.


A shrill scream came out. A psionic screamed with fear and was dragged away by an unknown thing.

Of course, the shooter is thunder corpse dragon.

Originally, the black thunder corpse dragon should be very hidden in the night. It didn't need to make a sound to do this, but it was Chu Feng's special order.

What he wanted was to frighten people with fear.

"What kind of monster is it?"


"Where is the monster?"

After the thunder corpse dragon devoured a person, it immediately drowned in the night, waiting for the opportunity to find the next delicious prey. After all, there is no shortage of food here, so you can choose it slowly.

But there was a huge commotion around the attackers.

"Get out of here."

"The monster doesn't know when it will come out again."


"No running!"

"Stop it all!"

At the command of Jinling biological officers, they immediately commanded a large number of soldiers to completely block this area, and even had video direct shooting.

"Chutu" -

the sound of machine gun shooting calmed most people down, while a few people who became more flustered were killed by machine gun shooting.

At this time, however, another psionic screamed violently.

"Ah! Help me

"Don't go there. The monster is still there."

"Where is it?"

This time, we all learned well. Anyway, this monster only killed one person at a time. When we saw that someone was going to die, we were still in a bit of panic, but it was easier to overcome.

And the high level of Jinling biology is to maintain order as much as possible.

"Don't panic. It's just a beast."

"Don't worry, as long as we find its trace, we will definitely get rid of this monster."

"And the monster killed only two people, but dozens of people died because of panic. Don't continue to panic, or more casualties will be caused."

These people calculate all the casualties caused by machine gun fire on thunder corpse dragon, and of course no one will object.

After all, those who dare to resist have been killed directly.

But just now the crowd's commotion has let Chu Feng get the opportunity, took the opportunity to sneak into the crowd, in the night when he couldn't see his fingers, no one noticed at all.

The soldiers of Jinling creatures turn on the lights, and there are some lights. Some lights are lit in the dark, but the scope of illumination is limited.

At this time, the earth suddenly cracked a crack, a few people fell into it, just issued a short scream, the cracks on the ground had closed.


"A sneak attack!"

"Get out of the way!"

Before they had time to fall into chaos, suddenly a few dark blue fireballs appeared out of thin air and burned several people into coke.

Because of the rarity of the diploid powers, they took it for granted that this was the second person.

We don't know how many enemies there are because the enemy is hidden in the night.

The crowd fell into a panic and began to flee.After all, they are all people who can be easily cheated by one sentence. How high can you expect their psychological quality to be? It's normal for a riot to happen in a little danger.

At this time, a large number of biochemical animals suddenly came out of the building and began to attack and eat people nearby.

The addition of biological and chemical war beasts makes the scene more chaotic.

Because it's at night, even guns can't guarantee accuracy.

A large number of soldiers who are responsible for the containment of biological and chemical beasts are caught off guard and bitten off their throats one by one by the biological and chemical war beasts, and then quickly devour them.

As a part of the biological warfare beasts come out, more and more biological warfare beasts begin to come out, and the fear of the crowd is further deepened.

"Ah! No

"Run, this is the place to die!"

"If you don't run, wait here to die?"

The fear of death dissipates everyone's sense. Even if their escape routes have been blocked by machine guns, they still rush against the blockade.

The officers of Jinling biology immediately gave an emergency order.

"Don't let them escape!"

"Shoot, shoot me!"

"Stop them."

"We can't let the bio war beast break through."

They know that if things here are spread out, it will have a very serious negative impact on Jinling biology. Even in this age of underdeveloped information, the reputation of Jinling biology will suffer a huge blow.

People may not believe in the army or those who try their best to save themselves, but they will certainly listen to such hearsay and parrot like things.

"Tutututui -"

a large number of machine guns and heavy machine guns spit out tongues of fire, constantly harvesting the lives of the crowd.

They all know how terrible the biological and chemical warfare beasts are. In addition, some biological and chemical warfare beasts mix with the crowd and attack the blockade line.

So no matter who they want to attack the blockade, they just kill them all.

Anyway, human life is not valuable to them.