Su Yuan has a certain vigilance for Chu Feng, but after Chu Feng tells the story of the whole incident, Su Yuan still gives up her vigilance.

After all, if he had not been with Su Yuyan and others, Chu Feng would not have known them so well, and would not have made up such a complete story.

Su Yuyan also told Su Yuan about her experience, and both of them corresponded.

After proving that he was one of his own, Chu Feng asked Su Yuyan again about his whereabouts.

Su Yuan said: "after taking a group of students here, my sister went out with the people from the military. She said that she continued to search for survivors. She said that there are still many people in need of help in the world. Since she has this ability, she naturally has to do her part. She came back once yesterday and left after a quarrel with me. I don't know when she will come back next time. ”

Chu Feng also has some helplessness. Su Yuyan was determined to take the group of students here to seek protection. He thought it was su YuYan's sense of responsibility. After all, she was a teacher.

But unexpectedly, after she came to the safe area, she suddenly set out again.

Chu Feng doesn't know how to evaluate her character. After all, he can't be such a person, but he can't help thanking and respecting such a person.

Mention Su Yuyan, Su Yuan also can't help but start to talk about the past between the two: "my sister and I grew up together, two people's feelings are very good, but after growing up, the family because of the division of property, I was forced to choose the path of inheritance, and my sister is to become a teacher."

Zhang Ziqing said with emotion: "I didn't expect that because of the property problem and sister opposition things also happen in reality."

Su Yuan shook her head: "the opposition of our family does not mean that our sisters are against each other. After I take charge of the family business in my own hands, we have no reason to oppose each other. The reason why she does not want to come back is that she likes the feeling of being a teacher."

Chu Feng nodded. He understood why there was no news of Su Yuyan in his previous life.

Because such people died the most in the early stage, but this time, with him, several people who should have died gathered around her, so they should have a chance to change her fate.

Su Yuan continued: "now we still have differences. She thinks that the awakened should use their own strength to help others, but I think it is the most important thing to take the opportunity to strengthen their own power."

At this point, her tone was also full of sadness.

She and Su Yuyan are sisters who grew up together from childhood, but they are worried about the differences, so they get together and leave more after growing up. Since the disaster, everything they had in the past has turned into a bubble. She originally thought that after seeing Su Yuyan again, they can support each other and tide over the difficulties together, but there are still differences between them.

Zhang Ziqing had some helplessness: "when Mr. Su sat and watched the students with mental breakdown jump off the building, I thought Mr. Su had changed! I didn't expect that she was still this character. "

Su Yuyan, of course, has changed. She has learned to make choices and understands the fact that she can't save everyone. She is still willing to help others when she can.

Maybe it's guilt, that's why she's willing to work so hard.

Chu Feng said: "there are always some shining people in this world. They have not seen the sinister human heart, but they still love life after seeing the sinister human heart."

He also admired Su Yuyan, perhaps because she lived a life she wanted to live but could not live!

In his previous life, he was similar to Su Yuyan. Even though he had seen people's hearts dangerous, he still did not despair of human nature. However, he could not let his relatives and himself bear the consequences together.

In this life, he only wants to protect the people he cares about. Everything else depends on the latter.

Looking at Su Yuan's melancholy appearance, Chu Feng suddenly said: "in fact, even if you two have different ideas, it doesn't mean you can't coexist!"

Su Yuan blinked, some doubt: "what does this mean?"

Chu Feng said: "she wants to help others when she can, but you prefer to pursue your own strength, or make yourself strong through power. If we can build a survival base together, she will save the survivors and you will manage the survivors. Isn't that good?"

Su Yuan some doubts: "production base, what is this?"

After all, the concept of survival base has not become popular. It is only after many painful lessons that human beings understand the importance of survival base.

However, he soon found a saying: "just like in foreign movies, we can build a shelter for the survivors, which can produce food and water by itself and resist the dangers of the outside world."

Su Yuan doubts: "are we not living here enough? There are people from the military to protect us. Is there a safer place than here? "

Chu Feng said: "if the military can really protect the safety of all people, why should it recruit people to take part in the defense work of the fort? Besides, there are a lot of money grabbing for food and even missing people in the fortress these days. Do you think the military doesn't want to take care of these things? They really did their bestSu Yuan is silent, she is not a fool, just do not want to see these.

Deep down in her heart, she still longed for a safe place to live, so subconsciously, she had ignored the fact that the military force was not in danger.

However, after Chu Feng's reminder, she also understood that this situation would not last long.

In such a situation, the army has too much to do.

All kinds of signs have shown that their strength has reached its limit. Moreover, when there is a further shortage of materials, who can guarantee that all the soldiers can always maintain their original intention?

Therefore, it is their top priority to plan for the future ahead of time.

Su Yuan asked, "well, what are you going to do next?"

Chu Feng said: "if we stand on our own now, it's easy for the military to treat us as careerists, so we need to wait for a time when even the military can't support us. Afterwards, we are willing to open up a survival base, but we are helping them share the pressure."

Su Yuan took a meaningful look at Chu Feng and said, "OK, I believe you."

Her trust in Chu Feng is not based on Chu Feng's character, but on Chu Feng's various performances these days, which gives her the illusion that Chu Feng can do anything if she wants to.

Chu Feng said: "next, move the members of the alliance around my residence as much as possible! If you don't want to and don't force it, you can do whatever you want. "

If he is too ostentatious, it will make people alert, so we should control him.