Hearing Chu Feng's question, Hu Tianlu's expression became serious.

"What do you mean?" he asked nervously

Chu Feng took out a map, and then began to draw a big circle on the map:

"this should be the most influential area of the Nandu military region! Because people like fortresses come from here. If I am not wrong, you need to build a huge fortress circle here, and the military region is at the core. If there is any difficulty, you will get the fastest support. "

Hearing Chu Feng's words, all the people in the military immediately began to be on guard, and some even opened the insurance of their guns.

"I don't even have the authority to know what you're saying."

Hu Tianlu said coldly, "although you have made great contributions to our military, it is related to the safety of countless people. Please give an explanation."

What the military needs to consider is the overall situation. Under the overall situation, anyone can sacrifice.

Chu Feng did make contributions, which is why they did not arrest Chu Feng directly, but it does not mean that they can tolerate any behavior of Chu Feng without limit.

Chu Feng's behavior of prying into military information has already begun to violate the bottom line of the military.

Chu Feng didn't seem to see them nervous at all. He said in a hurry:

"it's not hard to guess. Although the people under my hand can't fight, it's still no problem to ask for information. Now you have started to build the fourth and fifth fortress, and started to escort some people to move there. These principles are just on the same circle, So it's good to guess. "

Hu Tianlu said, "what do you mean by that?"

Chu Feng asked, "when will the end of the world come to an end?"

Hu Tianlu said: "are you joking? Now that the sky has collapsed, except for a few people who still have naive fantasies, who would naively think that the world will return to its original state? "

The world will not be the same as it was before, but those who survived basically have such a consensus.

"Since it can't be recovered, why do you still hold the idea of the old times?"

Chu Feng's voice became louder and louder. "Now the people in the fortress have nothing to do all day long. Besides making trouble, they have to go to your place to get some compressed biscuits when they are hungry! However, are you planning to resist the monsters and support them for a lifetime to have children? Even if you have such determination, do you have such strength? "

Chu Feng's words hit Hu Tianlu's heart directly.

Now the military has put all its energy on how to save and protect people. It's not that no one thinks about these problems, but it's their business to think about these problems.

Hu Tianlu is also busy as a whole, so he has no time to think about it.

Now being mentioned by Chu Feng, he realized what kind of pressure the people at the top were under.

At least they only need to carry out the task, but the decision-making of the upper level is related to the life and death of thousands of people.

Chu Feng continued: "you think my behavior is too much, but have you ever thought that you really have the energy to manage the complaints of those people who are full? The monsters outside have become more and more powerful. Do you really think that you can still protect the safety of the people as long as you try your best? "

Hu Tianlu said: "what do you think we should do? Do you trust the stability of the fortress in you? "

If Chu Feng really said such words, in his heart, Chu Feng would immediately become an ambitious.

He did not want Chu Feng's true face to be like this, but now there are signs of development in this direction.

Chu Feng shook his head and said: "what should I do? Your upper class should have thought about it. I don't have much time to care about it. Now I only care about the safety of the people around me. I don't want to get much in return for my contribution. I just want to ask for one thing, that is, if you can't guarantee the safety of the people around me, please allow me to defend myself and fight back.

After all, the reason why I encounter these dangers is because of the Dharma. "

Hu Tianlu's words are lost.

In fact, the military does not have much energy to ensure the stability of the fortress. After all, they have to concentrate most of their energy on the dangers outside the fortress and the people trapped in some corners waiting for rescue.

Maybe Chu Feng did too much, but he was just fighting back in self-defense.

Although these dangers were brought by Chu Feng himself, he also brought them because he improved and spread martial arts, so that more people have the ability to save themselves. Now Chu Feng has been framed by some people for doing these good deeds. The military has no face to blame Chu Feng.

In fact, the military has not much to blame Chu Feng.

Thinking of this, Hu Tianlu sighed and said, "after this incident, most people will not dare to provoke you. Please pay attention to your own discretion."With that, Hu Tianlu said to the soldiers behind him, "close up!"

He didn't come to arrest Chu Feng at the beginning, of course, there was nothing to deal with.

However, Chu Feng's words gave him some reminders that the military can no longer restrain everyone with the past morality, but also consider the relationship between the military and the awakened.

If the two sides are in a hostile position, it is definitely not a good thing for the military.

Looking at Hu Tianlu's back, Chu Feng sighed: "I hope the military can change faster! Otherwise, disaster will come soon

He didn't plan to make the disaster that might come a few days later public. First of all, he was not sure whether it would continue to happen. Second, even if he did say it, what role could it play?

Even for the disasters and dangers that have happened around us, most people can turn a blind eye to them. The traffic rules are also for the protection of people's safety, but the violators are not forbidden repeatedly?

Let's talk about the omen of the end of the world. When most people see all kinds of visions spread all over the Internet, don't they still regard these images as leisure fun?

So, there's nothing you can do to tell this in advance except to cause panic.

On the other hand, Hu Tianlu reported today's conversation with Chu Feng to the upper level in detail, and then waited for the upper level's reply.

Ten minutes later, the upper class finally replied with a message: "from tomorrow on, we will carry out nationwide martial arts training, call the crowd out of the city to fight, and give weapons and food to everyone who is willing to fight with monsters out of the city!"

After seeing this news, the soldiers in the fort were surprised: "however, this will cause a lot of confusion."

Hu Tianlu sighed: "however, this can make more people live."