He had the idea of watching the opera, but when he heard that the other party was Gu Nanfei, he knew he couldn't watch it from the wall.

In his previous life, the faces of those enemies were recorded in his heart, and so were those who were good to him.

Gu Nanfei, a man who selflessly contributes to martial arts, selflessly contributes his own family martial arts, and even is expelled from his family. It is because of his selfless teaching that many Chinese become martial arts masters and have the power to protect themselves in this end of life.

However, because of the defects of wuzhe in his early stage, he was framed as a demon.

Countless martial arts practitioners became obsessed after practicing their martial arts. Then their relatives tilted their hatred on him. This hatred was used by the Conservatives in the ancient martial arts family, and then a wave of public opinion was set off. Finally, the person who first spread martial arts died in the hands of the angry people.

There are even statues for him, but not to commemorate, but to spit.

With the deterioration of the environment, people's living environment is becoming more and more difficult, and the monsters they are facing are becoming more and more powerful. It is only when people suddenly realize that compared with the dangerous environment outside, the risk of martial arts is negligible.

Is it not clear which is more important than nine deaths and ten deaths?

When the ancient Chinese martial arts swarmed together, people thought of Gu Nanfei. Unfortunately, the tragedy they had caused had been formed and could not be retrieved.

Chu Feng was also favored by Gu Nanfei. In the face of Gu Nanfei's death, he was powerless, but now that he had the opportunity to change all this, he certainly couldn't stand by.

"Gu Nanfei, are you going to hurt us on purpose?"

"Say it! Are you trying to harm us? "

"Gu Nanfei, return my brother's life!"

Looking at the corpse on the ground, Gu Nanfei's face is also full of remorse and guilt. He just finds that his skill has become very useful after the law of heaven and earth has changed. Then he wants to promote this skill so that many people have the power to protect themselves.

What I didn't expect was that the originally devious commander caused certain damage to his internal organs. Although it would damage some of his life, it was not fatal.

But now, once you are possessed, it will directly cause the self explosion of the human body.

Several successive cases of death caused by being possessed by the devil cast a shadow on everyone's heart, and now they shirk all the responsibility on Gu Nanfei.

Now his silence has contributed to the arrogance of the people.

We have already begun to turn the blame into pushing and shoving. While someone has poured real Qi into the baton, we try to make further actions.

"Miss" looked at Gu Nanfei, who was the responsibility of all the people, and then looked at the angry faces of all the people. Finally, she blocked back the words.

Just when the situation was on the verge of breaking out, a cold voice came: "if you don't want to practice and no one forces you to practice, I believe that if this kind of skill is publicized, even if half of the death rate, there will be a large number of people scrambling to practice."

Seeing the appearance of strangers, people were puzzled.

One of the burly bodyguards said directly: "where are the wild boys? Get the hell out of here, or you'll have to eat it later. "

He hesitated to attack Gu Nanfei, but since there was a stranger who came out of nowhere, it certainly diverted his anger.

"That's ridiculous."

Chufeng's mouth with a mocking smile, "a group of sheep actually angry at a lion, also thanks to the lion's good temper, otherwise you would have died."

Gu Nanfei some doubts: "do I know you?"

Chu Feng said: "although you don't know me, I know you. You are the first successor of Nanyue Gu family! Maybe not now. "

Although I don't know why the other party will become a bodyguard, even the declining guwu family can't tolerate their heirs being bodyguards for others.

Gu Nanfei is also wary of new people: "who are you? What's the purpose of coming here? "

Chu Feng is a little wrong, that is, Gu Nanfei is just being pushed out by his family. What happened here is the fuse for him to be driven out of his family.

A bodyguard said directly: "maybe it's a boy who wants to make up his mind. Let me teach him a lesson."

Said, he poured the true spirit of the baton directly toward Chu Feng's forehead.

If Chu Feng is just an ordinary person, even if this move can't take his life, at least it can make him concussion.

It's just like that when someone gets a sharp knife, they instinctively want to try the sharpness of the knife with their fingers. As soon as they have gained great strength, they naturally want to try it with someone.

Unfortunately, they picked the wrong person.Gu Nanfei just wanted to intercept, but suddenly felt a strong air engine from Chu Feng.

This is the intuition formed by his years of martial arts training. He tries everything.

Chu Feng with his right hand with a baton, and then a kick in the bodyguard's waist.


The bodyguard screamed like a pig, then bent down in pain and said, "you, you also know martial arts? Are you also a descendant of the guwu family? "

Chu Feng said coldly, "although I'm not a descendant of the guwu family, my martial arts are handed over to me by the disciples of the guwu family. If you are not satisfied with your martial arts, I can help you discard it."

Gu Nanfei's eyes brightened: "is there anyone who selflessly teaches martial arts with the same idea as me?"

Chu Feng sighed in his heart that the person he was talking about was Gu Nanfei.

It was Gu Nanfei who helped him when he was in trouble in his previous life. Although there were many people he could help easily, even he may not remember, but he must return this love.

Past grievances, present grievances! Before the world, this world also!

Chu Feng said: "it's very complicated to say, but I have a solution to the problem of being possessed."

Gu said excitedly: "really? Can you teach me? "

Chu Feng said: "the ancient martial arts can be carried forward only through communication and discussion. Of course, there is no problem. My residence is nearby. Come with me!"

However, these bodyguards surrounded the two people: "clearly there is a solution to this problem, why can't you study it out?"

"Yes, you killed my brother because of your incompetence. You have to pay for his life."

Looking at these still reluctant bodyguards, Chu Feng laughed: "good! If you want to avenge your brother, come on! "