We must make a quick decision!

Time does not wait!

Chu Feng is very clear about this. The duration of Shenxing Yuanfu is longer, but the duration of Qiangshen Yuanfu is only one minute.

Body strengthening Yuanfu is not only to enhance Qi and blood, but also to enhance strength, agility, reaction and physical strength.

In other words, the current Chu Feng, the strength is doubled!


Time is only one minute!

One minute later, the strength of Chu Feng will be greatly reduced!

Take advantage of its unprepared, attack its key!

Chu Feng decided to step on the auspicious clouds and jump as high as seven or eight meters. The golden grass beasts didn't react as well and became Chu Feng's springboard.

Trampling on the body of the golden grass beast, Chu Feng has approached the leader of the golden grass beast.

Five Yuan Fu came out of him.

They are information pressure Fu, ye Huo Fu, Han Bing Fu, Jin Yang Fu and earth fissure Fu!

The Qi of five elements can be shown from one person!

Su Yuyan and Zhao fan have never heard of this kind of thing, and they have never seen it. The awakening power knowledge clearly tells them that the five elements attribute is the foundation of the technique. It is impossible to exist at the same time!


What happened to Chu Feng now!

Hard to break the knowledge they just learned!

No wonder the sages have said that it is better to travel thousands of miles than to read thousands of books.

Book knowledge is never as good as the real impact brought by reality!

How to do this kind of thing!

They can't understand it at all. After all, they haven't fully understood their self awakening magic powers, let alone how Chu Feng did it.

They just gaped at Chu Feng.

Look at him with five lights, killing the leader of the golden grass beast!

The leader of the golden grass beast will not wait for Chu Feng.

It moved,

and so did the golden grass beasts next to it.

They rushed to chufeng without fear of death.

They opened their eyes, Chu Feng's eyes, no longer any vision, only a vast expanse of white!

It's like the end of the sky!

Endless road.

Chu Feng felt the fangs and the sharp things came around him!

Yuan Fu rises silently, and when Chu Feng raises his hand, he gets close to the leader of the golden grass beast with extremely fast speed.

All of a sudden!

The wind is blowing!

It's not an ordinary wind, it's a cold and cold wind, mixed with the smell of blood, the smell of golden grass beast, this cold wind blows away all the breath.

There is only a cold wind,

into the ears, nose and mouth of all people and the golden grass beast.

Their bodies could not help shivering!

The bodies of the golden grass beasts froze one after another and could not move. The only few golden grass beasts with a higher level were still attacking Chu Feng!

The golden light dissipated.

Messy black hair flying with the wind, chufeng face a little pale!

Chu Feng has just broken the mirror, and his Qi and blood are still deficient,

so driving the ice rune is a great consumption for him!

So it must be done as soon as possible!

At present, he has only one goal, which is the leader of the golden grass beast. He can't waste too much energy on these miscellaneous soldiers!

Otherwise, they will be consumed to death. As soon as the time comes, he will lose his strength. With the counterattack of Qiangshen Yuanfu, they will really fall into a dead end!

Before, Qiangshen Yuanfu helped him kill the lion head and countless blood eating mosquitoes.

After that, the reverse phagocytosis is also very obvious

He was in a coma for nearly a day.

Even if it wasn't broken mirror just now, his action might not be restored!

The repulsion of Qiangshen Yuanfu is so strong!

"It's just a second-class bug. How can It's such a powerful breath

The leader of the golden grass beast was shocked!

Chu Feng did not return it.

He would never talk to other animals even one more word!

For the beast!

He's a ruthless killer!

Give me pressure!

It's out!

In the hands of a proud vitality out of thin air.

It's like the original taste of nature, with a fragrance.

The meaning of the cold receded, and everyone was wrapped by the warm spring breeze.

However, in the gentle spring breeze, there is a hidden opportunity to kill!

The cages hidden in the air are invisible to the naked eye.

But the leader of the golden grass beast can clearly feel the hostility of the spring breeze to it.

In the wind, it seems to have lost all its strength.Even if is opens the eye the strength all to have no, let alone waved the wing to escape!

"Come on, attack its eyelids with me!"

The drooping eyelids of the leader of the golden grass beast are the targets of Chu Feng!

He took a long breath, and with a wave of his hand, the Golden Sun Fu came out instantly!

In terms of explosion, ye Huo Fu may do more damage, but in terms of single point explosion, Jin Yang Fu is better!

Now his goal is to pierce the eyelids of the golden grass beast, so the Golden Sun Fu is the most suitable choice.

As soon as the Golden Sun Fu came out, a long arrow from the golden light stabbed the immovable head of the golden grass beast!


The long arrow quickly turns and rubs on the eyelid of the leader of the golden grass beast.

The golden grass leader let out a cry.

This kind of feeling, very painful.

It feels pain,

and crisis

When Zhao fan and others heard Chu Feng's cry, they couldn't be stunned. They all attacked together with Chu Feng. However, if they consume too much, their attack strength will naturally weaken.

But the last straw that killed the camel was actually as light as a feather.

These sudden attacks suddenly tore the eyelids of the leader of the golden grass beast.

An extremely bright Aurora lights up the whole campus!

The Ciyang of the leader of the fourth level golden grass beast is naturally much stronger than those ordinary golden grass beasts.

It's not only the light that people can't see, but also the endless burning feeling!

Everyone felt that every skin of his body was burning, as if someone had lit a fire on him!

All people's attack means become invisible and dissipate in nothing.

In a flash, the shadow of the sword, the rock of the rock spike, the invisible shadow of darkness, the water drop and the fire were gone!

Only a shining gold, indomitable arrow, still tenacious!

It was deeply stabbed on the eyelid of the golden grass beast. Although it was only stabbed into a cent, it was only nailed on it. No matter how the leader of the golden grass beast swung it, he could not get rid of it.

The golden grass leader howled.

The aurora is even worse!

All eyes closed.

If you can't see, you can't act.

If you can't move, you can't attack!

The leader of golden grass beast seems to have been in an invincible position!

Chu Feng immediately stretched out his hand and used the last Yuan Fu!

Cleft sign!

The leader of the golden grass beast has wings. At this time, he is flying at low altitude. The earth fissure sign has no influence on him at all!

On the contrary, the bodies of Zhao fan, Su Yuyan, Zhang Ziqing and other students began to wobble!