Chapter 1224

Name:Evil Insect God Author:Xing Yun Luo
For a whole year, Huo Hai and the spirit insects only promoted their cultivation, and did not carry out any other exercise. The spirit insect is good to say, because it is a bug, fighting only depends on instinct, and training is meaningless.

But after Huo Hai's promotion to this level, he felt that his war spirit rhyme could not keep up with it. But anyway, it's important to improve your accomplishments first. When you come out of the ghost cave this time, you can improve your fighting spirit formula and improve your combat effectiveness. Cultivation is the foundation of everything. Without cultivation, there is nothing.

When he was ready for his own affairs, Huo Hai hid his identity all the way, occasionally passed through the transmission array, and once again returned to the dead soul sect. Because all the way very low-key, also did not attract anyone's attention.

At least the people who killed didn't come to find themselves. Huo Hai's perception, there is no strong master hostile to himself. Even if some people have their eyes on themselves, they are just some petty robbers, which is nothing at all.

Huo Hai didn't go directly to the front door when he came to the dead soul sect. Even with little butterfly, it is the same. If you go to the main gate one more time, you may attract the attention of the dead soul sect. Huo Hai quickly came to the position that he had learned from tianhunzong's disciples. After making a series of fingerprints, the cave entrance appeared again. But the last time I was framed, this time it's different.

Huo Hai sneered and felt that there was no one around. Then he entered the cave. With huohai's entry, the hole slowly disappeared and could not be opened again. "Ha ha, the ghosts here are growing very fast indeed."

Last time, Huo Hai has almost killed the ghost nearby. I didn't expect to come back this time. I saw many ghosts again. I don't know if it's new or it's coming from other places.

In short, the density of these ghosts is much smaller than when they came last time. The map previously obtained from the disciples of the dead soul sect is still in Huo Hai's hand. Huo Hai looks at the map and releases his soul destroying insects at the same time.

When the Dementor notices its surroundings, it immediately sends out waves of joy and joy. "Well, don't be happy. Go and kill these ghosts." With Huo Hai's order, the five hundred spirit breaking insects rushed out, bringing all the ghosts around into their own attack targets. The attack method of the spirit destroying insect is very special.

Under Huo Hai's attention, the spirit breaking insect, like a bullet, instantly enters the ghost body of a spirit emperor realm. After that, the whole ghost seems to be in the fixed body technique, motionless in place, stupidly standing on the spot.

Later, Huo Hai was keenly aware that the spirit of the spirit of the spirit of the spirit of the insect stay in the middle, its tentacles continue to spread, and soon spread to the whole body of the ghost. Then, a lot of spiritual power is absorbed.

Without enough spiritual power to maintain, the ghost gradually began to collapse, and finally only a spiritual crystallization was left on the ground.

"It works. Go on." Huo Hai put away the spiritual crystallization and felt a burst of joy in his heart. As expected, this is not a good time to deal with these ghosts. However, for these spiritual crystallization, Huo Hai has no interest. Huo Hai has found a problem in his previous year's practice.

That is to say, after reaching the third level spirit emperor, Huo Hai felt that the spiritual power crystal dropped by the ordinary spiritual emperor had weakened the effect on his mental power recovery. It seems that after reaching the fourth level spirit emperor, these crystals will have no effect.

Now if you want to continue to improve, you must get a lot of spiritual crystallization of the realm of Lingdi. Huohai followed the map all the way forward, to this depth, but not many people dare to enter. There are broken spirit insects around, Huo Hai is also protected by star Gu, and they are not afraid of any danger. Two days later, Huo Hai came all the way to the second floor entrance.

"Is this the second floor? It's much more dangerous than above." As soon as Huo Hai entered, he saw the ghosts of the spirit emperor realm. Even the ghosts in the realm of Lingdi are not rare, and there are still many.

Fortunately, as long as the ghost appears, the spirit breaking insect will rush into it for the first time. Even the soul in the realm of Lingdi is no exception. It is easily digested by a large number of soul destroying insects. Huohai all the way to the past, but also just picking up spiritual crystallization.

Along the way, Huo Hai gained more spiritual crystallization than the last time. The reason is very simple. There are too many ghosts on the second floor. Even if the imperial crystal, at this time huohai's inner space has accumulated a lot.

Huo Hai has no time to practice, but the spirit insects have begun to improve themselves in huohai's inner space by consuming a lot of spiritual crystals. It seems that it will not be long before I can harvest a large number of spirit insects with the same cultivation as myself. While sighing, Huo Hai walked forward. At this time, another accident happened.

Because after absorbing a lot of soul power, Huo Hai suddenly found that a soul breaking insect in front of him was strangely split apart. Some of them are still in the realm of Lingdi, but they are only the level of Lingdi, which is not too strong at all.

On the other hand, it is only the peak of the spirit emperor, which seems to be a newly born soul destroying insect. This new spirit breaking insect has no blessing from the insect refining array. However, due to the relationship between the mother and the body, he is not very resistant to himself."Is this the reproduction method of the broken soul worm? It seems that the cultivation of these broken soul insects is also limited." Huohai shook his head, some helpless. But the movement in hand is not slow, and soon the new broken soul worm is driven into the insect training array.

After that, the new soul breaking insects devour and absorb these spiritual ghosts with other broken soul breaking insects, and their cultivation is improved rapidly. Huohai is a little bit sighed, if these broken soul worms have strong attack ability. In that way, with the help of this ghost cave, I can soon pull up a group of army of spiritual Empire realm, sweeping the whole heaven soul area easily.

He hesitated to walk to the third floor entrance: "no matter, for the sake of cultivation, go down." Huohai bite teeth, or into the third layer. In the third story, all ghosts are the realm of the spirit emperor.

When huohai really entered, he found that every soul was the emperor of spirit, and there were signs of group. If the ghosts here can be released, I'm afraid the whole soul area will be destroyed by these ghosts.

However, huohai also found that these ghosts have one characteristic, that is, the highest level can only be three level spirit emperor, no one can exceed the three level spirit emperor. It seems that there is a special restriction on the environment here, which does not allow the soul to be continuously upgraded indefinitely. Once Level 3 is reached, even if you continue to hunt other ghosts, the power of ascension will dissipate and cannot be preserved at all.

No matter how much, huohai controls the soul breaker and continues to sweep the past. The spiritual crystallization of the realm of the emperor of the spirit, huohai has already had hundreds of them. And as we move forward, the number is going up madly.

"Ha ha, it is also a great skill to clean up these dangerous creatures for the heaven soul area." Huohai cleaned up and made an excuse for himself. With excuses, the broken soul insects will be more hard to clean up.

With the help of so many imperialist ghosts, the separation and growth of new ghosts is very fast. Each time the split, the new ghost will come to huohai side, let huohai hit a bug cultivation array brand. In a moment, Huo Hai has been here for a month. The broken soul worm in his hand has reached 3000 people in terror.

I'm afraid it won't take long for these broken soul bugs to become the most powerful quality insects in their hands. The more these broken soul bugs, the more depressed huohai is, because these broken soul insects have no attack power.

And after a lot of research, huohai has found that these broken soul insects are afraid to be highly difficult to cultivate higher than seven level spirit emperor. But now it can not be seen, because of the suppression of internal cultivation insect array, these soul breaking insects can only reach level 3 spirit emperor at most.

No matter what, even if the nine level spirit emperor, the soul breaker will not have any lethality. Harvest so much soul crystallization, enough to let themselves and the spirit insects to a very high level. Huohai is now planning to stop and Practice for a while. But at this time, huohai suddenly felt a special wave coming up in front of him.

"What is this causing, this kind of fluctuation is strange." Huohai frowned, this wave power is not very strong, but it is spiritual fluctuation, and there is a kind of vast feeling, seems to be continuous, as if the sea.

How can there be such a strange place in this ghost cave. "Is that the core of the whole ghost cave? I don't know what secret there is when the spirit sect established the ghost cave in the first place." Thinking of this, huohai began to move forward.

He did not believe that the spirit of heaven was just trying to get a little mental power crystal. To know these spiritual forces crystallization, for the first top level master of the spirit Zong, it is nothing at all. Huohai has not found the real core of this terrorist array for a long time.

Now, it is the third floor, how much huohai has a little feeling. There is no idea what is ahead, but huohai has a feeling. The front should be the true secret of the ghost cave made by the heaven soul sect.

Unfortunately, since tianhunzong lost most of the inheritance, zongmen was almost destroyed, no one knew what the real secret was. At most, I know some hidden entrances. There are not many people who dare to enter the ghost cave. "Ha ha, let me see today. What is strange about this place?"

Star insects and soul breaking insects are trying to protect the surrounding Huo sea, while huohai is careful to go ahead. The closer you get, the less ghosts you have around you. It seems that these ghosts are afraid of something. , the fastest update of the webnovel!