Chapter 1091

Name:Evil Insect God Author:Xing Yun Luo
Huo Hai doesn't want to let the other party die immediately. At this time, Xiaodie has already taken advantage of the other party's spiritual laxity to completely control the gale leader.

At the same time, Huo Hai quickly turned around, and a broad sword Qi was cut out. Almost instantly, the people around him were killed by Huo Hai again. One face-to-face, nearly half of them have died, and even their own leader, the strongest master, seems to have died in the hands of the other side. The men of the squadron were frightened at once.

They are a small group of adventurers. They are different from mercenaries who live in fighting all the year round. Their main task is to complete some adventures. Look for special items in inaccessible places.

Although they often fight, they seldom fight hard battles. Therefore, after being attacked by Huo Hai, the first thing that all people think of is not to attack, but to escape. At the next moment, the party has put it into practice.

"Well, I want to run. It's late." Huo Hai is not the only one of his own. The star Gu, who has been recovered, has been waiting around for a long time. See these people want to escape the moment, star Gu immediately launched their own spiritual power, into a stream of streamer straight stab. Just in an instant, a series of screams rang out and all the people were lying on the ground.

Most of them have died at this time, and a few of them are still alive, which Huo Hai specially ordered to stay. These people are under the control of Xiaodie when they are seriously injured. "Well, now let's talk about how to find and open the secret place."

With Huo Hai's inquiry, the people who are still alive around, under the control of Xiaodie, speak out what they know bit by bit. In fact, it's very easy to find the secret place, but it's very difficult.

The most complicated step is to find the entrance to the secret place. First of all, they have to query a large number of information, through some clues, to explore the location of the secret place. This step often takes a lot of time. The positions found are either found or wrong. Otherwise, it will not take so long to find such a few secret places.

Once the location is determined, it's easy to do. That particular disk is used to detect space fluctuations. As long as it is not a very secret place, the entrance will send out a little obscure space fluctuation.

Through this disc, as long as it is within 100 meters, the entrance of the secret place can be determined. It's a small range, but it's the limit. Better disks are not without them, but they are not what they can get.

When the entrance is located, it's much easier to follow. A special powder that resonates with space allows the entrance to be fully developed. At the same time, the powder can also play a role in isolating the fluctuation of breath. They won't let this place be completely exposed just because they open the door to the secret place. Otherwise, what do they use to gain benefits.

The last step is to break the boundary cone. As long as nine broken environment cones are pierced into the secret place gate according to a special law, the door can be opened bit by bit just like opening a can. Even if the secret place is completely discovered.

After that, those who find the secret place can enter it and evaluate its environment and characteristics. If it has value, then set a price for the secret place, and then find the right buyer to sell.

Of course, they don't dare to do business with them in the future. If you offend someone who shouldn't have offended, they will die miserably. After some worthless secret places are discovered, they will even disclose them directly. Anyway, it has no value. It doesn't matter if it is made public.

Of course, there is almost no such thing as a really worthless secret place. There are thousands and thousands of secret ways to cultivate. There are all kinds of different environments. In theory, you can find a buyer you like.

"For the first time, a force of heaven and earth will be released. Using special methods to absorb this power can improve the cultivation. The greater the secret realm, the greater the range of improvement. "

Suddenly, the leader's words, let Huo Hai's eyes light up. I didn't expect that there would be such benefits in opening the door to the secret place. However, this is only limited to the first time to open the secret. If the secret place has been opened before, it is useless to open it again. The extent of this promotion has nothing to do with the value of the secret realm, only to do with the size.

Huo Hai immediately inquired and made clear the absorption method. It turns out that this method still needs spirit array. At Huo Hai's level, it is very easy to learn such a spirit array. Two days later, Huo Hai was familiar with the spirit array.

At this time, these people are no longer useful. After squeezing out the last bit of surplus value, Huo Hai asks Xiaodie to kill them directly. It's a pity that these people don't have any valuable treasures.

It seems that although they have found more secret places, they have spent all their money on improving their accomplishments. Yes, it's not easy for a team of adventurers to upgrade to this level. In the heaven soul domain, the survival of free cultivation and small teams is much more difficult than in the murian realm. Huo Hai's heart moved, let the star Gu throw the corpse to the distance.

Anyway, let's open the secret place first. Huo Hai stepped forward and, according to the method previously learned, started the nine broken environment cones bit by bit. As the nine broken environment cones slowly vibrate, a wave of space slowly diffuses.At this time, an extremely pure force of heaven and earth suddenly came out from the secret place. Huo Hai's heart moved. He knew that the secret place in front of him was definitely the first time to open it. This kind of power is used to improve yourself.

Thinking of this, Huo Hai instantly launched the spirit array that has been arranged around. When the spirit array is launched, the spirit power is completely bound. Huo Hai sat in the middle, running the method just learned, gradually attracted this force. At the same time, Huo Hai has eaten the Reiki beads, and he doesn't want to waste this hard won good opportunity.

With the help of Reiki beads, a new core is quickly condensed out. Then, under the influence of this force, he polished the star core and improved his spiritual power. Then he continued to repeat such a process, and Huo Hai's accomplishments were constantly improved.

"What a big secret." With the continuous absorption of this force, Huo Hai sighed in his heart. I didn't expect that this secret place is a rare large-scale secret place. Otherwise, there will not be so much of this force of heaven and earth.

The secret place is originally a small space attached to the main space. The secret place without opening is separated from the main space. Such a space exists independently, and in the process of constant breeding, it will produce a force similar to the origin of heaven and earth. Once the door of space is opened, the two spaces will be completely connected, and this force of origin will be useless.

Originally, this power should be returned to heaven and earth, absorbed by the main space, and used to develop the main space. But if someone is nearby, they can absorb that power. This power, which is similar to the origin, is of great benefit to human beings.

This kind of power can be greatly improved as long as it is not a heaven level master. With the absorption, Huo Haicai's cultivation has been gradually improved. This kind of promotion not only has no side effects, on the contrary, with the promotion, Huo Hai feels that his spiritual power and spiritual power have been greatly condensed. Instead of weakening, the foundation seems to have increased.

This makes Huo Hai more excited. Simply open your mind and absorb this power. The original spiritual power is constantly absorbed, and Huo Hai's cultivation is also constantly improved. The spirit power that sends out increases bit by bit, and then decreases slowly.

Before the spiritual power dissipated completely, Huo Hai suddenly felt a shock all over his body, and his breath was enhanced a lot. With one breath, he absorbed all the spiritual powers around him, and Huo Hai slowly exhaled a breath.

"Eight level spirit emperor, I didn't expect to reach it so easily." Huo Hai's eyes narrowed slightly, his eyes twinkled with bright light. Huo Hai didn't think that he could reach level 8 Linghuang so quickly. After a little activity, Huo Hai found that he was quickly fully adapted to the sudden increase of power, which may be the special role of the original spiritual power in the secret realm.

No wonder so many casual practitioners are keen on finding new mysteries. It turns out that it's not just for sale, it's a special way to improve yourself. It's completely harmless and there are no restrictions.

If someone encounters a bottleneck, they can open the door to a new secret place, or even easily break through this layer of bottleneck. It's just a pity that there are not so many secret places, and it's not so easy to find them.

The biggest reason why the squadron can find more than 20 secret places is that there is a military division in the team. This military master has a very high awareness of secret places, and can often identify those places that may have secret places through some clues. Such talents are rare, but they have become corpses at this time.

"Ha ha, I don't know what's in the secret place." Huo Hai looks at the door of the secret place that has been opened in front of him. The nine broken environment cones are still inserted in the air, not into the space. In the middle, there is a huge hole.

For his first hand opened the secret place, if Huo Hai did not feel at all, it was impossible. Looking at this entrance, Huo Hai is also a little excited. The first secret place that no one wants to open is a worthless waste. If it's really valuable, Huo Hai will arrange it around and use it later.

The method of hiding and camouflage the door, Huo Hai has already got in the mind of the gale. What Huo Hai did not expect is that the squadron itself also has a small secret place to keep, which is the stronghold of the squadron. , the fastest update of the webnovel!