Chapter 339

Name:Evil Insect God Author:Xing Yun Luo
Huo Hai did not retain these soldiers, who were not originally death squads. The reason why they came is to help transport the spirit stone, that's all. In order to prevent the disclosure of secrets, they all evacuated as soon as they arrived.

Huo Hai watched these people disappear in his sight, and did not make any noise. He was very satisfied in his heart: "how are you practicing? The spirit stone has been sent to you. Let's start now." Huo Hai orders, people immediately ran to the truck side. After opening the box, everyone took a knife to cut the spirit stone.

Then he put a bag of spirit stones on his body, and scattered them, and walked towards the vast plain ahead.

Huo Hai seemed to think of something and said in a loud voice: "remember, dig the pit a little deeper, and don't let the army passing by destroy our spirit array." The motorcade sent not only spirit stone, but also many shovels and other tools.

"Yes, my Lord." Lin Xing responded in a loud voice from afar, and then began to command the soldiers to make fog gathering formation in situ. Several people in each team have their own division of labor.

Lin Xing, with a group of people, began to survey the whole plain. If you find the right location, you will mark it. In this way, when you are going to make a spirit array, you can avoid the task of surveying the terrain. Whenever he figured out a suitable location, Lin Xing would put a few stones in place and draw six thin lines with the branches.

Later, the people who came here, as long as according to the position of the thin line to start digging. They are very skilled in doing all these things. It can be seen that such things have not been done less in the army. Each team will soon complete the division of labor.

Responsible for cutting spirit stone, began to concentrate on cutting spirit stone. Those who are responsible for digging the pit are constantly digging with sweat and rain. Each pit will be dug about one meter deep. Finally, the soldiers who are responsible for arranging the phalanx quickly complete the arrangement.

Run your own spirit power to activate the spirit array. When you see that it is fully activated, the excavated soil will be carefully buried in it, so as to ensure that there will be no damage to the spirit array during the process. In the end, the buried soil will be smashed and leveled again to make it solid. It is guaranteed that even if the demons arrive, they will not damage the spirit array here.

After finishing a spirit array, the party will quickly rush to the next marked area and arrange again. There was no extra sound in the whole process, only the sound of digging and working hard could be heard.

When the pit digger is tired, he will change his position with other soldiers, and other people will dig the pit. They will be responsible for cutting spirit stone. This rotation of the three teams ensures that the soldiers have enough rest time.

Practice makes perfect. It's in the process of arranging the array. The soldiers were not very proficient at first, then fully skilled, and finally mechanized. Finally, from this boring work, I found some easier ways. Huo Hai first thought that each spirit array needs to cut 60 spirit stones into 600 pieces.

In the constant arrangement of fog gathering array, gradually, a few soldiers who have a deep understanding of the spirit array find that cutting it into 300 pieces is enough. Later, the array was simplified. At night, each spirit stone only needs to be cut into two pieces.

The creativity of the masses is very strong. In fact, this arrangement will damage the array to a certain extent. For example, the service life is much shorter, and the ability to gather clouds is much worse. They did not dare to do so until Huo Hai agreed. Huo Hai didn't want the spirit array to gather clouds, but to keep them.

As long as he has the ability to maintain clouds, Huo Hai is not worried at all. As for the service life, anyway, what Huo Hai has to do is to delay the time of five days, so I really don't care about the service life. Five days is actually enough.

However, this greatly simplified the time of cutting spirit stone and arranging spirit array. With more people to dig the hole, the overall speed has increased a lot. In the past, we could only make one spirit array, but now we can make three.

Originally, there was some urgent time. In Huo Hai's opinion, it only takes five days to complete the layout of 10000 spirit arrays. In five days, I'm afraid the demons have just entered Nanyun. I have enough time to complete the layout.

But what Huo Hai didn't think of was that these soldiers who had put life and death out of the way were far more desperate than Huo Hai imagined. During the first day of the day, Lin Xing and others had already planned all the locations. When the night came, the soldiers were not idle at all. Instead, he took out a crystal lamp to use.

With the help of the faint light of the crystal lamp, all the people in the evening all changed jobs and became earth diggers. The light is not good at night, so it's a waste of time to arrange the soul array, but digging along the thin line is not a problem at all.

All the soldiers had no rest all night. Tired, eat some dry food, thirsty, drink a mouthful. If you don't have enough energy, drink an energy recovery potion that you've prepared in advance.

These were given to them by general Lianfeng before they left. With these, with strong perseverance, all the soldiers actually insisted on not sleeping. With this almost overdraft of life in this way, complete the task of this arrangement. This situation, see huohai some heartache. No matter how to persuade them to rest, they just won't listen.Later, Huo Hai himself joined the manufacturing spirit array. If you dig a pit at night, you can arrange a spirit array as long as you repair it in the daytime. In less than three days, 7, 000 fog formations completely covered the plain area in front of them.

At this time, the whole plain was smoky. This kind of smoke, completely unable to block the line of sight, seems to be of no use at all. But I believe that commander Huo has his own ideas. The soldiers look at Huo Hai.

Huohai nodded: "very good, now you along the stream, continue to the back of the layout, these don't worry, the front of the matter to me." Huo Hai didn't waste time. After ordering the next task, he walked alone to the side of the stream. Huo Haixian did not expect that they could use three days to complete the arrangement of the spirit array.

Now, I'm afraid that the troops of Nanlin have just set out and have not left the border of Nanlin. Huo Hai also did not neglect, summoned Xiaoyun, and then pointed to the brook: "Xiaoyun, make clouds with all your strength, I will be responsible for the spiritual power."

With that, Huo Hai made a handprint to strengthen the spirit insects, and a steady stream of spiritual power was poured into Xiao Yun's body. Around, there are a lot of spirit stones, which are absorbed by Huo Hai at any time. After refining, he will support Xiao Yun.

Xiao Yun knew that the situation was urgent, so he tried his best to mobilize his spiritual power. After that, the water in the stream will be continuously transformed into water mist, and then it will be pushed forward. These clouds did not dissipate, for the whole plain was covered with fog. No matter where these clouds float, they will be fixed by these fog gathering arrays.

Strong clouds and fog are produced from the position of small clouds. Xiaoyun can use spiritual power to make clouds, but it's a waste of spiritual power, and the effect is not good. It's much easier to use water for conversion.

Water mist can't compare with the fog made by Lingli, but Huo Hai doesn't care. As long as Xiaoyun can turn the stream into thick fog of the whole plain, then this delaying plan is completely completed.

I believe the army of demons dare not run into the thick fog. Even if you dare to come in, you may not be able to find the direction in the face of such heavy fog. This is not a place with only one road, but a vast plain. Of course, it is not easy to cover the whole plain with thick fog.

Seeing Huo Hai's action, Lin Xing was relieved. What he worried most was that what he had done was useless. It doesn't matter if people die, but if they can't live in the western Xinjiang, Lin Xing will really die with his eyes closed.

Huohai, the master of wormlike spirit, is not so strong. At this time, huohai has no mind to pay attention to other things, because all his energy is focused on mobilizing spiritual power to help Xiaoyun create dense fog.

For a whole day and night, Huo Hai felt dizzy in his head when he stopped. He made a lot of small clouds with thick fog. He was very weak to the extreme. However, Huo Hai still laughed, because of one day and one night's efforts, even the stream almost dried up, and a large plain in front of him finally became misty.

At a glance, it's like a cloud mountain. It's all cloud. As long as you enter the clouds, you can't even see your hands. If there is no accident, this fog can last for more than a month.

Until those fog gathering array spirit stone spirit power exhausted, this piece of fog will really disperse. I believe that the devil army of Nanlin kingdom is still unknown. The culprit of these clouds is about one meter deep underground.

Low level spirit stone spirit power is very weak, such a large area with clouds, they can't feel at all. That's the real reason for confidentiality. When Huo Hai woke up, it was noon the next day. Xiao Yun is still very weak, huohai after a day of constant consumption, also some can not stand.

Without speaking, Huo Hai uses spiritual strength to nourish Xiao Yun, and he eats something and has a rest for a while. By the time of the afternoon, the remaining 3000 spiritual formations were arranged in the busy schedule.

When the spirit formation was completed, many soldiers fell asleep and could not wake up. Lin Xing didn't care about them, because he was the most tired one. This day, all the people can finally have a good sleep. , the fastest update of the webnovel!