As the sun goes down, it sprinkles orange on the sea.

The sun is about to sink into the sea.

The little boy put the dagger into the basket at his feet, and then carried the basket on his back.

I look like I'm leaving.

Xia Yilian said hurriedly: "it's our first time to enter the island. Can we stay at your house tonight? I can make delicious wax gourd candy

The little boy tilted his head and looked at Xiao Linmu. Then he said, "sister, I can't move her, neither can you. I'll call someone when I go home."

It turns out that the little boy didn't plan to leave them. Xia Yi scratched her head and said, "er... OK."

The little boy left with the basket on his back. After a while, he could not see his little figure.

Xiao Linmu's forehead is still hot, and high fever is bad for his health.

Xia Yi can only use the method of physical cooling, and pulled a piece of cloth on a skirt, soaked in Shanghai water, and then put it on Xiao Linmu's forehead.

The cloth on his forehead was soon scalded by the temperature of Xiao Linmu's forehead.

Xia Yi can only take it down and immerse it in the sea water, alternating with each other.

After so many times, the temperature on Xiao Linmu's forehead really dropped down.

But after it came down, it went up again quickly.

The little boy has been walking for a long time and has not come back.

Xia Yi can't help but worry, but she can't put Xiao Linmu on the shore alone. She can only stay here and wait for the little boy to come back.

The sun has completely sunk into the sea.

The sky is gray. Xia Yi knows that in a short time, the whole sky will be dark.

Sea breeze bursts, wrapped in the sea and cool, cool biting.

Such a sea breeze blowing for a long time, even if not sick also want to catch cold, not to mention Xiao Linmu this already in the high fever.

So Xia Yi pulls Xiao Linmu's arm and plans to carry him to the island.

But she hasn't eaten for more than two days. Her stomach is empty, and she has done her last bit of hard work in the sea. Now she is all soft, and walking is a problem, not to mention carrying a man.

Just when Xia Yi tries hard, she suddenly hears someone calling her name.

"Xiaoxiayi, it's really you!"

Cold thousand absolute voice, full of surprise.

Xia Yi suddenly looks up and sees Leng qianjue walking towards her.

Followed by a long, strong, dark man.

"Uncle Leng!"

Leng Qian never had an accident. It's really great!

Leng qianjue came over and carried Xiao Linmu on his back.

"What's the matter with the boss?"

Xiao Linmu's condition is too embarrassed, and also has a high fever. Leng Qian never asks anxiously.

Xia Yi simply tells him about meeting big fish at sea.

"You met me, too." Cold thousand unique way.

It turns out that Leng qianjue is similar to Xia Yi's experience. He lost his way at sea first, then he was attacked by big fish, and then he came to the island.

At this time, the man who came with Leng qianjue said, "this island is full of this kind of fish. They dare not get close to the place near the island because they have been sprayed with medicine."


Xia Yi is a little disappointed in her tone. She thought it was her softness that worked. It had nothing to do with her.

"This is Xiaohe's father, and they saved me." Cold thousand unique way.

It turns out that when the little boy, Xiaohe, went to call people, Xiaohe's father and Leng qianjue really had to plough far away, which took so long.

Xia Yi said, "thank you."

Xiaohe dad scratched his head and said, "it's nothing. No one has been on the island for ten years. Since you can come to the island, it's fate."

Beauty island is not small. It took almost half an hour to walk from the shore to xiaohejia.

Along the way, no family was seen. It was only after Xiaohe's house that I saw several scattered houses.

Xiaohejia should be the closest to the shore on beauty island.

Into the yard, they see the river is outside guarding a medicine stove, while holding a fan fan.

See summer meaning enter a door, just look up a way: "want to wait for a while."

Xiaohe's father and Xiaohe's mother are very kind people. Their son picked up these three big living people.

They two Leng is a complaint, but also the whole smile.

As soon as Xia Yi enters the door, Xiaohe Niang finds a suit of clothes for Xia Yi.

"Put it on. It's my new dress. I haven't worn it yet."

The skirt under Xia Yi's clothes has been torn out of shape, only a rag strip is left, looking really shabby.

Xia Yi thanks and puts on her clothes. When she comes out, she sees Xiaohe Niang waiting outside the door.

"How's it going? Does it fit? "


Xiaohe Niang's body shape is similar to Xia Yi's. Xia Yi just put on her clothes.

Moreover, most of Xiaohe Niang's clothes are for work, and her sleeves are narrow, so it's just not cumbersome to wear them.

Xiaohe Niang said with a smile, "I'm afraid my clothes are too big. You are too thin. You should eat more."

As a matter of fact, she is not fat at all, but fuller than Xia Yi.

Her face was white and smooth, and her waist was well proportioned. I didn't know that she thought she was a little girl in her early twenties.

Even if it is Xiaohe's father, even if his skin is swarthy, his facial features are very regular.

Maybe that's why this island is called beauty island.

"Girl, if you are hungry, I'll go to the kitchen first and give you some food to eat. If you wait for dinner, you'll have to wait a while."

Xiaohe Niang sees that Xia Yi's face is pale, and knows that Xia Yi has been floating on the sea for two days without eating anything, so she takes the initiative to say.

Xia Yi has been hungry for a long time and has no strength. It's all supported by willpower.

I heard that there was something to eat. Xia Yi didn't refuse and nodded.

Xiaohe Niang leads Xia Yi to the kitchen. Congee is still cooking on the stove, and the dishes are just cut but not fried.

Xiaohe Niang handed over a steamed bread to Xia Yi, "you need to mend it first."

Steamed bread is still hard, but Xiayi is the best delicacy in the world.

After eating steamed bread and drinking water, Xia Yi regained some strength.

Then she rolled up her sleeves and offered to help her.

The river Niang originally is not willing, but after hearing that Xia Yi is a cook, then relieved to hand over the kitchen to Xia Yi.

But she didn't go either. If she saw someone in need, she would help.

"Are you with Leng qianjue?" River Niang is chatting to ask a way.

Xia Yi nodded, "well, the reason why we come here is to solve the strange poison on my husband."

The river Niang pondered for a moment, then said: "then you may be looking for the wrong place."

Xia Yi's heart cools. When she plans to ask why, Xiaohe Niang has turned around and left the kitchen